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Everything posted by dredman

  1. I wish you, your friends and family a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!
  2. It is ALWAYS time for a new board!
  3. Yes that board suffered the same fate. My Dad and I t-nutted the weak inserts. Created a space between the top sheet and base by digging out the foam core, filled the whole space with epoxy to distribute the loads over a larger area. I was wondering that myself. I do not recall. That was a great vehicle! 1970 Buick Estate wagon, seating for 9, great in the snow, had a 455cubic inch motor that never left you wanting for power. Not so quick off the line but 60-120mph happened pretty quickly.
  4. So glad I held onto these three.
  5. Can make for a great powder day in the trees! Other items that matter. How close your parking spot to the lift? Board swaps How good my equipment is feeling. Are you getting a good value for what you paid to be there that day? For me, high density crowd volume can destroy any day. That could be up to a -20 in points.
  6. Rad Air 181 Japan Edition. https://www.rad-air.com @svr what a beauty! I will be putting some soft flexing plate bindings on it and using soft flexing hard boots. Floaty and Carvy, what more could you ask for?
  7. I think that the movie exposure must be working. I have had several emails asking about the MCC from folks that carved 10-20 years ago and are wanting to get back into it. They have lots of equipment questions, they are certainly going to be impressed with the latest generation of carving gear! I get them pointed in the direction of this forum and to our event sponsors for equipment needs. We are about 1/3 first time event participants this year. @Jack MThank you for the positive review on my representation. I was very unsure about how the movie would use my words and our riding. It is great to hear the "Wows!" in the theater from non carving folks. I really hope this exposure is positive for growth of the sport and our sponsors benefit. I got an email today from Warren Miller saying that the film is available for streaming. See you all in 49 days at MCC!
  8. I would way rather stop and get gas, than worry for the next hour about making it to the next gas station, especially when you are flying. Slipping while walking is a minor injury compared to a twisting-rotating single boot release. I like big chunks of metal holding my feet to boards. That being said, You are a very dynamic and powerful rider. The intec heels are obviously very tough!
  9. This is a great video! I smiled ear to ear the whole way through it. It takes a whole community to keep these smaller areas alive and thriving. The Montucky Clear CUT is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Turner Mountain(volunteer operated and managed for 60 years). Thank you so very much to the MCC sponsors, contributors and participants for supporting Turner Mountain! I love the little girl’s response to the question “ What is your favorite part of skiing?” Her answer “Going down the hill.”
  10. @Riceball you might be interested in this. Thank you so very much for sharing this @crackaddict! Kristin and I are super stoked to have our Canadian MCC Family members back again!
  11. The videos from MCC are being flown. DJI Mavic 2 drones. Clint from Vault Media has been coming to our event for the last couple years and filming. He recently got the Mavic 3 and is super excited to come and film with it at this years event. If anyone is interested in bringing and filming drone stuff at MCC, get in touch with me.
  12. The top lift station is just above where Big Ravine goes from flat to steep. Traffic and fencing might make it a little congested.
  13. Tim from Skiboot RX will be joining us to help you all out with your boot fitting needs. It is sounding like he has several liner options and can special order what you may specifically want. He will be able to make custom foot beds, heat fit, and foam fit your boots at Turner during the event, helping you get things tweaked to your liking. I will be posting more info as I get it. https://www.skibootrx.com Give Tim a call if you have specific needs and be sure to mention you are with the Montucky Clear CUT group.
  14. Last time my boards had a great tune @digger jrdid it!
  15. @inkaholic True enough on the double barrel, but I built @johnasmo one also. @Chouinard after my first round of testing, I decided it was not worth the effort. One could easily be added by cutting and bending some plexiglass and attaching it to the handle. @lowrider No, wax will not help with rocks and grass. I usually only wax 1-2 times a year and only put a file to the board if I happen to hit rocks. I typically just used a scotch bright pad after scraping. But power tools…
  16. I just could not bring myself to pay full price for a roto brush. So I got creative and made my own. I got the brush off of amazon and picked up some parts at the hardware store. Here is a link to the brush. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079HD5LS9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I scraped my board and roto brushed the excess, seems to work just fine. We are not known for high end tuning here in Montucky, so my standards are pretty low.
  17. Yes, but the temps have not been great for doing so. Things are looking better for natural and man made snow this week.
  18. @Shred Gruumer you did it again! Another beautiful design and Winterstick looks like they nailed your ideas! For those of you who do not know, Shred has been designing boards and pushing the limits of builders for 20+ years. Can’t wait to pop some wheelies and hit some sweet jumps with that beauty at Whitefish!
  19. @boardguruasked me to post a picture of his new Coiler Contra 170 x 21 Surfari. So here it is in all its glory.
  20. When our new governor started in January, Montana was back to business as usual. Montana has had some record setting tourist visits and real estate has doubled in price in most of the state. Covid has been an economic boom for the state. Whitefish last winter and this summer were busier than I have ever seen it, and that is without any Canadian visitors. This winter might set even more tourist records with the border open. Right now, Montana needs a BUNCH of snow. The whole state is lacking in that department. Hope to see you this winter @Allee!
  21. Super adjustable, parts easily found at local hardware stores. Make sure you get the mounts into the studs in the wall with beefy screws.
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