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OT: So where did YOUR screen name come from?


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Just a fun, pass-the-time-while-waiting-for-snow topic...some folks on here (like me) have some weird screen names...like "skatha." (Cindy, where the heck did that come from?) Or "willywhit." Or "tilledog." Or "bobdea."

So tell us...where did your screen name come from? And is just a BOL screen name? Or do you use it in other forums too? (If your screen name is "Jack Michaud," then no explanation needed. :))

Mine---SWriverstone---was just something I thought up one day years ago while scratching for something to use. "SW" are my initials, and "riverstone" was just a pleasant mental image: the smooth, rounded stones along a riverbank.


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I couldn't think of anything really creative a few years ago... So I used my first name and middle initial. On other boards, I'm known as TTOversteer, but I didn't think that applied here.

For those who don't know, TTOversteer is Trailing Throttle Oversteer. TTO is what happens if you go into a corner too fast, lift off the gas, and the back end of your car wants to come around and be first through the turn. It's a hoot, but catches a lot of drivers un-awares.

My Xbox Live gamertag is 'Trenchdigger.' I'm sure that doesn't need any explaination. :biggthump

EDIT: One of these days I'll come up with a good CB handle. Right now it is "Drifter," 'cause that's how I like to drive when it snows. (Empty roads, of course!)

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Guest Randy S.

Yeah, I've been on this board since before I gave much thought to handles. I'm Randy Salzman. Randy S. isn't too creative. On most other boards my name is Sinecure. A sinecure is someone who gets paid for a position but has very little responsibility. It is something I aspire to. :sleep:

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My first choice of name was taken. So then I just typed 'boarderboy' cuz I couldn't think of anything else and that was taken. So now I was just annoyed and added my birth year after it and I was registered. Nothing exciting. As a matter of fact, I don't even like the name. I wish I could play around and change it. Oh, well. :(

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My screen name represents laziness and a lack of imagination :-D

As a longtime BBS user and sysop I was always annoyed with the goofy names people used. Darklord, Cynbe Ru Taren, T'an T'u, I never understood any of this stuff. I think it might have had something to do with Dungeons and Dragons, or Star Trek, or maybe the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe or god knows what. So I dared to be different and just used my own name.

Also I figured if everyone knew who I was, I wouldn't be tempted to make jackass posts, rude comments, assertions about subjects that I knew nothing about, unpopular political statements, etc. It's worked so far - mostly ;^)

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Years back we had a pretty crazy ski house in Stowe VT and many of us had monikers. Bill Whitman aka "Willy Whit" was coined one night at the Matterhorn in a drunken stupor by Ed Redmond aka "Johnny Utah". Fond memories b/c that was the era when I really started getting into the "carving thang."

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My BOL screen name is obvious, it's my name. For this and a couple of other forums I just use my name but the name I use most across the internet is Ginjiroku. It doesn't mean anything in any language as far as I know. I got it a long long time ago in 3rd grade (I'm in 10th now), it was supposed to sound japanese but it's not. I've used it for so long and I'm so bad at thinking up anything new that I just use that or my real name for almost everything (forums, aim, e-mail etc.)

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At first, I was the only snowboarder (aka rider) at my high school ski trips. So our ski club adviser would always say "we have 32 skiiers and a lone rider."

Then when I moved out West I tended to snowboard alone a lot as well. I was young and impatient and didn't like waiting for people to switch their boards for the third time in the morning, take up 10 mins chatting before stepping into their Intecs and doing a run, or doing some of the runs other carvers liked (like fast blues... while other like fast greens or fast blacks). I think I've mellowed out a bit since then... (or I've just grown lazier and like resting more between runs).

My other screenname is LiquidAluminum... but that's is another story... for another time.

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Dan Sandy, so Sandman has always kind of just happened. Tried to register as Sandman but it was taken, so since I'm a Dr. of Pharmacy and deal drugs that make people sleep:sleep: ..................... Dr. Sandman was next best - usually it's just Sandman - I use if for FRS, CB, chat, etc.

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I woke up one morning and there it was. So I took it and kept it for my own. It is actually a shorter version of Fleagalbaum which is a silly name. My younger bro and I used to make up words when we were kids, this is one of them. Besides, I hate having to put a number beside my name or a space because someone else already took my screen name. So why not be original.

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I happened to be one of the first to discover the new BOL changes and thought 'Jim' would be taken. :freak3:

My other name was given to me by my Chinese nephew. He asked me if I knew how to say 'turkey' in Chinese. When I answered no, he said, jimfa for 'Jim Farr'.

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gdboytyler - as in Jonnie Goodboy Tyler from the book "Battlefield Earth". Jonnie saves the world from invading space aliens.

The book was great, but the movie sucked. And no, I'm not a scientologist. L. Ron Hubbard, who is the author of Battlefield Earth, founded scientology sometime after he had already written the book.

When I first got an email address with Yahoo (many years ago), JonnieTyler, GoodboyTyler, etc. were already taken. So gdboytyler@yahoo.com was my first ever email address.

gdboytyler is also my screen name at Surfermag.com and Ebay.

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I'm not a D&D person, but.....I found my screen name in an altas of mythical Celtic figures. "Skatha" was a female warrior and I was drawn to the concept-being female and somewhat warlike but with a spouse and 2 kids, so not soo brutal.....

I used to use my internet e-mail address-my Medicare unique provider number-G75401, but it's too impersonal...

I've also used my DEA number and my BC/BS provider number in the past, too-also numbers and also impersonal.....

Next time you see a shredder with red hair and 2 little ones...it's probably me :D

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Guest lonecarver

"Lonecarver," given to me by friends that ski or board. None of my boarder friends ride alpine, they also ski or ride about 12-15 times a season, I get 45+. Except last season I got 7 days at Whistler/Blackcomb.

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