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Should a user have right to delete a thread?


Shold a user have the right to delete a thread?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Shold a user have the right to delete a thread?

    • Yes, it's his thread
    • No, only admins, to prevent the loss of good info

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I voted "no."

Two of the forums that I frequent have a section for "deleted" threads. Threads don't really get deleted, they just get moved into that section and locked. So people can still read them, but the flames sputter out.

One of them has the dead-thread section visible to all users - the dead threads serve as examples of what not to do. The other only has it visible to moderators - it's basically just there to help the moderators keep track of the persistent troublemakers.

And +1 from me about deleting threads (or just prices) from classifieds. Those threads will fade into the background on their own, so why bother deleting them? The prices would be a useful reference for other buyers and sellers.

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I deleted threads and that option was removed... :)

Then while posting a Pic couple months back, a message box appears that Pic is not accepted because I am over the limit shown as 999 kb. total, so I erase the 10 or 12 pics I had posted so I can add new ones to my new post... now the Edit option is also gone so I can not remove Pics to add new ones or edit my post at all.

Wouldn't it be easier to just E-Mail me and say GTFOOH ?

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My thoughts, my rite to change it!!!!

all of the cubical carvers have chased away ALL of the people who had the knowledge you look for, you just took offense to the way they delivered it to you:nono: had you spent face to face time with them you may have realized they knew what they were talking about.

damn shame, Bomber used to be entertaining as well as informative.

why don't we beat the sh$$ out of Snowman so he quits as well, then I can use the site to:sleep::sleep::sleep:

I'm runnin dark.......:p

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My thoughts, my rite to change it!!!!

all of the cubical carvers have chased away ALL of the people who had the knowledge you look for, you just took offense to the way they delivered it to you:nono: had you spent face to face time with them you may have realized they knew what they were talking about.

damn shame, Bomber used to be entertaining as well as informative.

why don't we beat the sh$$ out of Snowman so he quits as well, then I can use the site to:sleep::sleep::sleep:

I'm runnin dark.......:p

When I meet people, I don't refer them to this site anymore, other than for the want adds. Pity.....

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It is important to maintain some small measure of control of that that gets published on public forums.

Deleting threads in the sales prevents excessive numbers of old replies, posts to old posts, emails about items LONG gone, etc. For a seller, they serve little purpose. They are dead wood in my opinion.

House keeping. Often threads get messy with numerous quotes and redundant material. Keeping it clean!!

If someone feels a deleted post makes their post seem odd our out of place. Well, delete it? Or start another senseless pissing match? Your choice.

Delete , "Delete" option and I for one would be less likely to post. It is a control message that helps the participants of the forum provide some order.

Why give up the rights you have on a forum? This is one of very few I belong to . I did not want to post much in the early years for fear of my words being misconstued, taking out of context or being picked apart by those with little respect for others.

As in the world today, I believe we all need to think about others and how to be more accomodating, more tollerant. Not allowing members to have some control over what is kept in print of their words is neither.

PS. Really need to save a thread. Simply save the HTML. Done deal.

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I joined BOL in the late 90's. At the time I was a crack smoking necrophiliac. Through years of moderation, hard work and pills, I have become the upstanding citizen that I had always read about in magazines. If the moderators had moderated more moderately I would have gone off the deep end.

Thank you BOL! You can count me as another notch on the proverbial bedpost of life.

Brilliant! Public service is alive and well.

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I deleted threads and that option was removed... :)

You established a pattern of deleting nearly all of your posts, so you lost the privilege. It's disruptive. It ruined conversations and made a lot of people look like they were talking to themselves.

Then while posting a Pic couple months back, a message box appears that Pic is not accepted because I am over the limit shown as 999 kb. total, so I erase the 10 or 12 pics I had posted so I can add new ones to my new post...

Like another user said, use an external image host - tinypic.com works great if you are capable of reading and following directions. Then when writing a post here, use the embed image button (insertimage.gif) and put the image URL in the input box that appears.

now the Edit option is also gone so I can not remove Pics to add new ones or edit my post at all.

I have restored your edit privileges. I had put Snowman in your usergroup which cannot delete because he was slashing and burning all his posts. Then he started editing them, so I had to turn off editing for that usergroup. He's banned now, so I can put it back.

Wouldn't it be easier to just E-Mail me and say GTFOOH ?

No, it would be easier to just ban you, but you technically don't break enough rules. You are free to stay or go as you please, but frankly I don't understand your masochistic desire to be here.

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My thoughts, my rite to change it!!!!

all of the cubical carvers have chased away ALL of the people who had the knowledge you look for, you just took offense to the way they delivered it to you:nono: had you spent face to face time with them you may have realized they knew what they were talking about.

damn shame, Bomber used to be entertaining as well as informative.

why don't we beat the sh$$ out of Snowman so he quits as well, then I can use the site to:sleep::sleep::sleep:

I'm runnin dark.......:p

When I meet people, I don't refer them to this site anymore, other than for the want adds. Pity.....

You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Can we please hear your suggestions for forum/site improvement? Or your specific objective complaints? Would you like to contribute educational articles for the archives?

FYI I have always encouraged Bordy to stay (and he is still a member in good standing).

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I refer people to the technical articles, but point out that the forum is full of very good snowboarders who, like the denizens of most forums, tend to follow the John Gabriel Greater Internet ****wad Theory.

Far as I'm concerned, allowing editing after anything more than a few minutes, and allowing post or thread deletions by mortals after others have replied, is simply asking for draaaahmaz. If you know that your internet cocknuggetery is going to hang around and make you look like a cocknugget, you're less likely to act - well - like a cocknugget.

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You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Can we please hear your suggestions for forum/site improvement? Or your specific objective complaints? Would you like to contribute educational articles for the archives?

FYI I have always encouraged Bordy to stay (and he is still a member in good standing).

As far as internet forums go, this is a pretty good place as far as I know. It's really the only internet forum that I am involved in. I think people are pretty good at being nice to new users and encouraging them to ride, which is really important. I agree that there was a time where there were a lot more technical and in-depth discussions going on that were more interesting and some of that seems to have gone away for various reasons.

I think the worst thing on this forum is the occasionally tremendous amount of nasty infighting that goes on. This community is so small, we are so tight knit that and these lengthy negative and often childish arguments that go on, and on, and on, and on are damaging to the community. Sure, if you compare bomber to TGR we're basically in disneyland—but we're a small sport that needs growth, and so fostering an inviting atmosphere is much bigger imperative for us. I'm not saying we should paint the place pink and yellow and start wrist slapping anyone who gets into a disagreement (some of the most valuable and interesting threads on this board are disagreement-oriented). But when civil, intelligently debated disagreements degrade into whiny little pissing matches they should be cut off as soon as possible. It seems like there are only a few mods and they obviuosly have other stuff they need to do (work, be with their families, snowboard) so it seems like us users could probably help them out by flagging posts that contain inflammatory, negative remarks.

As a related side note, I'm not sure what is meant by the term "cubicle carver" though I think I probably fit the description, and while I may not be an incredible snowboarder (errr ... particularly this season) I can get it done—and at times, I can get it done pretty goddamned well. Its a term that gets bandied about a fair amount, by people I personally admire and whose company I enjoy so I find it a little frustrating. Personally, I think it's a really $hitty term in general. While I am sure that there are some people who are on this snowboarding forum who rarely get to the mountain, I think most of us are here to share the stoke of actual snowboarding and not just playing house. But is it meant to suggest that people who work during the week and check in on Bomber to get their fix are "cubicle carvers" and therefore lowly, unworthy participants?

Those of us who work a day job and huff it up to the mountain every weekend that we can, actually put in quite a bit of effort and expense to make snowboarding happen for us. I'm pretty much out for the season now, trying to rebuild my crappy shoulder but otherwise I'd be leaving for VT in an hour after dragging my equipment from queens to manhattan and into the office through the subway. It requires quite a bit of dedication actually. When the mountain isn't just in your backyard, and you work during the week, and when getting there means a 4+ hour drive each way in an expensive rental car just for some crowded weekend riding you have to work hard to make it happen and you do because you love it. That isn't being a dilletante, it requires quite a bit of dedication actually. I hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but sometimes I wish people would think before they type.

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If you know that your internet cocknuggetery is going to hang around and make you look like a cocknugget, you're less likely to act - well - like a cocknugget.

I agree with this. I do a fair amount of editing my own posts, but mostly for completeness and grammar (despite this half of them are still illegible). But I think post deletion/editing should be severely limited - as people tend to be more cautious about what they say if they can't change it.

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You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Can we please hear your suggestions for forum/site improvement? Or your specific objective complaints?

I would prefer that NO ONE could delete posts including admins.

Turn on the upvote/downvote forum feature.

Sufficiently downvoted posts are hidden from view.

If it is the first post then the thread becomes hidden and locked.

Bannings become a thing of the past.

Quality posts are elevated.

Eases the burden on site moderators.

Let the BOL community decide what is quality or not.

Power to the people.

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A few posts supporting deleting threads seem to confuse deleting a thread with deleting a post. "My thoughts, my right to change it" for example: how are others' responses in a thread you started your thoughts?

But even deleting posts can be a little mischievous, as others have pointed out. Responses to that post are now responses to what? By changing the context you're messing with others' posts.

"My thoughts, my right to change it" sounds perfectly correct to me. But how do you change it? How about just making a later post indicating your change in thinking?

All that said, I think the major issue here is just loss of good technical discussion. If someone deletes a post I responded to and it makes me look stupid, well, I'm not going to lose sleep or snow time over it.

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I have always thought requiring posters to post under their real names would make the forum trend towards more civility... at least a little by making posters more widely known and responsible throughout the community for their posts. Plus, I don't have the mental capacity to always be putting two names to one face.

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It's all draaaaahmmaaaaaa. Sure, we're not quite at wikipedia levels of queenyness, but it's getting there.

Drama-queening is a forum disease. It usually starts off with a bit of chronic threadpissing, which results in a bit of moderator action. That's followed by a (usually brief) period of "the mods are all nazis" posts and a (failed) attempt to overturn the rules. Further slappage ensues, and is followed by (if allowed) either deleting or blanking one's posts, (again, if allowed) removing of as many innocuous threads that you created before the mods notice.

The final phase is the "final post", which is usually summed up as

You're a bunch of farking carnts!

You don't deserve me!

You'll see who's sorry now!

I'm not coming back here, ever!

Even if you ask me really really nicely!


Do you hear me? I said,

Even if you ask me really really nicely!



This is, of course, not the final phase in many cases - what follows is a bunch of tedious (for the mods) sockpuppet postings from innumerable easily-spotted new accounts.

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