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Bomber Needs Your Help - Update 6/29/06


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As most of you already know Bomber Industries has been named/targeted in a lawsuit by someone who was regrettably injured last season. Legal reasons do not allow us to go into details, but certain states allow you to sue everyone remotely involved with the product. Whether you had anything to do with it or not is irrelevant; guilty by association is the rule here.

If any of you have visited us in our shop in Colorado, talked with us on the phone, or contacted us through e-mail you know we are not a large company by any means. More then likely you talk to either Michelle or myself. Throw Brian in there and you have an entire company that would fit in your car! Suffice to say, a lawsuit like this is something we cannot survive and has already caused us (and other vendors/websites we deal with) to start making drastic changes to the way we/they do business and promote/support the sport of carving.<O =""></O>

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So what is the point of this thread? We have always felt that we are a tight-knit community, a small group of snowboarders who have had the strength to go against what all the media and magazines tell us to do. We may be a small group but we are a passionate and dedicated group. When you use our forums, read our articles, and ride our gear at demo days all we generally ask is you think about doing business with us. That is it. However, in this situation we are asking for your direct help. You might consider this a "Call to Arms" for the carving community.

Before you ask, no, we are not asking for a “donation” to help us defend this case. We are a commercial business that operates for a profit, asking for this would be tacky and unprofessional. With such recent events like Hurricane Katrina and Rita, these are the events that deserve your donations and charity. What we are asking is for you to make a particular purchase for a product we have created and the funds generated from these sales will be put to a very special purpose. Depending on how this all ends up the funds will be used for one of the two options:

  1. If this case continues forward and the plaintiff decides to keep Bomber in the lawsuit, we will use these profits to defend Bomber.
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  2. If the plaintiff decides to remove Bomber from the lawsuit and with no financial obligation to us, we will then donate all the funds (not just profits, but all net-funds from the sales) to the plaintiff to be used towards their medical bills.<O =""></O>

So which ever way this goes, the funds from these sales will go to one of these causes that we feel are both important. Which one it goes to, we have no control over. We can only hope the right decision is made.<O =""></O>

The product we have created is described below with instructions on how to order it. Once again, we guarantee these funds will go to one of the above.<O =""></O>

One other favor we are going to ask: Use this thread to respond with any comments that are ONLY POSTIVE. Please, NO bashing/flaming on anyone here :nono: let’s keep the comments positive and constructive. We reserve the right to allow for extra moderating on this thread for just this reason. OK, maybe a lawyer joke here and there :D

We have also been told that if we (freak’n hope not) have to go to trial on this, we can use comments from this forum as a type of “character reference” for our company in our defense. Don’t mean to sound egotistical, but if you have something nice to say about us or have had a good experience with us and our service, please drop a comment here. We appreciate it. Also keep in mind things can be used against us as well. <O =""></O>

We thank all of you for your support for the past 13 years and look forward to meeting all of you some day on the hill. We just got a couple of inches on our summits the other day so winter is just around the corner!<O =""></O>



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As per the above, here is what we are offering. We like to call it the "Bomber Season Starter kit" It is everything you need to get going for the new season ahead of you:


1) A container of “Bomber Butter” so you can clean and lube your bindings and get them ready for the big snow.

2) Several of our new “This is Hardboot Snowboarding” cards to put in your wallet. Pass’m out on the hill and promote the sport you love.

3) A pile of stickers from various vendors and manufacturers in the carving world to stick on your favorite stick. We’ll also include catalogs if we can get them in time.

4) And the final crowning item: a coupon for a single set of the famous Bomber Trench Digger 2 bindings (standard or SI) for $250! That is almost $40 off the current retail price! (restrictions apply and details on this offer will be on the coupon).

The price for this kit is a minimum purchase price of $20 (no charge for shipping, will go US Postal). You can pay more for this kit if you like but $20 is the minimum we ask (if you want to pay more, just change the QUANTITY on the order page).

Give us a little time to ship as we are collecting some of the items as we speak. Might be a week or two before we ship.

6/29/06 - This offer is now closed as per thread below dated 6/29/06

We thank you for your support!


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I'm 100% behind you guys. Just placed my order. I used this chance to pick up a few other items while i was at it. :D

You may want to check the denominations. All four values charge $20 when you check out regardless of the value you choose.

Everyone, help Fin and Michelle out! Buy this starter kit! Buy some other random stuff while you're at it! Everyone could use some extra wax or a 2nd board kit. :biggthump

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Guest Randy S.

As a friend of the plaintiff, a long-time Bomber customer & supporter of the BOL board, and the chief flame-thrower in the other thread about the lawsuit subject, I have to say I think this is a great idea. I wanted some Bomber Butter anyway.

I think you should throw in a t-shirt and ask $40. Maybe print some lawyer jokes on the back of the t-shirt. :argue: :rolleyes:

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I can't say THANK YOU enough. If it wasn't for the Bomber Industries crew, I'd still be skidding and scrapping along each winter (well, I still do a bit of that 'cause I'm still learning) and would have missed out on the joy of carving. Alpine gear is unavailable in my geography but I was able to obtain a bunch of my gear from Bomber - boots, bindings, and board. Their customer service has been top notch! The return of my first pair of boots was painless - they shipped me another pair and allowed me compare them both and then return the pair I didn't want. The TD2 is a great piece of engineering and their manufacturing is flawless. Just a super group of folks!

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Guest Zach Davis

Fin is the man...

Seriously, there are very few companies out there that show the type of dedication to a passionate niche as Bomber does. Fin and Bomber work tirelessly to make the absolute best products that they can for carving, splitboarding and telemark... when other companies just ignore us. They've worked with me as a binding sponsor for my exploits in the greater ranges, when other binding manufacturers scratch their heads and ask me why I'm not competing in some sort of event.

To top it off, Fin is a hell of a guy... Anyone who has done business with Bomber knows that he will take an hour out of his day to help you set up your bindings, over the phone. He has been instrumental in helping me to break into the actual business of backcountry snowboarding and has given me a ton of great advice.

It would be a damn shame for this to take Bomber away from us.


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I think you should throw in a t-shirt and ask $40. Maybe print some lawyer jokes on the back of the t-shirt. :argue: :rolleyes:

I used to have a t-shirt that read "The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers" As the famous remark by the plotter of treachery in Shakespeare's King Henry VI

Yum, Bomber Butter... :lurk:

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Guest Randy S.
Placed my order. I just want to get some of that Bomber Butter for which I can think of much more creative uses than lubricating your bindings.

Now, does anyone need a roommate for SES?

Hmmm. You are talking about lubing things other than bindings with Bomber Butter and in the next paragraph asking for a roommate for SES. Careful what you ask for. :1luvu:

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I've found that both you and Michelle have been a joy to interact with as I have worn the hats of fellow carver, customer, and now as a reseller. Please accept my thanks for all the work that you have done to keep our small niche in the marketplace. I will continue to support Bomber and I know that you will pull through this whether or not you have to go to trial.

I'm with you.


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I'm in, and I really, really hope things go well for you all. Without this site I would never have gotten into carving, and it is a major joy in my life: I snowboard, I eat, I work, and I sleep, in that order, and that's pretty much all I do. Thanks for the help in finding and buying equipment, the community, the expression sessions, and, well, the carving. Long live you guys.

Take care,

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It would be an incredible blow to the carving community and the sport of alpine snowboarding if Bomber and/or Bomber Online ceased operations as a result of the pending lawsuit. We have a few board makers, two or three boot makers, even another binding maker that arguably makes bindings as durable and reliable as Bomber's outstanding products. But we don't have another forum that compares to the online community that Fin has built over the last few years.

We are practitioners of an incredibly niche sport, one that most people have never heard of. Only a tiny minority of us will ever visit a physical retailer that carries products for alpine snowboarding and can speak knowledgeably about its requirements. Bomber Industries and Bomber Online address that need: if not for them we'd be in a total vacuum.

Where did I get my first tips on alpine carving? Right here on BOL. Where do I learn about gear? Right here on BOL. Where do I go first after an especially good day, or a bad day, or if I have a funny or cool or disappointing snowboarding story to tell? ...I think you get the picture. I might never have gotten into this sport without the support provided by members of this community - a community that exists only because of Fin's hard work.

Fin and his colleagues have done nothing but nurture our sport. It would be a grave injustice if they're forced to cease operations for what I understand is a very tangential role in this case. That Intec heel could have been ordered from anywhere: Fin had no role in its failure and he (and we) shouldn't be forced to take responsibility for it.

That's how I see it anyway.

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i just purchased a starter kit. No need for me to repeat what others have said re: your enormous contribution to our niche sport and great customer service. In addition to the great info, BOL has enabled me to find & meet a number of other riders, and that is a great thing imo.

As I said before on Randy's other thread, I wish the best for the injured rider and Bomber.

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I could not have said it better then Dan so eloquently put it. I'll order a couple of kits myself.

All the best - Cliff Hans

It would be an incredible blow to the carving community and the sport of alpine snowboarding if Bomber and/or Bomber Online ceased operations as a result of the pending lawsuit. We have a few board makers, two or three boot makers, even another binding maker that arguably makes bindings as durable and reliable as Bomber's outstanding products. But we don't have another forum that compares to the online community that Fin has built over the last few years.

We are practitioners of an incredibly niche sport, one that most people have never heard of. Only a tiny minority of us will ever visit a physical retailer that carries products for alpine snowboarding and can speak knowledgeably about its requirements. Bomber Industries and Bomber Online address that need: if not for them we'd be in a total vacuum.

Where did I get my first tips on alpine carving? Right here on BOL. Where do I learn about gear? Right here on BOL. Where do I go first after an especially good day, or a bad day, or if I have a funny or cool or disappointing snowboarding story to tell? ...I think you get the picture. I might never have gotten into this sport without the support provided by members of this community - a community that exists only because of Fin's hard work.

Fin and his colleagues have done nothing but nurture our sport. It would be a grave injustice if they're forced to cease operations for what I understand is a very tangential role in this case. That Intec heel could have been ordered from anywhere: Fin had no role in its failure and he (and we) shouldn't be forced to take responsibility for it.

That's how I see it anyway.

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As has been said before, there are few entities out there that even recognize this sport and I'm grateful to Bomber and its profound contribution to Alpine.

I have absolute confidence in the safety, durability, and reliability of Bomber's product and their customer service is outstanding :biggthump

Good one to review:


Fin, Michelle, and Brian - We're behind you all the way! Sent my order in just a few minutes ago.

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I have been snowboarding for 17 years. 2 years after I started, I bought my first "alpine" (racing style) snowboard. I have been proud to call myself an alpine snowboarder ever since. Over the years I have watched the sport of alpine snowboarding become ever more marginalized by the trend towards "extreme" sports, with freestyle snowboarding leading the charge. In short order, stocking full selections of alpine equipment ceased to be profitable for brick-and-mortar retailers. Soon the sport was sinking, and even its long-time supporters turned their backs.

None of this really bothered me, because I always assumed there would be a core of enthusiasts to keep the sport going. Enter Fin Doyle. He realized the trend, and took decisive action at just the right moment. He saw that alpine was being orphaned, and he gave it a home where it could thrive - online. Now others have followed his lead, and the network of online alpine snowboarding communities is what keeps the sport alive, and even allows it to grow, modestly. But without Fin's vision, there is no telling where Alpine would be today. I personally owe my enjoyment of the winter months to him and his hardworking crew.

But now the American legal system has needlessly leveled its sights at the heart of this network. Alpine Snowboarding in North America is not an "industry" that can write off million dollar lawsuits. It is a collection of impassioned individuals who make it their life's pursuit - some literally living in their factories - to provide the products we need to enjoy this sport. This collection is small enough to fit at a dinner table. The people currently positioned to fill Fin's shoes should this lawsuit take him down number in the single digits. But if this lawsuit continues and sets the precedent, it will be a short matter of time before the rest of the people will be attacked or will decide the risk and expense isn't worth it.

Simply stated, I do not see any good coming of this.

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