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Calling all dodgy knees!


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My question is: does anyone with a dodgy knee(s) snowboard with a knee brace (not neoprene sleeve)?

Although decreasing, I get pain at full collapse under load and unexpected large impacts.

I have previously snowboarder in Rehband 7051 knee sleeves over the top of tights to reduce back of knee chafing/irritation. I used these because of my previous ACL injuries and to serve as a general safety blanket. I like this set up and it served me well, but I'm thinking of increasing the stability/support/impact absorption capabilities.

Utterly unnecessary back story:

My knees have grade 1, 2 & 3 cartilage issues throughout from when I used to sprint track. My left knee has also had 2 x ACL reco. The knee presented sore after a competitive table match, to the point of not be able to walk, at the end of 2019 and that's when the MRIs were taken to see the extent of the damage.

Since then I've done a bunch of research to modify my walking/running biomechanics, increase stability and absorb impact. Developed my own rehab program and now I'm basically fully active again and the knee doesn't interfere with life/exercise, although things are slightly modified now. Gym, hiking with a pack, climbing, running road/trail/track, exercise bike, yoga, kettlebells etc. are all fine within reason. The rehab has been an overall success.

Edited by daveo
Couldn't spell snowboard
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I used to ride in a carbon moto style brace with additional patella support, usually worn over a sleeve similar to a rash guard. It helped when my knee was at it's worst pot surgery and when I still had hardware in there. The additional lateral support was nice, as was the limits it put on rotational force through the knee.

As far as actual assistance with shock absorbtion through bending moment, I think wraps or knee sleeves are probably better at passive resistance than a hinged style brace unless it has specific features to help in that area.

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I've used neoprene braces with hinged metal stays and velcro straps, similar to the one in the link below. Provides moderate protection and stability without interfering with the movement needed to ride. I've used them to keep riding with damaged menisci and a PCL sprain.

This one has your name on it...


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59 minutes ago, bigwavedave said:

I've used neoprene braces with hinged metal stays and velcro straps, similar to the one in the link below. Provides moderate protection and stability without interfering with the movement needed to ride. I've used them to keep riding with damaged menisci and a PCL sprain.

This one has your name on it...


I had my eye on a shock doctor 875, which seems to follow the same concept as the one you linked. I'll look into the mcdavid one some more. I generally like mcdavid products but have no experience with shock doctor stuff except for a mouth guard from about 15 years ago when I did jiu jitsu for a whole 2 days. 

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Another option is to seek out an orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in sports medicine and knees. They can examine your knee(s) and look at your records, determine where are the structures that would benefit from support / movement limitation etc. and then recommend a device that actually does what YOU need.

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2 hours ago, SunSurfer said:

Another option is to seek out an orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in sports medicine and knees. They can examine your knee(s) and look at your records, determine where are the structures that would benefit from support / movement limitation etc. and then recommend a device that actually does what YOU need.

Ah I had a huge thing written and deleted it.

Basically yeah I've kind of done that. Just looking to see what other people have had success with, if any.

Edited by daveo
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I've used a custom knee brace for years but having fit problems lately. This winter I tried the Stoko and it completely replaced my brace, snowboarding and telemarking. It is quite an unusual design, more like an extension of your boot. A pair of BOA knobs tighten fibres down your leg and around your knee. 




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19 minutes ago, javajive said:

I've used a custom knee brace for years but having fit problems lately. This winter I tried the Stoko and it completely replaced my brace, snowboarding and telemarking. It is quite an unusual design, more like an extension of your boot. A pair of BOA knobs tighten fibres down your leg and around your knee. 




May I ask the issue with your knees?

Stoko looks interesting.

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10 hours ago, javajive said:

I've used a custom knee brace for years but having fit problems lately. This winter I tried the Stoko and it completely replaced my brace, snowboarding and telemarking. It is quite an unusual design, more like an extension of your boot. A pair of BOA knobs tighten fibres down your leg and around your knee. 




Thanks for the link. This looks pretty good. Last year I used kineseo tape in addition to my metal hinged brace in order to get pain free knee support after a PCL/meniscus injury. I didn't need the tape this year, but still needed the brace to protect it. It's still unstable, but improving.

The cables in this product look to act similarly to Kinesio tape in that they reinforce the knee by aligning with muscle and ligament support. The polyester cables should provide more support than elastic tape. The website says that the support of their cable tights "rivals" that of hinged braces. The ability to adjust the amount of support while wearing them is appealing.

Kind of pricey, but would be worth it if they do what they claim. And way cheaper than knee surgery.

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14 hours ago, daveo said:

May I ask the issue with your knees?

Stoko looks interesting.

I have broken one leg in 6 places over the years. That led to chronic osteoarthritis, some affected ligaments and recently issues with the knee cap. Nothing really bad so much as a slight limp and pain/weakness that has forced me to ride regular foot when I am strongly goofy foot. I partially split the base of the tibia so it is a bit off to seat in the ankle so I have to take up any shock at the knee or I will be limping for days. 

When I first got the pants I went to ski a steep, chunky, grabby pitch to test them out. Worse than I had planned frankly but it was fine. I had the cables cranked down and could feel them 'tightening' during the jarring. Tension runs all the way from hip to ankle but mainly at the knee. I've never tried taping but think it would be related.

I hesitated at the price but my custom brace was about $1400 ten years ago, so much cheaper.


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The fabric is tougher than I expected but having had a reduced season I am still waiting to see how it wears. I am hoping to get 4-5 years (50-60 days/year) out of them value wise.

Supposedly you can just throw it in the washing machine but I'm just hand washing. It is much like a thin (breathable) wetsuit. I expect it will last much longer than the knee wraps with the hinged metal side straps. I've worn out a few of those.  I have had the Boa system for years in my telemark and wading boots so I had some comfort with that part of the design. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/17/2021 at 8:48 PM, SunSurfer said:

Another option is to seek out an orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in sports medicine and knees. They can examine your knee(s) and look at your records, determine where are the structures that would benefit from support / movement limitation etc. and then recommend a device that actually does what YOU need.

Why go to a real Dr. when you can  get Dr. Internet for free ?

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1 hour ago, lowrider said:

Why go to a real Dr. when you can  get Dr. Internet for free ?

I've got a surgeon who has done my 2 ACL reconstructions who is considered the best in Australia for knees and I've consulted another doc who used to be an ortho surgeon prior to purchasing the Ski Mojo. Sometimes it helps to know the full story. 🙂 

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2 hours ago, daveo said:


I get shit for political comment but never anything as egregious as that ! Have you tried bleach on your knees ?😛                   Any assist to keep doing something you enjoy doing is a good idea.  My only concern is to prevent further harm so please if the idea is something you've never tried or considered unorthodox it can't hurt to run it by a pro with credentials. 

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26 minutes ago, lowrider said:

I get shit for political comment but never anything as egregious as that ! Have you tried bleach on your knees ?😛                   Any assist to keep doing something you enjoy doing is a good idea.  My only concern is to prevent further harm so please if the idea is something you've never tried or considered unorthodox it can't hurt to run it by a pro with credentials. 

Just trying to make Australia great again, mate. 😂 To be honest, I don't even know who our prime minister is... Nor do I care. 

But, of course, I totally agree with you hence why I have mainly been in consultation with an ortho surgeon (well, he used to be one) friend of mine. We figure the concept is good and initial inspection shows it is worth keeping for practical testing. And meh if it sucks, I'll just flog it on ebay to someone in the UK. No big loss, it's not a terribly expensive device, anyway. Either that or I'll die. 

If we are talking egregious... bleach on knees? whattt? 

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