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Tick bite aftercare?


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I just peeled off bike shorts to find a tick. Post mountain bike ride. I forgot to take a picture so you are spared my inner thigh TikPic. 

Any advice for after care? This is Monterey Bay (Former Ft. Ord lands) area. Lyme is known to be in the area. Is there anything to be done now but wait?

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You should call your primary care provider.

If the tick wasn't on long enough to get a full feed, usually 24 hours plus, it probably didn't transmit Lyme.

However, ticks carry a whole lot of other nasty diseases.

You'll most likely get the prophylactic dose of doxycycline.

Get ahead of it.

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7 hours ago, Spiny Norman said:

You should call your primary care provider.

If the tick wasn't on long enough to get a full feed, usually 24 hours plus, it probably didn't transmit Lyme.

However, ticks carry a whole lot of other nasty diseases.

You'll most likely get the prophylactic dose of doxycycline.

Get ahead of it.

I 2nd this.  From personal experience and with the benefit of hindsight, I agree.  Closely monitoring the site of the bite for trailing or a bullseye/target shape.   Best to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had this happen to me. fortunately, someone noticed my rash before i did. it was right at the hemline of my shorts. i was scratching and massaging the area when a friend noticed i had bullseye rash. i think i was bit when clearing brush the day before.

next day i went in to see a doctor. for some reason the doctor was very excited to see the bullseye rash and asked me if it was okay for all the nurses to take a look at it. i was prescribed antibiotics.

a day or two later i had extremely stiff neck. i couldn't turn my head one direction. also remember have a headache too.

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6 hours ago, st_lupo said:

Saw the name Tucker Carlson (trying real hard not to misspell that first name) in the link and don't even want to click that with a 10 foot pole.  Anybody got a synopsis?

Tucker gives oxygen to a theory that tick borne diseases came from leaks from USA government bioweapons labs, according to the blurb on the linked page. 🤣


A slightly more reputable source of information.


Edited by SunSurfer
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It is an interview of an author who has Lyme disease in addition to her husband who has it as well. She talks about the various responses to the ailment randomly exhibited by victims of a bite and runs thru some of the treatments. She talks about how it affects everyone differently and that antibiotics don’t help everyone. 

And she does talk about the potential weaponization of insect borne disease. Not sold myself on these theories but living in a somewhat wooded area I appreciated the information regardless of the hosting source..

 Dismissing kernels of knowledge because of a name is foolhardy. I knew the post would trigger a response but felt the relevant info would be beneficial to a victim of the bite. Glean information when/where it is available and disregard what you may find superfluous conjecture.

We had a local TV news reporter who became disabled from Lyme disease and eventually took a medical retirement.

Considering their record during the pandemic I think it is safe to say that the CDC has fallen off their lofty perch.

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I disagree.  Sources matter.  When a particular source of info has been confirmed, over and over, to be unreliable, corruptable and a self admitted liar, you just need to shut it off.  When even Fox news doesn’t want to have anything to do with the little doofus… I also will not contribute to monetizing the «political» shock peddlers and contrarians like tucker, jones, etc, not even to ridicule them.


The CDC response, in hindsight, missed some marks.  But heck, they had to contend with both a pandemic and an executive branch that wanted to give sunshine and disinfectant enemas as a solution.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Truth doesn't stop being truth because of the source the truth came from.
A lie doesn't become truth if the source is "approved".
There is a word for thinking like this: fallacy. 

Ignorance is literally the lack of knowledge. 
Discard based on sources at your own peril. 

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2 hours ago, TVR said:

Ignorance is literally the lack of knowledge. 

That little bromide might be a fallacy in itself. A top safety assessment routinely finds that “confidently held misinformation” - not lack of information - is the best predictor of safety incidents. 

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my my my "bromide" 🙂  How very Rand-isque...
Love it

easy to glean which part of the political divide folks reside in.
Me?  i am a felon so i have no horse in this race and i am skeptical of everyone equally.

listen to Tucker/reading Rand is like riding a scooter; it is fun until your friends see you.
Unless your friends are also in the Scooter club as well.
I also listen to ppl believe in flat earth but i might not drink from their punch bowl...

There are objective truth and subjective truth.  the line between the 2 are often blurred and contested.

College freshman econ major don't get to play with "behavioral economics".
After one philosophy intro class does not make one Plato.
Complex ideas is like a sharp object.  Must handle with care.
Easy to think one is outside of echo chamber and it's easy to self identified as free thinker.

remind me of this - amaze to me what we perceive as truth.



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2 hours ago, lordmetroland said:

That little bromide might be a fallacy in itself. A top safety assessment routinely finds that “confidently held misinformation” - not lack of information - is the best predictor of safety incidents. 




lack of knowledge or information.

"he acted in ignorance of basic procedures"

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For health generally, look here to find the original research on what is currently known on pretty much anything. Review articles will distill the individual publications. What is the "current" state of knowledge is not fixed, but changes over time because ideas continue to be tested and refined, and are understood to be incomplete.

The process of academic medical publication is far from perfect. Multiple journals exist with minimal peer review, and authors can pay to get their article published. Scientific fraud is a real problem and while efforts and techniques to detect it have increased, fraud will get through. The concept of conflict of interest is well understood, and any research sponsored or funded primarily by a drug or medical equipment company is viewed with an extra serving of suspicion. Compensating for placebo effects, and the variation in patients, and fluctuations in disease are also factored in. Statistical methods can be abused. A single publication suggesting a radical new idea is not proof. Truth does not reside in the source of the information. A true result, a result rooted in reality, is reproducible by others.

Hence review articles and meta-analyses summarising the research in an area, published in places that have a long history of academic rigour e.g. New England Journal of Medicine as just one example of many, and organisations like the CDC which monitor ongoing research across medicine and update their advisories over time are the public's most reliable sources of the best available information. These may be a few years behind the leading edge research but what they record has generally been peer reviewed and reproduced.

Anecdotes from individuals may lead to new research questions. Anecdotes from individuals may or may not be reproducible. An amusing example is the story of the Welsh miners with lung disease who were trialling a new drug to improve the blood flow through their lungs. A single miner told a female research assistant about a side effect and the result was eventually Viagra. Not going to ask how many of my readers can vouch for the reproducibility of that result!



Edited by SunSurfer
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1 hour ago, TVR said:


lack of knowledge or information.




archaic : sexual intercourse

So, clearly, ignorant people are celibate then? So confusing. I'm pretty sure, though, that knowing a bunch of s*** does not make someone not ignorant.

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the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere and otherise nice ppl on snowboardforum turn on each other for the smallest difference of opinions 😉

short podcast are not my jam....  it remind me my field of half finished project(s).
summarize - save you 20+ mins
tangent/editorial -Tucker was surprise(to me) to admit climate change/warming up so tick population bloom.  perhaps lab leak fit the narrative better, main stream media bad so listen to me, i am the "truth peddler"...  the guest seems to be level headed and have no hidden agenda.

"meat on the bone" is slim picking for the topic on hand: 

circumstantial evidence that tick/lyme diseases might be lab leak/bio weapon.
Why is that important?  man made disease might required different treatment plan.
I don't quiet get the logic but i drop out of my local day care... 
the bit about irradiated long Star tick with geiger counter (to measure how fast it crawl) is pretty cool...  something i would do. how else we are going to get man-tick?
lymes diseases is hard to detect and could have linger symptoms so take it seriously.
there are other bacteria/other bio-stuff that can cause health problem with tick bite
The "standard" take 15 days of antibiotic might not be suffice.
For an unusual disease,  you need a more well thought out intelligent treatment plan.
CDC is not doing enough on educating the public and update treatment plan.

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On 5/15/2024 at 8:07 PM, pow4ever said:




the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere and otherise nice ppl on snowboardforum turn on each other for the smallest difference of opinions 😉

short podcast are not my jam....  it remind me my field of half finished project(s).
summarize - save you 20+ mins
tangent/editorial -Tucker was surprise(to me) to admit climate change/warming up so tick population bloom.  perhaps lab leak fit the narrative better, main stream media bad so listen to me, i am the "truth peddler"...  the guest seems to be level headed and have no hidden agenda.

"meat on the bone" is slim picking for the topic on hand: 

circumstantial evidence that tick/lyme diseases might be lab leak/bio weapon.
Why is that important?  man made disease might required different treatment plan.
I don't quiet get the logic but i drop out of my local day care... 
the bit about irradiated long Star tick with geiger counter (to measure how fast it crawl) is pretty cool...  something i would do. how else we are going to get man-tick?
lymes diseases is hard to detect and could have linger symptoms so take it seriously.
there are other bacteria/other bio-stuff that can cause health problem with tick bite
The "standard" take 15 days of antibiotic might not be suffice.
For an unusual disease,  you need a more well thought out intelligent treatment plan.
CDC is not doing enough on educating the public and update treatment plan.

Not everyone has the capability of thinking outside or past their own bubble. Some people would rather change language itself or invent meaning of words in the attempt to hold onto their belief structure. In the past, people who challenged the approved dogma were called heretics. Today they are called "conspiracy theorists", ironic to this conversation, a proven trope invented by the US gov to silence those who questioned the JFK assassination. 

It costs nothing to listen and each should make their own choices. I agree with your thought logic as knowing where something comes from can help to address it. As for lyme itself, antibiotics are best, and treating early help to minimize the impact. Although not on the 3 letter agencies advise, I would imagine anything that also encourages the immune system would also be advisable. Lyme is a pathogen and the idea is to minimize impact. 

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not toward anyone - what work for me
1. pursuit of truth - the T word is subjective.  I try to be open minded and read read read and read some more and talk to people that's outside of my horse blinder view.  Get out one's echo chamber - leave ego at the door.  It's very freeing.  fake internet points is pointless 😉 
2. civil discourse:  we don't always have to sing Kumbaya - friction/differences of opinions is often critical part of positive outcome.  one can have heated dialogue while still maintain civility.  Name calling to shut down the conversation is concerning for me.  I am not interesting in join side/camp/tribe.  To able to think (with humility - that i don't know everything) without getting emotional attachment take practice.  Ability to steel man opposing view is self care.  Empathize there is a human being on the other side of keyboard and not some grotesque caricature of idealoigy.
3. balance:  between being contrarian and group think.  I/we don't have enough time to the day to look into every single facet of life.  I do relied/offload some "thinking" to the experts.  doctor/mechanic.  They are not always right but they know more than me.  Get me to a starting point when i can apply first principle to form preference(s).  try different things and refine/course adjust until outcome is aligned with one's value(s)

“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Quotes i enjoy from amor towles - Table for 2

The personality of a man always poses the biggest obstacle to his own education, thought Charlie. He’s either too proud, too stubborn, or too timid to submit to the process of discovery. Many of life’s lessons come through trial or tribulation, and the cost of those lessons shouldn’t be taken lightly. But at least half of what a man hasn’t learned in his lifetime he could have learned with ease. This is one of the insights that comes with age—when one understands the nature of discovery but no longer has the time or energy to submit to its splendors. Thus, we are doomed to end our days in an ignorance largely of our own making.

Be true to thy self.
form one's own opinion(s) by trying/doing - learn/earned knowledge.
Winter/life is short - be happy, be kind
Ticks/lymes bad

easy to say; execution take life time to master

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yep, Lyme bad. In these here parts ticks also transmit TBE (encephalitis) for which there is a popular vaccine. But not for Lyme. Might have spared me some trouble, although I here a vaccine is in the works.

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