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Bomber RAB


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Yep, we do have a Bomber version of the RAB pretty much ready to go. It uses two large springs for both forward and rearward flex and we will have three different spring rates to choose from. Should give you a ton of adjustment and allow you to make the boot feel just the way you want. We did have proto-types last season that several people/racers tried and the feedback was excellent. Those proto-types where pretty long and definitely gave the boot a "Star Wars" type look. The final version is about 1/2" shorter and lays more flat against the boot.

Unfortunately, all new products we have planned to release are on hold right now. We have to figure out the legalities of how to protect ourselves against law-suits for the products we manufacture. Shoot, you can get sued for items you don't even make :freak3: ! A sad reality of our times.

We hope to have all of this cleared up soon and then have this available before the season is over.

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Ah, why not :D . Like to get your guys feedback anyway.

As you can see you can change out the bottom and the top spring as well as adjust the Pre-load (compression) of each. On the final version you can make this adjustment with your trusty Bomber 5mm Hex Key or use a 3/4"(19mm) wrench as well.

The rear flexing spring is really the cool part of this, IMHO. The ability to have "suspension" on the heel side is key to controlling chatter and overall edge hold. The heel-side spring is about half the length of the forward-flex spring as you do not need tons of travel for the heel side direction.

The system is made from aluminum and stainless and the springs will be coated. It should look and perform great for generations. It will work on ALL Raichle/Deeluxe boots from about the past 12 years (except the SB121).


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it has the advantages that the UPZ springs offer but with much much longer forward travel which is what I saw the biggest problem with the springs on the UPZ boots

the stock RAB on the raichle stuff tends to get gunked up and sieze, so yeah this should be a great upgrade for my old AFs

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Looks SUPER! There seems to be plenty of travel adjustment to forego the neccessity for a huge variety of springs. One suggestion would be to experiment with the top (toeside) spring by using a combination of a strong spring and weak spring to have a progressive spring rate (lighter in the first inch or so of travel and stronger as you get down toward the limits). The boot does have a natural stop and does progressively give more resistance toward the limit so this might not be neccessary. I guess it would be up to the individual rider to determine this.

Liabilitywise it looks pretty bomb proof (as Bomber products should be :) ) and it's great that you don't need to make any modifications to the shell itself.

The only safety issue I could possibly see is that you might want to supply some kind of rounded cover for the exposed threaded rod...

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It's good.... you all must have them or you'll riding will suffer.. Plus you need all the different springs for different days..... :D

Give Fin your money quick befor they are gone.

Yeah, but we still don't know how much money to give him :D

Hey Billy, didn't you try a prototype of these on your Indys?

Sounds like it will be an improvement over original designs. Look forward to seeing these when they come out! My 224s could use some help!

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What are the advantages of those, versus the 'locking' adjustable lean built into my 423's? Actually, the more I look at it, it looks like the lean is still adjustable.

My question is, what is the benefit to having the springs, versus having lean locked in? Is it for greater flexibility? Damping? Control? All of the above?

It certainly looks interesting. Could this device be used to 'stiffen' up my 423's?

Toys. Too many toys. :eplus2:

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Damping of the board/boot system is one advantage and allowing for more dynamic movement on the board is another. The most discussion I've seen of the dynamic movement issue is on the EC site. If you want more information on how it's used in that venue take a look the extreme carving fourm. This'll get you to one of many discussions over there alot of the more detail discussion is in the French forum so you might have to use Babelfish or Google translate (unless of course you understand French). I think the springs allow for more adjustment than changing the tongue stiffness on the Raichles.

Personally I've been wanting to be able to have more heel toe movement but still have the lateral support that hard boots have so I've been setting the boots in walk mode. The springs give the advantage of assisting my old muscles to push the board out when doing push/pull turns or unweighting the board on transitions. And now that I think about it, it's sort of like playing around with the bushings on a skateboard (or the springs on Seismics)... But I think in reality it just gives me another variable that I can play with while on the slopes and getting my breath back after a run ;)

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My question is, what is the benefit to having the springs, versus having lean locked in? Is it for greater flexibility? Damping? Control? All of the above?

It certainly looks interesting. Could this device be used to 'stiffen' up my 423's?

I put a modified RAB on my SB413's. In a locked forward lean mode, the boots felt too stiff. In walk mode, the boots felt too loose. With the modified RAB, I was able to adjust the stiffnes of the boot to my preference by changing the spring.

The standard RAB tends to get locked up, so it was like riding in locked forward lean mode.

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Hey Fin,

Yeah, I saw the prototype at the SES and thought it looked like a great concept! I'd have to say this version is much cleaner looking!

Let me ask you guys a question, especially those guys that had a chance to gives these things a test run. Do you guys think that this would be a worth while upgrade for a lightweight carver? And do you think it matters how aggressive of a carver a person is to consider this upgrade?

I too would be interested in a version for Head boots too!

Happy trails will be here soon!

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Looks cool :biggthump . Its like the old Northwave boot system.

What would happen if you put a shorter spring on top, make it a smaller system. My only concern would be boot out on heel side. And of course my pants over my boot. :D

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Those look... well... bomber :)

Awsome stuff.

I've thought about putting the RAB on my boots. With them locked it feels like I'm fighting the boot to angulate, with them unlocked I don't feel stable.

I probibly just need to ride more unlocked and build some muscle strength.

Hope you guys find a business solution. Seems like a lot of customers are lined up.

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Hey Billy, didn't you try a prototype of these on your Indys?

I have spent 4 days in them 2 at SES and 2 at the WTC... very fun gives the boot some life. Spent some time in a SL course in them also Need mmore time to get used to them. Keep an Eye out at Hardbooter.com We will have a reveiw on them in Late November.

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On the RAB mod that I did I flipped the bottom nut that has the extension on it to the top nut in order to give the system a little more room for the springs. This also gave the top of the system a little more finished look. You might explore the possibility of using an extended top nut with a rounded top (or maybe even a thumb screw finish to facilitate toolless adjustment) and shortening the threaded rod portion of the system. I've attached a quick sketch... This would also make the system a bit more compact (only as long as the spring). See what you think...


A note for those who haven't used a sprung system... You need to use the softest tongue available or cut the tongue so that the tongue has minimal affect on the boot stifness and most of the resistance work is taken upon by the springs...

PS how do you add an image within the text as opposed to inserting an attachment? I tried the image insertion tool but it calls for text insertion. Does one insert a link?


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