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Ok, why do we need so many different boards, seriously?


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Historically I have owned and ridden tons of boards because I learn more about snowboards with every board. I am also always refining my quiver. Beyond that, if you want good performance out of your gear then powder, groomers, and backcountry all require different boards.

Currently am down to one HB carve deck (custom 162 Kessler SL), one splitboard for all around conditions (Amplid Milligram) and one splitboard for deep days (Amplid Millisurf). Those are the best boards for me of their particular class I have ever owned. If I carved more, I would have probably kept the 175 SG that I owned.

I am working on getting a great SB carver, but that will evidently require buying some more boards to test. I also own a couple of great resort powder boards which don't get much use anymore since I usually ride in the backcountry on powder days.

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I rode the same 2002 Coiler 180 until the tail had more bevel than an old Cruzer, but there were many times I wished I had something with more float and a few times when I wished I had something even stouter than that Coiler, with a longer sidecut. I did use an old Oxygen SL for really icy days. Now I'm down to one board again - a Proteus 180, which is stouter and longer-turning than the Coiler - but I'm starting to be curious about a carving-oriented soft boot board, and like any sane carver I'm curious about an MK. The truth is I no longer get enough days on snow to justify more than one board (I do have two pairs of skis - SL and GS) but if I ever get out of Florida I'll build a little quiver again

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20 hours ago, Chouinard said:

Because the Nirvana was useless today. I moved the bindings back on my Coiler AM and had a blast.



Having stood exactly there in past years but now in a hot and humid summer in New Zealand, I looked at your photo with more than a touch of envy. Glad to read you had a great day!

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On 2/16/2018 at 11:48 AM, Jonny said:

- but I'm starting to be curious about a carving-oriented soft boot board, and like any sane carver I'm curious about an MK.

Talk to Sean at Okemo, where you can demo an MK. They're in the Base Lodge ski shop, using TD's or sidewinders, but you'll need your own boots (they've 3 pair, total; and not likely in your size). And, if ya want, I'd be willing to put a Tanker under your feet (R/A will hopefully be back next season), which I ride in either softies or with 'low leverage' plates (IE, not with Bombers or Cateks).

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Fast boards are way cheaper and less demanding than fast cars ........or fast women!

I'll never own a Ferrari. ....(maybe the new Alfa Gulia this spring!).....So for me more boards for more options.

Sims Descender 159 - Rock board

Sword Dual II - Everyday work board for riding with my students in ever changing conditions from 6500ft base to the 10,ooo ft summits

Moss PQ60 - nothing but POW

Sword EC 175 Gen 4 - Soft groomer grinder

Coiler EC SS 177 23 waist - hard charging carving

.....and I still want a Kessler or Coiler Angry or Stubby for more of a small radius whiplash ride!!

More tools = more fun!!!!

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I've a room full of old boards, because their second hand value is less than their nostalgia value, but I'm from the "two boards is enough" camp.

I'd use a single board if I could find something which could do hard-pack as well as powder, but I can't, so I have two.

It's a state of mind which probably comes from travel.  You can just about carry three boards around the world, but after a while you'll work out that two is a better number.

The idea of swapping a board during the day doesn't really interest me, but then perhaps I ride places where you're not lapping the same run above the car park with your vehicle in it - it's mostly not like that in Europe.

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On 2/18/2018 at 2:32 AM, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Talk to Sean at Okemo, where you can demo an MK. They're in the Base Lodge ski shop, using TD's or sidewinders, but you'll need your own boots (they've 3 pair, total; and not likely in your size). And, if ya want, I'd be willing to put a Tanker under your feet (R/A will hopefully be back next season), which I ride in either softies or with 'low leverage' plates (IE, not with Bombers or Cateks).

Thanks Eric but today was probably my last of the season - headed back down to my job in Florida... Nice session today though at Catamount in the Berkshires. The rain had softened everything up but there wasn't much slush - tight frozen layer right under the loose stuff. I haven't yet found a surface that the Proteus won't hold on. Wish I could say the same for my knees.

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