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Everything posted by Algunderfoot

  1. All the big snow resorts need to make lots of snow to cover holders and terrain features, plus wait for the slope springs to freeze up before they can open. They also try to make enough snow to store for use throughout the season, before Christmas week.
  2. Ok, with your "softer boot" preference, pre UPZ, what is you feeling on the '12s?
  3. I can really see how crooked I am there....Tons of manipulating this Summer to eliminate T4 Syndrome and straighten me up, actually an inch taller lol!
  4. Just took delivery on this new thirst Powder Carver 181 and this board is simply gorgeous. While all six of my thirst boards show exceptional build quality, unique graphics with the 3-D textured nylon topsheet, this PC, in Candy Apple, is truly a work of art. The keyhole tail is fully fabbed, not saw cut, with fully wrapped edge around and inside the tails, properly sidewalled. The "hook" should throw a rooster tail when in deep, and the tail is carbon fiber reinforced against breakage. The idea for the PC was to be a "Bucket List" board, the one board to bring when you can only bring one board. While every thirst model, (With the exception of the 9 SW) does well in powder, this model has powder in mind, obviously the tail provides the sink to allow the rider to stay in a normal stance/ position in bottomless freshies. Mark took his 40 some years of build experience to create a true groomer carver, incorporating his quasi-isotropic core, proprietary WARP sidecut and functional tip shape. While it may be awhile before I stretch her legs, I will be thinking much about just that.
  5. Interested! I hear that these run large, I typically wear a 28-28.5 Deeluxe, what is your US shoe size? Do you also have the OEM Liners?
  6. Total Loss: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.graytvinc.com%2Fimages%2F810*455%2FWHITECAP%2BFIRE%2BWEB.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uppermichiganssource.com%2Fcontent%2Fnews%2FFire-breaks-out-at-Whitecap-Mountain-Resort-504571851.html&docid=-yZIN5RnY9tFrM&tbnid=Xq1kx4okOsiLhM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjxmbTZ-NPlAhVKWq0KHVotAAsQMwg_KAAwAA..i&w=810&h=455&bih=969&biw=1920&q=Whitecap Lodge Fire Pics&ved=0ahUKEwjxmbTZ-NPlAhVKWq0KHVotAAsQMwg_KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8 But they plan to be open for the 2019-20 season, moving ticket and rental operations to the hotel.
  7. Ski Brule is opening this Friday November 8th!
  8. You'll love the thirst SF162 for more turns per run but also for the relentless grip / thin pencil lines. Not sure on your rehab, but all thirst boards are designed to keep the rider calm and centered, making for longer days with less fatigue....particularly for us mature, spare part enhanced Carvers.
  9. Hi Arne, Did you look at stem cells for the knee, or was totally trashed? Left knee arthritis is making itself known this Summer...
  10. Dave, let me know when you need the plans for the PVC snowboard rack in your new truck! All those beauties deserve a proper board hauler, LOL! The XC is an interesting fit in the thirst lineup, going back to this past season, due to marginal conditions, made me really appreciate having one. I may need a green and gold thirst ???? to maintain the rivalry....
  11. This will be my 6th season on the right and 4th on the left, never felt better or stronger. I chose the BHR procedure as there have been minimal post surgery issues and once healed, there are no restrictions. A full replacement is still possible if ever needed. Downside is a more invasive procedure and a 14 week recovery to function, takes about a year to be pain free, but that takes work, focus on range of motion, strength, etc. Get your head around that first, buy a new board for daily motivation :
  12. If he was the guy I sold mine to, contact info I would have would be near 15 years old. Looks like he's in the middle of a move, could be long distance, I'd give home some time to settle in.
  13. Hi Barry, Sorry for the tardy reply, I've been busy with Spring chores, snow withdrawals etc. Easily, Mark's boards are not as weight specific as other customs, plus he will provide you with the flex index you prefer / suitable for your weight. My 1st ride on a SF was my Wife's and I have her by 60 lbs. If you truly want a turn monster, lean toward the softer side, so ask Mark to something similar to what he built for me. Get exited!
  14. Yup, Kept it! I went back to it several times this season, more so on harder Michigan Marble, or when the hill was busy. It does have it's own personality for sure. Since you are retired I think you will be needing a complete set! Including the PC when that's finished
  15. Not anywhere near John's Wife's work, but this will suffice for now....per Big Wave Dave's request.....
  16. I have my Wife's SG Cult 59 - "Sigi Grabner" 159 posted here for sale, it's like new, it was a perfect transitional directional board so she can start with her soft boot bindings and progress to plates / hardboots when ready. Make an offer.....
  17. Yes! They're yours Dave, $125 pick up price.
  18. Gently used f2 "RS" model Step ins, standard 3° cents. Inserts modified for use with Burton 3-D but remain 4 hole functional. $150 Shipped to lower 48
  19. This board is no longer for sale...will be a raffle item at the Montucky Clear Cut Banquet. Funds raised will benefit Turner Mountain, a 501C Non-profit Mountain Opp.
  20. Blackjack continues to have far better conditions, Sunday the backside has 1-2" of powder over the groom so it wasn't slow at all, some of the best carving of the season! The front was a tad sticky, needed some rub-on later in the morning over there.
  21. Deep pocketed owner - completely renovated the lodge, need to raise a fallen lift tower and get the quad lift re-certified, and facilitate repairs to the worlds scariest char lift, as it's currently "locked out". Give them a year to work things out....but it will be a welcome (back) alternative when the Big 3 are busy, blocked out for races or closed for cold windchills! The Big three were all slammed for the holidays, FYI. All had completely depleted their rental gear inventories. Good signs for the future of Winter sport inda UP.
  22. 10" of wet snow over the last week and each snowfall was followed by rain and warm temps, making for intermittent "Michigan Marble" with islands of bulletproof ice, and lot's of lumps
  23. It's a lenticular textured nylon, it is tougher than most all other materials I've seen and creates a unique irredesence effect when combined with Mark's graphics.
  24. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, however they'll never replicate the design, function and performance of thirst boards. It should actually help insure this material will be available in the future.
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