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Found a new way to hurt myself with my board...


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I drove up Saturday to Liberty to practice a little. I'm in the parking lot and take out my board and rest it standing up against the side of the car. I then sat down in the front seat with my feet hanging out and started putting on my boots. The board slipped and fell over. I caught just a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye before it hit me in the face. Besides a black eye it gave me a nice deep surgical cut around my eye. I put my sunglasses back on (didn't want to scare the kids) and walked down to first aid where they fixed me up, then it was driving back home to get a tetanus shot. Lesson learned, no more leaning sharp edged tools against things, board get layed down bindings down now. Stupid day :mad: .

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hey serious,

this is Liberty in Southern PA? assuming yes, I stopped in the mcdonald's a few miles from Liberty on the way home from 'Top and saw a group of riders in there, one of them had very visible bloody cuts on his lip, chin, and nose.

I asked him if he got into a fight or fell, and sure enough, he fell (on his face), it was his second day in the Trauma Park- didnt' require stitches but wasn't pretty...

ps have we met?


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It's happened many many times to basically everyone I know. Except the whole eye thing, sorry dude. Blowing a day of snowboarding is bad, but at least you got a nice scar. Chicks dig scars.

There is just something about putting your board on the ground that feels unnatural.

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At least your head stopped the board from hitting the ground and getting damaged! :lol:

I see so many damaged boards with the same story....Set it aganst the car and it fell over. now I cant ride it.......Now I put it on the roof or ground!

Im really sorry to hear about your head... bummer

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Not so similar but this thread brought back memory of a friend's misfortune at Squaw about 10 years ago. Getting off of the lift, the skier next to him abruptly hoisted his largess and in the process put a little whip action in his hip-to-leg-to-ski and lacerated my buddies calf straight through three layers. NASTY. Skier was a stand up guy about it - credit where credit is due.

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I always keep my board in its bag unless I'm riding it or tuning it, or just storing it at the mountain ski check for lunch. I have too many scars on my hands and the rest of my body from carrying or dropping or being in the way of my board when it falls. I picked up an Atomic board sleeve a few years back and it has probally saved pints of blood from battles between me, my board and gravity :boxing_sm . Plus, keeping it in a bag dosent scratch the paint on my car when I lean it against it to load/unload. I still lay everything down when loading just because I'm as anal about my car as I am about my boards. Get a bag, it will save blood and money. Hope you're healing up well!



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[quote name=Bordy

I see so many damaged boards with the same story....Set it aganst the car and it fell over. now I cant ride it.......Now I put it on the roof or ground!

Im really sorry to hear about your head... bummer[/quote]

DON'T put it on the roof : I once put a board on the roof while I took off my boots. Weird thing is I was heading next to the store to buy a board travel bag. Bought the bag, got back to the car, went to check the board fitted in the bag and then remembered where I had last seen the board - ON THE ROOF. Never did find the board.


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Laid my Coiler against my trucks rear tire a few weeks back. Somehow the board was bumped away from the truck enough to be run over (both tires) by the car next to me. Lucky for me that my board fell base down and the cars tires missed the rear binding by an inch or two. Now it goes in the truck at all times.

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I've seen plenty of people knock them and scrape nice big curves in their paint.

Don't you mean "nice big <b>carves</b>"? :p

Serious, sorry to hear about your injury. Glad that your vision wasn't affected and hope you heal up quick.

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Post a pic already!

I'm sure you're glad I am past the initial pain/sorrow stage and can move on to the gore/humor phase.

Be glad it didn't cut your throat or behead you.

Done! What can I say? I'm at work and bored. The cut runs from the very bottom of the tape and bandaid to the very top of it.


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That's what I'm talkin' about! Thanks for the cringe!

Braveheart-style gash brutha.

Coming to a resort near you:

Chick in bar with running tab:

"Oooooooo ouchy! whatever happened?"


"Oh, my carving snowboard went out of control a bit and cut some bacon off my face, it doen't hurt...much."


"Ooooooooo! Let me buy you a drink!"

Enjoyment ensues.


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Just so you know I always put everything on the hood. Have a pad handy (towel for me) and everything goes on the hood. Granted I have an explorer with 300K but if you have a nice car just through a towel up there and lay your stuff down.

Cant drive off and forget it. Cant put in the rack and forget to latch. Does not decapitate. Cannot get run over. Do you think I should market something with a very light magnetic base and some neoprene to protect the finish. ?

I have tried to teach my wife this without success. She made it 40 miles with a diaper bag on top of the car.

Sorry about the eye. I almost did the same thing at my locker at the mountain. Had everything just fit and opened the door too fast and it sucked my board out and nearly got me.

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Done! What can I say? I'm at work and bored. The cut runs from the very bottom of the tape and bandaid to the very top of it.


haha! based on that pic, I can see where your nick came from! serious indeed!

innit funny all us whiteboys with shaved heads and goatees?

glad you didnt get hurt worse! them edges is SHARP!

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Info update for the uninformed

tetanus comes from horses.:eek: If you don't cut yourself in a pile of horse**** you probably don't need a shot. I can't remember the last time I carved through a pile of horse ****, so next time you can save yourself the trip and the needle stick.:D

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The tetanus bacteria lives not only in manure, but also in dust and dirt, and is found world wide. Deep wounds are more likely to become infected. The bacteria creates a toxin which severe muscle spasms which. The problem is, even if you kill the bacteria, the toxin remains. It is treatable, but requires an extended hospital stay. I'd rather not risk it and just get my booster shot.

Here are some more facts about it: http://www.nfid.org/factsheets/tetanusadult.html

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Vaccination is a numbers game. read all the facts not just the propaganda.

I believe in informed consent. the research done by the company selling the vaccination is hardly unbiased. In many and probably most cases you have a much greater chance of serious side effects from the vaccine than you do actually contracting the disease in question. Polio is a good example. The only cases of polio in this country today were contracted from the vaccine itself. No cases of wild polio have been reported in years. Its a numbers game at best. At worst the vaccines cause serious side effects and don't even work.

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Vaccination is a numbers game. read all the facts not just the propaganda.

I believe in informed consent. the research done by the company selling the vaccination is hardly unbiased. In many and probably most cases you have a much greater chance of serious side effects from the vaccine than you do actually contracting the disease in question. Polio is a good example. The only cases of polio in this country today were contracted from the vaccine itself. No cases of wild polio have been reported in years. Its a numbers game at best. At worst the vaccines cause serious side effects and don't even work.

I finally found an honest doc! Where have you been hiding!!!

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I finally found an honest doc! Where have you been hiding!!!

By "honest" you mean he tells you what you want to hear? He'll be a veritable saint if he tells you that hamburgers prevent cancer, drinking beer shrinks your bald spot, and smoking pot cures asthma.

You want to talk polio? Do you know anyone with polio? No? Wonder why you don't know anyone with polio? Because it's been friggin ERADICATED in this country, through vaccination. Before the polio vaccine, everyone knew someone who was afflicted.

And what's this horsecrap about horsecrap? Even if the tetanus vaccine were still made from horse serum (I think it's genetically engineered now), that's got nothing to do with how you contract the disease. Heck, they used to get insulin from pigs, but that don't mean you get diabetes from pig feces.

Do you know what tetanus is? Not just "muscle twitching" but outright spastic paralysis. All your muscles go into a severe spasm (painful enough in itself), including your diaphragm - you die because you can't take a breath. Sound like fun? You think it's a numbers game, want to take your chances? Go ahead, but I'll keep my tetanus shots current, thank you very much.

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By "honest" you mean he tells you what you want to hear? He'll be a veritable saint if he tells you that hamburgers prevent cancer, drinking beer shrinks your bald spot, and smoking pot cures asthma.


What is with the flame. Another 3 post winer who doesn't know how to play with others. NO info on the homepage and you think you should be able to call someone who posts here regularly and IS a part of this community a quack???

Grow up and learn how to respectfully disagree. Get all the shots you want that is your right. Calling someone names is not.

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By "honest" you mean he tells you what you want to hear? He'll be a veritable saint if he tells you that hamburgers prevent cancer, drinking beer shrinks your bald spot, and smoking pot cures asthma.

You want to talk polio? Do you know anyone with polio? No? Wonder why you don't know anyone with polio? Because it's been friggin ERADICATED in this country, through vaccination. Before the polio vaccine, everyone knew someone who was afflicted.

And what's this horsecrap about horsecrap? Even if the tetanus vaccine were still made from horse serum (I think it's genetically engineered now), that's got nothing to do with how you contract the disease. Heck, they used to get insulin from pigs, but that don't mean you get diabetes from pig feces.

Do you know what tetanus is? Not just "muscle twitching" but outright spastic paralysis. All your muscles go into a severe spasm (painful enough in itself), including your diaphragm - you die because you can't take a breath. Sound like fun? You think it's a numbers game, want to take your chances? Go ahead, but I'll keep my tetanus shots current, thank you very much.

the bacteria in question is found in horse crap:eek: Polio was in huge decline prior to the US implementing a vaccination program. Europe had already begun phasing out the use of it because of side effects and its not a real hot bed of polio either. Most diseases we vaccinate for were erradicated by hygiene and public health measures like clean water. I would postulate that our good faith effort to immunize africa would be better served by spending money in the areas of hygiene and clean water. We have yet to make a vacine that is not neuro toxic. what that means for those of you who don't like the big words, is that it kills brain cells. A rather significant problem in young developing brains under the age of 2.

A good resource for you to check out to see the other side of the coin is

thedoctorwithin.com the sections on vaccination are rather enlightening. I won't tell you whether to vaccinate or not but you should certainly know both sides of an argument before you make a decision. the sight is well researched and as you will note the research cited is peer review journal stuff not some duck quacking.:flamethro there are of course many books out now and many citizen action groups that also have the research catalogued this is just an easy one to get to. See also mercola.com

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What is with the flame. Another 3 post winer who doesn't know how to play with others. NO info on the homepage and you think you should be able to call someone who posts here regularly and IS a part of this community a quack???

Grow up and learn how to respectfully disagree. Get all the shots you want that is your right. Calling someone names is not.

Not to worry I am used to it. New ideas are hard to deal with for lots of people.

without them however we would still be riding snurfer's:D The only time we want to see a change is when its a diaper and even then we want someone else to do it! I am about healthcare not diseasecare. We have been reactive in our thinking and its not working. we are 20th in the industrialized world for infant mortality and we spend the most money. Its embarrassing at best and at worst people are dieing that shouldn't be. We medicate our elderly to death and teach our children that if they don't feel good they should take drugs. no wonder that when they are 17 and their girlfriend dumps them that they turn to METH or POT. Yes boys and girls we taught them that. scary isn't it. I forget the exact number but the average person sees something like 200+ drug adds in a single day. Its a billion dollar industry you think they are gonna tell you its not good for you? some things don't require a lot of thought to work out. You think tobacco companies are the only ones putting stuff in their product to make you buy more? I love this country but there is a dark side to capitalism just like anything else.

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