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Everything posted by heroshmero

  1. Kirkwood is sweet. Heavenly is awesome for South Lake Tahoe. For quick access off of Hwy 80, Sugar Bowl is a lot of fun. Not sure about the grooming/carving situation there though.
  2. This is a nice board. I've ridden it. It handles very nicely. Somebody should take it home.
  3. This board is still available at $50 plus shipping.
  4. Fin Doyle... the hand of justice.
  5. It's happening here too. In Bend it seems like the hottest week of the summer is about the time people starting talking about snow. Myself included.
  6. Looks like fun but I bet it would suck if you fell. Can you say brush burn?
  7. 5 - definitely worth it. When I got into snow/mountain sports I lived 5 hours away from Tahoe and the Sierras. Now I'm a half hour to great cross country skiing and 45 minutes to great snowboarding. Plus I live in an outdoor lovers paradise... river, mountain biking, rock climbing, backcountry... you name it. I liked where I lived before but Bend is amazing. I personally think that Denver and Salt Lake would be good a middle ground of comfort. They are large cities with all the conveniences, available jobs and access to mountains.
  8. You can make it work where you want to. Don't give up that dream. I would guess that if you are willing to live in Denver or Salt Lake City that you could certainly find work and have access to amazing mountains. You could also do Portland for Mt. Hood or East Seattle for those mountains. I do software engineering out in Bend, Oregon. I moved here to get closer to the snow. At times it's been a little thin and hard to make a transition to another job when I wanted one but I have made it work. I have mostly had on site positions but have done a bit of telecommuting too. I get to play at Mt. Bachelor and Hoodoo. It's worth the extra effort that I have to make in the job department.
  9. I'm sure I will at some point. Not right away, though. You still interested in this Burton M6 for $50? http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?33901-Burton-M6-Asym-Goofy I could hold on to both for you.
  10. I did save the stomp pad! Put it on one of my wife's boards that needed it. If anybody wants it for a plate project let me know. I would guess that it's workable.
  11. It was. It rode great until I stuffed the nose in some soft snow a couple times in a row.
  12. Weird, image was there when I posted it. Fixed it.
  13. Pulled this trick off a couple weeks ago (thankfully without injury).
  14. Those views from upper Heavenly are... how do I say... heavenly.
  15. I've got some Palmer Risers for sale if you are interested. They work with Burton 3 hole binding pattern. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?37109-Palmer-Risers
  16. As far as I know, the word from Bomber is that the DCL 131 are the stiffest liners they sell. I have them but have not used the DCL 141 liners so I can't offer a comparison.
  17. SOLD 10mm high Palmer Risers in good condition. All necessary hardware is included. Works with 4 hole and 3 hole bindings. $40 + shipping.
  18. Anybody got any Blue TD3 E-rings they want to trade for my Red TD3 E-rings? Mine are in great shape and have seen minimal use.
  19. Is that snowman in a helmet? Hell must have frozen over.
  20. Check your email. I sent you a message.
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