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Ok I can't believe no one has posted about this movie yet.

Who's seen it?


I just saw it in iMax 3-D last night

I'll I can say is :eek:wow most amazing movie experience ever for me

The technology is mind boggling.

And to think it took them 5 years to make this movie

The CGI technology they used is already dated

I can't imagine what we'll be seeing in the movies in the next 3-5 years for technology.

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Seen it twice. Might see it again. I wish I had 3d around here...

I agree that this is not a story/script centric film, but one can't deny that James Cameron is a masterful storyteller, and the fact that you forget you're watching a completely animated scene is just plain cool.

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Agreed. The plot was totally "Pocahontas in Space". But it did hold my attention for nearly 3 hours, and that alone is impressive.

If we really had hanging mountains like that on Earth, I'd totally go there.

yeah, I'm sick of the basic plotline of white american goes to far off land, goes native but the natives are too dumb to lead themselves so sympathetic white man has to lead them against the his own people while proving his loyalty to the culture he is now the savior of. it's the classic whiteboy superiority complex, with a los angeles liberal twist. you know, like, dances with wolves or any movie that has a white person as the central character that takes place in the inner city. say a school teacher trying to make a difference in south central.

heard it called "white messiah fable" and other things. it's basically a way to jerk off both conservative american men and more sensitive center left democrat types.

it does look really good but I prefer animation that does not take pains to look realistic, kills the art factor to me. that's just me though.

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yeah, I'm sick of the basic plotline of white american goes to far off land, goes native but the natives are too dumb to lead themselves so sympathetic white man has to lead them against the his own people while proving his loyalty to the culture he is now the savior of. it's the classic whiteboy superiority complex, with a los angeles liberal twist. you know, like, dances with wolves or any movie that has a white person as the central character that takes place in the inner city. say a school teacher trying to make a difference in south central.

heard it called "white messiah fable" and other things. it's basically a way to jerk off both conservative american men and more sensitive center left democrat types.

it does look really good but I prefer animation that does not take pains to look realistic, kills the art factor to me. that's just me though.

Like I said, story/script is so-so. But you still should see it. The way Cameron holds your attention, and makes you feel for the characters is incredible. He is truly a master of cinematography, and that cannot be denied.

Watch it, before it leves the theatres.

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saw it in Colorado, beside my nice trip to wonderful CO I got to pay only 7.50$ for the movie. In NYC it's 12.50$. :) was so happy that was planing see it twice but riding took over.

I had fun watching it. It's well done movie and story, well simple but still keeping you on the seat for 3 h. Effects - 1st class.

Def. gotta see it !

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Like I said, story/script is so-so. But you still should see it. The way Cameron holds your attention, and makes you feel for the characters is incredible. He is truly a master of cinematography, and that cannot be denied.

Watch it, before it leves the theatres.

I have seen it, it's good but the last hour I rolled my eyes at least five times. very predictable.

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The special effects were pretty neat. I liked that they were relatively subtle instead of the usual "Check out what we can do, isn't it awesome?!?" that most Hollywood movies use. I tended to forget that it was 3D with CG.

The story was a bit soft, but still good if you go in expecting a movie targetted at 14 year-old boys. I fell asleep for a little bit in the middle (good day of riding beforehand!), that made it more interesting as I missed some key stuff that made later parts more of a surprise. It reminded me a lot of Battle For Terra, an animated movie that came out a few years ago.

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I thought the first half an hour to 45 minutes were pretty lameo. It was very bad-scifi-esque, kinda the low-budget sort of camerawork and acting. It did get more interesting thought. Thought it should have ended about 3 times though.

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I was impressed by the facial CGI overlays. I watched the movie (3D) with a deaf guy who reads lips. He says that even though the faces were CGI the lips/mouth/tongue were 'real' for the characters. I agree that the plotline was complete formula. I described it to others as Dances With Wolves with rocket launchers. I continue to get a bit of a rise from the Vatican's responses to the movie.

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Dialog was typically bad in the way James Cameron's dialog is always terrible.

Story was predictable. The "nature hippies good; evil greedy corporation bad" thing was annoying, as was the "white man rescues primitive tribe yet again" thing.


He made me care about the characters, I was fully immersed in the world, and, most importantly to me, James Cameron plays it straight. By that, I mean he is confident enough in his storytelling/moviemaking abilities that he never winks at the camera by throwing in fart jokes, crappy one-liners, gratuitous T&A shots, overdone variable-speed camera crap, or anything sucktacular like that. Even when he has characters say one-liners they fit the character and the story at the time. He never does any obnoxious "gee whiz that was awesome/hilarious/boobs" in a way that pulls you out of the movie, even though there are a lot of "holy crap that was awesome" moments in there. Gotta admire the guy for sticking with a coherent vision and really trying to make a great movie instead of phoning it in, even if he can't write exposition to save his life. Michael Bay and George Lucas, I'm looking at you.

Oh, and the effects were unbelievable - it made me totally embarassed about all the CG work I've ever done. All the stuff I've done so far is child's play. But Robert Zemeckis, with his "performance capture" atrocities (Beowulf, Polar Express), should just give up now, and never make another movie.

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Dialog was typically bad in the way James Cameron's dialog is always terrible.


He made me care about the characters, I was fully immersed in the world, and, most importantly to me, James Cameron plays it straight. By that, I mean he is confident enough in his storytelling/moviemaking abilities that he never winks at the camera by throwing in fart jokes, crappy one-liners, gratuitous T&A shots, overdone variable-speed camera crap, or anything sucktacular like that. Even when he has characters say one-liners they fit the character and the story at the time. He never does any obnoxious "gee whiz that was awesome/hilarious/boobs" in a way that pulls you out of the movie, even though there are a lot of "holy crap that was awesome" moments in there. Gotta admire the guy for sticking with a coherent vision and really trying to make a great movie instead of phoning it in, even if he can't write exposition to save his life. Michael Bay and George Lucas, I'm looking at you..

I completely agree.

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But Robert Zemeckis, with his "performance capture" atrocities (Beowulf, Polar Express), should just give up now, and never make another movie.

I am so glad someone says this.

I'm still smarting from that one I WANT a good live action or animated version of beowulf. as much as it was painful visually it was easier for me to watch than avatar even if does look amazing because I like the story in beowulf better.

In the end I guess that's what bothers me about avatar, James Cameron is no Stanley Kubrick and there's so little after the effects. People have compared this to 2001 and so on but I value movies as whole. especially after the 90 minute mark it better be really effin' good.

here's animation link though http://www.vimeo.com/7809605 enjoy

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Oh, and the effects were unbelievable - it made me totally embarassed about all the CG work I've ever done. All the stuff I've done so far is child's play. But Robert Zemeckis, with his "performance capture" atrocities (Beowulf, Polar Express), should just give up now, and never make another movie.

Anyone ever see the LOR movie in the seventies. Might have been one of the first movies to try that technique. It was so bad that, I'm sure it's why it took so long to make another LOR (I'm glad they waited until it could be done well).


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Well, for what it is worth, I watched it FIVE times already. Three in normal movie theatre, one with Open Captioned (for those who do not know me, I'm hard of hearing/Deaf), and one with 3-D. I might go watch it again this weekend at IMAX with 3-D.

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