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Any Audio Engineers out there? Need some help...


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hey fin,

they must've been trained by our good friends at welch village; welcome to the club! maybe we should all wear matching jackets too. or just a big scarlet "C" on our backs. ;)

good luck with your battle, if they're anything like what we've been dealing with, it's a losing one. we've had video, pictures, and the ski race director on our side, but none of it mattered. even when caught in a lie, they stuck to fabricated stories and refused to listen.


some one really needs to tell me what went down at welch. i kept hearing about it last year, but no one ever told me the story.

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That guy was mad at you Fin because he can barely fit in his ski pants.:eek:

Thank God you got it on video, at least there is a chance of putting these numbnuts in their place. Hope the audio thing works out.

There is a free utility called yousendit.com that works great for photo files for me.

Free up to 100mb. I have been having a little trouble getting a video from $trider but I think that is more of a file formatting or......

Good luck Fin. At first I have to admit I saw the thread title and thought OFF Topic dude. Then saw the author and thought well Fin can do whatever he wants. But now with the topic at hand I can see how important this is.

Hope it all works out. Stick it to the Yellow Man. :biggthump

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Looks like the Ski patroller has board envy

If you were in Yellow they would have cleared the way for you

Problem with arguing with idiots- they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience ...

After it's over a full write-up submitted to Ski Magazine would be a wonderful read, it's so anti-snowboard it might print it...

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Heading over to the "Mountain Watch" offices in about 1/2 hour. Have an appointment with the two supervisors over there. After them I go see Patrol as they are right next door. So far they have been very interested in the video Chris and I took that day.

Wish me luck!

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Heading over to the "Mountain Watch" offices in about 1/2 hour. Have an appointment with the two supervisors over there. After them I go see Patrol as they are right next door. So far they have been very interested in the video Chris and I took that day.

Wish me luck!

Send 'em ta court and lock 'em up!!!

When we gonna get the deets? I'm dying of curiosity!

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I had something probably close to what Fin had to deal with happen to me at Sunday River a few years ago. I was with my brother, dad and brother-in law riding the on Dec. 26th. I was the only one on HB's let alone a snowboard.

It was our first run, my brother and brother-in-law blew by be. We where on a green trail I was just rolling quick edge to edge turns and taking it easy. Threre were a ton of beginners out so I stayed to the edge of the trail to stay away from collisions. I slowed down at the "slow" sign and skidded into the lift line. I was the last one to merge in from my group. The a ski patrol came right storming over pointed at me and started yelling at me. I have never in my life been treated like this before on the slopes. I couldn't even get a word in. If I tried he just got angrier and threatened to clip my ticket. My brother and brother in-law asked why he picked me out since they were going faster. Well that just got them in trouble as well. I was told I was riding out of control and was a thread to everyone on the slope around me. My dad asked a question and almost got his ticket clipped as well. My ticket was marked with a big red X as was my brothers and brother in-laws (because they tried to defend me). If I got pulled over again I was done.

Haven't been back to SR since then, this was by far the worst I have ever been tried on the slopes after and I was most definitely singled out.

I've got a GoPro now and will be putting that to good use if a situation like this comes up again.:AR15firin:angryfire

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I hate stupid power tripping apes. I'd like to hear more stories :lurk:

I had my pass yanked a number of times when I was younger. I tend to do my best to avoid the patrollers and slip the trail if they are around. The last couple times I've been pulled over I've informed them that I own a snowboard manufacturing company that produces race boards and then showed them the corporate pass that said Donek on it. They've given me a bewildered look. I'm not sure weather they aren't familiar with the corporate pass or just figured they're on thin ice claiming a guy who makes race gear is out of control. They let me off with a verbal warning. There's nothing worse than a power hungry individual wishing to prove to himself that he has power.

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Getting ready to post my full report on this tonight. I think you will all be amazed at what you see and hear. So I am going to shut this one down and move it along. I'll be making a new thread on this tomight.

Stay tuned!

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