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Everything posted by Algunderfoot

  1. That's Funny! During my first exam, my Ortho asked me when it hurts, to which my response was "anytime I'm not snowboarding!"
  2. Symptoms of osteoarthritis, best to consult with a orthopaedic. While I don't attribute my new hips specifically to snowboarding, I can to skiing, barefooting and volleyball, plum wore out. But it's been three years since my second BHR procedure and I hit 69 snow days this year. Had both done in Spring so as not to miss a season. If it's hindering don't put it off, but I would investigate less invasive options first, like Stem cells, not cortisone. You want to preserve ALL the bone you can.
  3. Hi Dave,

    Getting my Wife and I registered today. I have one or two pals who are solid alpine carvers, just on skis, who completely ride with and understand our cadence, would they be welcome, or?

    1. dredman


      If they are part of your group, certainly. 

  4. Thank you Walker! We may be getting older, but most all of us will need Bomber around for sometime if we have anything to say about it! Al
  5. Nice! Not quite a full quiver Dave....wait till you see the new "PC", then it'll be complete!
  6. Pat, Have you read all the reviews on the thirst 8R-W? Hands down carver / racer, unrivaled edge hold and faster than anything out there...and hand made right here inda USofA. I'll even let you demo mine next fall. Mark Miller has just procured some high carbon base material to take the 8R from freaking fast to "OMFG", seriously need to check out what Mark is doing...next generation!
  7. Medical definitely, multiple addictions, e.g. G force, Speed, Endorphin, Giggles, Cold, Apres.... Physically certainly, staying in shape for more snowboarding, Summer waterskiing, and the mental where with all to go back to work! Day 66 calling tomorrow ?
  8. 19th-22nd, Dave and the Montucky crew are organizing it...
  9. Hey Ron, There's a session at Big Sky this next weekend and Mark Miller will be there with demo boards if you can swing it.....
  10. Beth's riding today, 5 weeks, 1 day since the break! The SF would be perfect for her, more edge hold than anything out there and effortless to turn. The Superconductor would likely end up under your feet more often than hers, lol!
  11. That was a "stock photo" not anyone I knew, but the pouty look (aka, original MADD) jilted with roses in the Winter, created the whole theme. And yes that was thanks to a break with the gal I was involved with at the time. Appropriately, "Merideth" is as sassy & temperamental as the original, just with a titanal prescription, lol!
  12. Hi RJ, I thought I would tease you with a pic this gal..."Meredith"
  13. I can get out tomorrow morning, or at lunchtime, give me a report after todays turns
  14. 6-10" expected by Easter Sunday, and snow every day for a week or so after that...projected closing date of 4/15 for Indianhead seems feesable, Ski Brule, in Iron River, MI, is thinking 5/13, which is amazing, please come up and support their hard work to extend our season!
  15. Just got up tonight...snow starting early Friday, but 10" expected by Sunday. I'll be playing accordingly, but on the clock, unless it's good enough to burn vaca hours...
  16. The XC is slightly shorter, its capable of turns just as tight, but it a bit more firm, so more input is needed. The Superconductor does it all almost effortlessly, as you found. To be honest, the SF, fits my Ski Brule need best, and I love the SuperConductor and the 8R W, so the XC is somewhat redundant. Mark offered to take it in trade, so he has an XC for demo, in exchange for a new SF ?
  17. With Mark Miller's encouragement, and permission from my sidelined Wife (fibia), I took the liberty to take her SF WARP 161 out for a run....well one quickly became four, and being late in the day, zapped any energy I had left! Hopefully I'm not sounding like a broken record here but this board had all the edge hold I've come to expect from a thirst. Being late in the day, conditions were mixed and well tracked. The only other board I ever rode that could throw down so many tight turns in a limited space was a Coiler Angrry 160 ish. I understand from Corey the Donek Mad Killer (aka Muscle Killer) is a similar joy ride, think skateboard slalom. The SF was remarkable stable, no chatter, despite the mixed conditions. Surprisingly though, I could still shape wider turns with ease, and it didn't care one bit that I have over 50 lbs on my Wife. Like all thirst boards, they want a calm, neutral rider, you load the nose and you'll over steer, while the board won't care, you will, as Corey learned on a Superconductor last Friday. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised, but now need to sell off another board or two, to make room for an SF of my own ?
  18. Big Snow Resorts 50% off season pass sale ($299) for Indianhead & Blackjack is on through the end of March, good to the rest of this season too!
  19. The XC is 18 and change, but that's one dimension Mark can change
  20. There is a dampening layer between but the rest is on a "need to know" basis, in other words what you see on the website is what Mark is willing to share.
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