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socks...and smelly feet


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My boots are pretty tight so in an effort to sort this out i was riding with no socks- this resulted after a week in the worst smell imaginable.

how do you get rid of it?

Liners are raichle 324 thernoflex, was worried about washing them, etc

secondly, because of the smell i thouught i could buy some really thin socks instead. was thinking of the lycra thermal type ones, ie the thinnest possible.

anyone use them or have any thoughts?


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Pull the liners out and put them in the freezer for a few days. The cold will kill the bacteria. Then put some foot powder in them, and away you go. If it's cold outside where you are, you could leave them in a sheltered area and that will also work.

I doubted this when I was told ... but it actually works!! I use it for my hikers and gym shoes.

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Febreze, another solution is to mix water and bleach about 30:1 and use a spray bottle to mist it on. Kills bacteria without harming the liner - that's the theory anyways, haven't tried it myself. I know people who use it on kendo gear which is indigo-dyed and made of cotton, leather and felt - if it doesn't harm that stuff, should work OK on boot liners.

As far as socks - any ski shop will sell you thin polypropelene socks designed to wick moisture away from your foot and into the liner. They work great and are warmer than cotton socks.

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Even easier - buy some lysol or chlorox disinfectant spray and spray it in before you go to bed. When you wake up, the nasties will be dead and gone. I do this every day or two just to make sure.

The best is to use the spray in conjunction with a boot dryer.

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Socks - try a liner, they could be Lycra. That is usually all I wear on my feet.


Stank - remove the liners to make certain they are dry. If you did not remove or dry after daily use you may have a funk growing? If so, then disenfect as stated in one the adjoining posts.

You may also want to remove your liners after the next time you ride to see if they are damp and allow them to dry. You could apply some spray deodorant / anti-perspirant to your feet before you boot up. This should reduce your odor plus help to keep your feet dry (warmer).

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I got a pair of softboots last year with thermo liners, wanted the liners for my burtons. boots were supposed to be "like new" but when I got them they REEKED of mildew, like they'd been in someones damp basement for years


so...I look online for natural solutions...found vinegar as a suggestion...

put it in a spray bottle, got the inside nice and coated, did the outside too, then let them dry.

NO SMELL left, whatsoever.

I was amazed. have used vinegar since on all sorts of stinky stuff.

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With regard to socks and liners, one day I was all out of ski socks and since I like thin socks, I grabbed a pair of wool/lycra blend dress socks. The kind your Dad wears to the office. They worked great. Noticed no difference from ski socks. A bonus for me since I have a dozens of unused pairs from my days of working for the man.

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I was amazed. have used vinegar since on all sorts of stinky stuff.

Out of interest D-Sub, after you are done with the boots, is there any reason why over summer you could not drop some pickles in there, and that way when the season started, you could have:

- happy D-Sub non smelly boots

- happy D-Sub stomach filling pickles

Always thinking of your best interests :-0

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I vaguely remember an incredibly passionate discussion about knives, but...heck...we're still talkin about SMELL right?

seriously though...wear socks. even thin ones help. when that fails, try vinegar.

works great as a fabric softener rinse, too!

AND, when mixed with a tiny bit of Hydrogen Peroxide, works beautifully as a disinfectant :)

the wonders of vinegar!

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Yeah, and we were talking about serated (magne traction) edges.;)

I love my Global knives! I have the chef's knife, a little paring knife and a weird-shaped vegetable knife and they pretty much seem to be all that I need. Sure, I sometimes think that I'd like a big gun cleaver, length about 170 mm, waist around 100 mm, medium sidecut, but three knives is all I really need to deal with anything I'm likely to run into in my kitchen (average temp around 65 degrees, moderate humidity, fair grooming). :)

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I bought a number of Carbon Steel knives with magnolia wood handles when I was living in Japan. 2 fish/sushi knives, a veggie chopper/chef's type and a pair of veggie cleavers. I use them much more than the Wustoff Tridents (wedding gifts) or my Porsche/301's the first knives I ever bought for ME

As for Vinegar I've been using it to clean my antique butcher block for decades. It kills the germs quite well

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My wife used to work in the wardrobe of a regional theatre. To get rid of the horrible stench in costumes which could not be washed or dry cleaned, they would spray the prime stink zones with with vodka which would end the problem without disturbing the dye jobs on a lot of the fabrics. A terrible waste of good vodka in my opinion. Probably better to just drink the vodka so the smell doesn't bother you. ;)

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