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Bomber secret plates (caution soft-boots content)


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I bought only the Second Board Kit. No BS plates yet. I'll make my own plates if I need to. I am of the type of mind to just go for it, if I want it bad enough. If I am half way through making plates when they are released.... oh well. I'll buy em.

Ah. I see.

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Any chance all those who are most interested will be notified when they are released? Checking the Store 1,000 times a day is getting exhausting. i should probably go to work soon. Let us know!:confused::freak3::o:barf:

I signed up for the bomber mailing list for this reason, but I don't know if they announce their new products via that email list.

4 weeks after Fin's 'week or two' tease is really stretching my patience. :D

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I’m wondering if a plate with a standard snowboard binding is going to give you the support which is really needed? Skip down to “***Question” if you want the quick and dirty.


The Bomber system is a great system. The design and manufacturing is beautiful. I think soft boots on the TD3 systems is definitely something which should be explored. My tendencies lie toward soft boots just because I came from standard (non-carving) snowboard setup. At the end of the day though I think whatever is best hard or soft should be used.

I’d always thought about the idea of a soft boot on a TD3 but really started thinking about it when Howard Lee from Australia sent me an email.

I think the is an important consideration which came up with other work I’ve done with skiboard bindings. A skiboard is a short, wide ski (roughly half the length of a normal ski and typically about the width of powder skis). Traditionally skiboards are ridden with releasable or non-releasable binding. The releasable bindings are standard ski bindings used across the industry. The non-releasable are typically specifically made for skiboards. With the non-releasable the theory in the community is that the boards are shorter so building up a body damaging torque is less likely. Bomber actually makes the non-releasable Elite 2 skiboard binding.

Skiboarding is now looking at putting snowboard bindings skiboards. The wider width of skiboards (relative to a normal ski or ski blade) allows for this possibility. Even so the binding is typically wider than the skiboard. If mount directly to the board, the binding would drag at moderate carve. This has led to the use of risers which allow for greater clearance.

Two method are beginning to emerged, use a riser with a standard snowboard binding or use a 3-strap binding with an integrated riser. Personally I’ve haven’t ridden the setups on anything more than artificial snow (waiting for snow to come in Ohio or going to Colorado). I’ve been getting a lot of feedback from Jack Jue from California, Yaroslow from Canada, Greco at skiboardsonline.com, and Doc at skiboards.com. There’s a thread on another forum I can post if that’s appropriate (not sure on the forum etiquette).


Do traditional 2 straps bindings give you the support you need? A traditional 2 strap will give you good support backwards due to the highback. Forwards and laterally (side to side), you are relying on the stiffness of the boot and a little support from the ankle strap of the binding. A 3rd shin strap give you the forward support. Depending on how the highback is designed, it can give you good lateral support too.

In the skiboard experience, forward and back support (tip to tail on the ski) is not important. It may actually be a bit of a hindrance. Most ski boot have some play in this direction (rough estimate 10-15 deg). The lateral support is key for the skiboard binding. This support is was controls the carving.

The overall initial experience with the traditional 2-strap binding with the riser is that may or may not provide the support for carving. This is a very initial experience with the setup. This season is where the experience will really come from and the determination on what is best will happen.

For a carving setup, what directions do you want support and which do you want movement? On a non-carving setup, the highback give you support for a heel carve. With the higher foot stance angle of carving this is going to rotate the support to have a component of support on the heel edge and a component of support on the tail of the board.

What do you think?

Jake Bender

Disclaimer: To be upfront, I run Rocker Binding. So I guess take it all with a grain of salt.

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From a competitive standpoint, this has got to be a rough (read controversial)place to plug your own branded binding here. Although from the looks of the binding so far... I don't think Fin is breaking much of a sweat.

Fun idea though, but the fit and finish of even the prototype seems to be lacking. Not trying to be offensive to you at the same time... Also, how do you mount that thing to the board? is there a special baseplate like Trench Diggers or Catek?

Keep at it, because your idea could be pretty great for some low angle BX Riders and considering the fact that Catek seems to be DOA, there is definitely a market.

My synopsis? Show a riser/cant disc system. Give the baseplate as well as the highback a 3D shape for ergonomics and style. It will give it that fit and finish I described as even my old Torque Highbacks have that...

Lots of work to do my friend. Also, I'm not sure anyone cares about skiboards here. But you will get lots of suggestions on modifying your designs as they relate to carving performance.

Are you in any way suggesting that we mount a set of your bindings to the BS Plate Fin is about to release?

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Got mine. They are sweet. The are not nearly as heavy as they look unfinished. Ano red finish. Bolt on so sweet.

Those that are getting them will be stoked.

Can't wait to try them.


OK...wait a minute! What did you buy? Where did you find it to buy it? And most importantly, show us all some pics!!!! Inquiring minds want to know!!!

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mo pics, I cant figure out how to make them bigger:smashfrea

Sorry for the crappy shots, uploads and the fact they are fully mounted. , I am a neophyte and busy and not mechanically inclined. IMO this is Bombers solid answer to Catek freerides. No flame wars please!!! That is not my intention, just a shout out to Mr Fin and Co. Thx a ton guys.

They are WAY cooler when you see them. BTW these are XL Volkl bindings for size 29 soft boots with 6 degree cants. I think i have the angles at 35 and 40 maybe...?

Just like Oakley Threes in the day "I bet (replace Oakley with Fin) will sell a million of em" Mike Buff Circa 80. I'll send a new Bomber board sleeve to the first guy/gal in North America to tell me what magazine thats from!!!

Best part about all this is, I'm getting new carpet after X-mas!!!!! no more green carpet shots!!!!:biggthump




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mo pics, I cant figure out how to make them bigger:smashfrea

Sorry for the crappy shots, uploads and the fact they are fully mounted. , I am a neophyte and busy and not mechanically inclined. IMO this is Bombers solid answer to Catek freerides. No flame wars please!!! That is not my intention, just a shout out to Mr Fin and Co. Thx a ton guys.

They are WAY cooler when you see them. BTW these are XL Volkl bindings for size 29 soft boots with 6 degree cants. I think i have the angles at 35 and 40 maybe...?

Just like Oakley Threes in the day "I bet (replace Oakley with Fin) will sell a million of em" Mike Buff Circa 80. I'll send a new Bomber board sleeve to the first guy/gal in North America to tell me what magazine thats from!!!

Best part about all this is, I'm getting new carpet after X-mas!!!!! no more green carpet shots!!!!:biggthump

Looks real nice BC!

Answer- BMX Action


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