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The alpine spirit - SG FR PT 185 + BBP + Sidewinders


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This year the season was strange - lots of snow for a short time (mostly too soft for carving) and now it seems that the season is coming to an early end.

So there is not much carving video material, but here is a short clip from this season.

I´m using an SG FullRace ProTeam 185 2012 with a BBP 5mm and Sidewinders low assembly. It´s a pretty fast and fun setup!


Edited by WinterGold
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Sweet video!

We have a pretty similar riding style (just look at our avatars, I'm a little more extended because I wasn't even in the fall line yet, but it looks very similar to me)

Have you tried throwing a little outward cant on your back cuff and seeing if it lets you keep your knees apart on heelsides? I found it made my heelside to toeside transitions faster and I'm able to dump it on edge way earlier in the turn than before I made that change.

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Thank you all for the positive comments!

KingCrimson - outward canting is something rather special. I remember that I tried it a long time ago and I didn´t need/like it. I don´t think that any of the top guys in the world cup actually uses outward canting. With the plates it becomes even less important. About the knees - have you seen Benjamin Karl riding ;-)?

But if it gives you a better feeling on the board, then that´s great!

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Thank you all for the positive comments!

KingCrimson - outward canting is something rather special. I remember that I tried it a long time ago and I didn´t need/like it. I don´t think that any of the top guys in the world cup actually uses outward canting. With the plates it becomes even less important. About the knees - have you seen Benjamin Karl riding ;-)?

But if it gives you a better feeling on the board, then that´s great!

I have! I know I am extremely uncomfortable without outward canting.

I really can not explain the knee positioning at all. It's a bit like skateboard slalom technique. There does not seem to be whole lot of convention for what style is fastest- despite the fact that some styles are biomechanically stronger, there's not a whole lot to show for it in the results. I guess if you already have the technical skills and talent to make it to the top, whatever makes you feel the best works!

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