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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Sculley you got more than 1 K168?......because it looks like you just sold one to Lurch! ......and your Swoard EC168 is on the chopping block also!? And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...............so the Coiler 164 Rev Sold? ..........did I miss a post or have you decided to keep it??
  2. Hey Sculley Beautiful Board! 164 length and 9-10 SCR! I like those numbers! I assume this is a Metal board? How's ya decide to go with 9-10 SCR compared to the "Continuously Variable" SCR of a Rev??
  3. Yes, so was I!..... so of course I did it my way with front binding all the way forward which rode Great!..... until I stuffed the nose and delaminated a brand new board!...which the Swoard boys were not happy about replacing. But I'm 230lbs too much riding on Swoard medium flex boards..........which the Swoard boys were seriously not happy about.......which is another story. So having learned my lesson I backed off one set of inserts up front and learned to ride it more centered..........really didn't feel any loss in performance but WOW.... the board Really Likes That Centered Stance for EC!! Never would have thought it would work that much better.....but they were Right, as usual. Just call me a knucklehead
  4. Hey Freeze What flex is your Pro 168? I bought a demo Gen 4 168 M flex ExtremeCarver and loved it..... a real tank that loved to carve. Can't remember why but I moved on to a Dual 168 and now a Dual II 168..... which is my go to/warm up board. Actually I felt it was easier to EC on the Dual compared to the ExtremeCarver model. Yes the Swoard guys really push a centered stance and to not mount the bindings forward to load the noise. You seen the A,B,C mounting options diagram they suggest? I got it somewhere if needed. Also you seen the Swoard EC forum - https://www.extremecarving.com/forum/index.php Great info there also........
  5. Yeah.......post some photos!!!
  6. Hey Sculley Glad to hear your still at it! Your still ahead of the game compared to me as I'm still out on the Alpine Injured List...... and will be happy if I can get my 1st day of the season in March! Would that Gen 5 Swoard be the EC or Pro model?
  7. Yeah... now I can see your stack height. That is Much higher with that binding choice. You look to be at least an inch + higher than a typical setup! I had a setup like that and that can really throw off everything. Also.....could just be your photo but your rear foot axle looks like it needs to go back under the ball of your heal one full slot
  8. So Jrazz what did ya end up with for your Tree Ninja?
  9. barryj

    Ho, Ho, Ho!

    Hoping Santa brought ya some Carving goodies today and all are having a Great Holiday with family, friends and snow! Merry Christmas to all from the White Mtns. of New Hampshire. Think Snow~
  10. What's your street shoe size? I'm a US 11.5-12 and squeeze into mondo 28 comfortably after a couple of weeks of breakin. Don't forget your foot hygiene! .....obviously cut back those toenails a few days before riding and if you have any toe fungal, even that slight toenail thickness growth can cause boot discomfort.......file down the surface of those thicker/raised infected nails. And don't forget your foot calluses under the ball of your foot on both sides... these can also take up space in your boot which puts more pressure on your toes. A Ped egg with a handle can easily work those calluses down. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F41P-aDLUxZL.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FSeen-Foot-File-Handle-3-Pack%2Fdp%2FB004R7O2Q0&docid=t-vBIqUz8BYi7M&tbnid=00Fcrpc-kY2IXM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiVpfXovNHmAhVjmuAKHQfaDx8QMwi1ASgAMAA..i&w=245&h=400&bih=809&biw=1026&q=ped egg with handle&ved=0ahUKEwiVpfXovNHmAhVjmuAKHQfaDx8QMwi1ASgAMAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
  11. Hey J, Couple of observations: "AF600" ?? You talking 10 year old Raichle AF600ts boots?? That was a soft boot 10 years ago and than adding a Plate to this setup will dampen the ride/feel even more....... not sure you will get the pop back with a plate but maybe stiffer boots could help you load up the board more. "With my boots that far off the surface" ?? Need some photos of your setup with boots clipped in to discern what this means. On my board with BP V2 with BP cants and plate I am really no higher off the board than standing in my TD3's SW SI's For best response I ended up moving my stance inwards and then moving the BP axles more under the ball of my foot up front....which is just an eyeball guesstimate at best ......you know adjust, ride, adjust....repeat until your all grins and giggles! Have fun working out the kinks..........
  12. Hey DD Doesn't sound like your riding backcountry splitboards.... what's your necessity of "Walk Grip" soles? Just walking from car to lodge....in your boots? Plenty of used boots listed in classifieds here.
  13. Now that's a Flashback for sure! Thanks Jack! Looks like Burton's last hurrah in the Alpine discipline......5 out of the first 6 riders were all on Burtons.... ?Factory Primes's? 1998 Nagano.... that was the Olympics Adam Hostetter beat out Jeremy Jones (Jones Snowboards, Deeper, Farther, Higher video series) for the last spot on the 1998 US Olympic Giant Slalom team. Jeremy said that was the last time he put hardboots on! ......and of course who can forget eventual winner, Canadian Ross Rebagliati's Potgate!!
  14. Running same angles and close to same stance as my Alpine rides but lowered rear ft. heel lift from 6 to a 3 degree TD3 SW SI disk For pow I use a softer hardboot, Deeluxe 225's but still running BTS with softest springs Using my Moss PQ60 Swallowtail for pow which has Great setback for relaxed pow riding...no trouble, no effort, no fighting to keep the nose up! Been in waist deep a few times and no prob....
  15. I was intrigued and inspired by their videos - but I'll stick with my Moss!
  16. Surf style soft boot carving sticks.....from Switzerland https://www.koruashapes.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAxMLvBRBNEiwAKhr-nJ7MUg2_OQ1T5Bi4FBTBNZVfbEoKt78XRz-Vk0zWPP0tIc5ILgZOARoCTxIQAvD_BwE
  17. Thanks for posting Shred! Those Guys Sure Can Do It! Wow their Fast!....and So Smooooth........ Never would of thought Korua boards were from the Swiss Alps! Pretty reasonable prices $500-$700 Euros https://www.koruashapes.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAxMLvBRBNEiwAKhr-nJ7MUg2_OQ1T5Bi4FBTBNZVfbEoKt78XRz-Vk0zWPP0tIc5ILgZOARoCTxIQAvD_BwE
  18. Thanks Biggie, I've corresponded with Mark a couple times here via PM's Being on the injured Reserve Alpine list this season I'm in no rush...which unfortunately has given me Way To Much Time to overthink all of this!!! I just can't pull the trigger..... I'm torn between the SF 161 or SG Full Race 163 or an Oxess RS 162 SL or an Coiler Angrry....... in that preference order....at the moment!
  19. Moss Trailer #2 for upcoming Vibes Communication ~
  20. Kneel, Wow! That's identical to my setup and boot size (Track 425) as well! .....and I want a 20 waist also!! What "numbers crunching" specifically got you to a 19.2 waist? 19.2 was the minimum waist to avoid boot out with mondo 28??
  21. I'm hijacking your thread D...... Since were the Moss contingent here I thought you and AA would appreciate this little trailer delight of the upcoming Vibes Communication with Naoto and the Moss boys tearing it up around Tahoe
  22. A short trailer of the upcoming Moss Snowstick "Vibes Communication" with some hot riding with Natoto Kotsugai and the Moss boys tearing up Tahoe ~
  23. I Gotta Get Me One of Those! ......with a 20 waist!!
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