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Bill Gates CNN Townhall


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I don't want this to get political, but Bill Gates is not looking out for us humans in any good way; his actions are not as altruistic as he attempts to portray them. He might have been part of the growth of technology as we use it now, but since then his motives have changed. 

Trust him, his products, and his directives at your own peril.

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My point is not about his company and their technology but about rational plans with emphasis on stemming the growth of this pandemic and putting resources where they need to be in order to deliver a vaccine to the world not just the wealthy countries. He admitted that some of his early predictions about technology and the work place weren't always accurate. I would add that so far all his predictions about where the US is headed  with it's handling of this pandemic has been correct his entire work force has been working from home since March and he doesn't see them returning anytime soon. His emphasis on building new factories for producing new vaccines specifically for early possibly less effective vaccines as well as those on target for later release with more extensive efficacy. One comment that was interesting was his questioning of peoples acceptance to take a vaccine ( At minimum 60 % compliance is needed) As far as trusting any technology from any source that's up to you. So far i'm still questioning if i can participate safely with social distancing given the way my local bump runs things. So far it looks like MCC  with limited participants and a two man chair is the safest bet. The hot tub at the motel is out and the evening social gatherings. Perhaps more electrical hook ups at resorts so we can use our own facilities ?

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Not saying that we should strive to be ignorant.
Limit my news intake seems to do wonder for sanity.
If someone do/say can affect my feeling then I am not in complete control of my emotion.
Return to reading book/long form media allow me to be more objective/tolerance with idea that's in conflict with my core belief.
clickbait-y headline is just straight manipulation with very little substance/real information.

Ask youself for "news":

(How)can i do something about it?
(How)Does it apply to me?

What's their angle?  what are they trying to sell?  even NPR(I love NPR) got "master" to answer to.

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I used to think that Bill Gates was pretty evil, and rightly so with his business practices and information technologies.  I now think that having so much wealth in his hands has changed his perspective.  Hard to spend $17 Million a day no matter who you are, and when he can make a better world for his children by doing what he can to save us from ourselves, I do have to believe it's wealth in a very good place.


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1 minute ago, bumpyride said:

I used to think that Bill Gates was pretty evil, and rightly so with his business practices and information technologies.  I now think that having so much wealth in his hands has changed his perspective.  Hard to spend $17 Million a day no matter who you are, and when he can make a better world for his children by doing what he can to save us from ourselves, I do have to believe it's wealth in a very good place.


amen...  people change for better or worse.
I hate to think people who meet me 10+ years ago still think I suck at snowboarding.

well I still suck but with much nicer/expensive gears lol 


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Oh, ineffective vaccines to be approved, how convenient! You get to sell the same product twice... or multitude of times, as it gradually becomes better. Then, when it approaches good, make it obsolete, for whatever reason... It reminds me of a story of an operating system, somehow. 

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4 hours ago, BlueB said:

Oh, ineffective vaccines to be approved, how convenient! You get to sell the same product twice... or multitude of times, as it gradually becomes better. Then, when it approaches good, make it obsolete, for whatever reason... It reminds me of a story of an operating system, somehow. 

No! vaccine is to be offered free

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On 7/24/2020 at 5:27 AM, TVR said:

I don't want this to get political, but Bill Gates is not looking out for us humans in any good way...Trust him, his products, and his directives at your own peril.

If you substituted "Larry Ellison" for "Bill Gates" I'd be nodding vigorously in agreement. As far I can make out, Bill Gates is a whole lot less sinister than when he took over the world in the 90s. Unless, of course, you're malaria in which case he truly is a treacherous, sinister SOB. You aren't malaria, are you?

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Yah, in my view Bill was an anti-competitive Borg monopolist back during Microsoft's biggest growth years, but he has matured. I think there is something to be said for the view that he has achieved everything he hoped to achieve in his business and has now set his sights on more philanthropic goals. That, gaining maturity (temporal as well as mental), and maybe starting to think a little bit about what his legacy will look like. 

He came up with the Giving Pledge (with Buffett), and the Gates Foundation has been doing indisputably good work in disease prevention since he founded it in 2000. Now, is he doing all this to whitewash his reputation and be looked on more favorably by history, or does he have genuinely philanthropic instincts? Don't know, who cares. In the immortal words of Deng Xiaoping "It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." Having said that, I don't think his participation in the Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange every year is what you would typically expect from an Illuminati. 

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