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Skiers vs snowboarders

Neil Gendzwill

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According to this column, this is the difference between us and them:

Skiers hate snowboarders. It's a generational thing. Skiers are (and here I am generalizing) middle-aged Republicans wearing designer space suits; snowboarders are defiant young rebels wearing deliberately drab clothing that is baggy enough to cover the snowboarder plus a major appliance. Skiers like to glide down the slopes in a series of graceful arcs; snowboarders like to attack the mountain, slashing, spinning, tumbling, going backward, blasting through snowdrifts, leaping off cliffs, getting their noses pierced in midair, etc. Skiers view snowboarders as a menace; snowboarders view skiers as Elmer Fudd.
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Taking a trip in the way-back machine, I recall having read a Dave Barry column about learning to snowboard. I think this must have been close to 15 years ago.

I was sure Barry must have watched me try to take my first run on a board. He pretty aptly described the impact of body slamming into New England hardpack after catching the heel edge. That's a move I like to cal the Power Snow Angel.

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Actually, from my recollections of learning to snowboard, that's pretty accurate. After my first three days, my butt and knees were black, my hands were so bruised that I couldn't cut my steak at dinner cos I couldn't grip the silver hard enough, and my friends had to give me five minutes warning if they wanted me to walk anywhere... I think they wondered if I'd ever learn to stand up!

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Actually, from my recollections of learning to snowboard, that's pretty accurate. After my first three days, my butt and knees were black, my hands were so bruised that I couldn't cut my steak at dinner cos I couldn't grip the silver hard enough, and my friends had to give me five minutes warning if I wanted me to walk anywhere... I think they wondered if I'd ever learn to stand up!

I took an AM lesson at Stowe on my flatlam swallowtail Flite Rocket, and was struggling down Goat (making turns mind you) in a foot of fresh chop. Of course my second run on Goat got me threats from the Patrollers (Goat, Starr, National, and Liftline were off limits to snowboarders then) but I didn't spend in time in pain until I tried a halfpipe at stratton a few years later, Kelly Jo Legaz was a cool person to session with but I was bad

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I learned on an 80's burton with straight edges and no tail. I recall the learning curve being short but very steep. It also required copious amounts of duct tape. I was in love with the first assyms. now I see because they actually had a tail. I think my first board had something like 6" of split tail behind the rear binding.

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yes, he's a well known funnyman, but he's still the press, exagerrates things. I'm sure he's very knowledgeable about snowboarding :biggthump. just another not so funny guy IMO.

I think hes really funny. Took him rafting once and he's not funny in person but I love his writing. Missed the snowboard column so thanks Neil.

LMAO on that one.

I love when skiers ask me "Have you been out shredding it up dude?" Sounding like a used car salesman trying to butter you up for that Pontiac with 300K on it in the corner of the lot. NOT my lingo.

My answer. "I don't shred, I'm not rad and I ain't your dude."

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  • 1 year later...

hahahaha skiers as elmer fud

LOL yeah, he's got a point.

New school skiers think they're ghetto fab, the one thing more annoying than a rich kid on a snowboard from suburbia trying to look and act like he's from from harlem is skier doing it. Skier park rats love to talk **** too, never seen anyone talk more trash than the skiers that ride the parks at mammoth.

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Phunny thing is I will go out of my way to ride up the lift with skiers -- hate riding up with snowboarders that have no helmet, baggy pants, hyperactive a**holes and have no care for the personal space of the person next to them. So does that make me Elmer Fudd on an alpine board?? :biggthump

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as an alpine boarder, who happens to enjoy some mountain styles from the burton catalog. I witness skiers on a regular basis who dress in a very similar way. in fact last time I was at the mountain, I saw several skiers decked out in burton gear, it confused me a great deal.

Probably a bunch of transgendered cross dressers.

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Phunny thing is I will go out of my way to ride up the lift with skiers -- hate riding up with snowboarders that have no helmet, baggy pants, hyperactive a**holes and have no care for the personal space of the person next to them. So does that make me Elmer Fudd on an alpine board?? :biggthump

Be vewy, vewy quite. I'm hunting jibbers. :biggthump

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