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Knowing a couple of people in public health, it's probably a lot worse than we think. They haven't told me anything about this particular outbreak but I heard the stories about SARS. That one was a near miss.

i dont see how it can be worse than we think. the only thing on the news nowadays is swine flu and how bad it is, when only 1 person in the US died.

i personally think its overrated. but its not to be ignored completley

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i dont see how it can be worse than we think. the only thing on the news nowadays is swine flu and how bad it is, when only 1 person in the US died.

i personally think its overrated. but its not to be ignored completley

yeah, completely blown out of proportion.

On a yearly basis, around 50,000 people world wide die from the flu during flu season.

swine flu has killed less than 250 people... big woopie. unless you're old or a toddler, you're probably fine - or possibly Mexican. Maybe they have certain genetic markers that make them more vulnerable.

*** I bet it's border control's new strategy for protecting our southern border... pig farms all along the border.

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Knowing a couple of people in public health, it's probably a lot worse than we think. They haven't told me anything about this particular outbreak but I heard the stories about SARS. That one was a near miss.

I listen to and watch canadian news, it's not nearly as scare tactic as ours.

I know people here that are stockpiling canned food because they think society is going to collapse.

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i dont see how it can be worse than we think. the only thing on the news nowadays is swine flu and how bad it is, when only 1 person in the US died.

i personally think its overrated. but its not to be ignored completley

Exactly. Last year 35 people died of just straight up enfluenza.

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Exactly. Last year an estimated 36,000 people died of just straight up influenza.

Edited ;)



It's a bit dated (6 years) but media is still quoting that number. They say related complications which I ASSume means enzyme dysfunction from fever and lungs filling up with fluid.

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They're called Mormons.

ROTFLMAO! My neighbors are mobilizing as I type this!

They've got every house mapped via Googlemaps, they've got a team leader on every block, and they've began asking for detailed lists of everyone's stockpile. My list includes:

Chest freezer stocked with center-cut pork chops (approx 70 lbs.)

120 lbs. Smoked Bacon

24 Smoked ham hocks

14 cases 1750ml bottles Canadian Mist

24 cases Mickey's Malt Liquor

2 cases Dave's Famous BBQ Sauce

4 cases Pork Rinds (chiccarones)

1 Porky Pig Sleeping Bag

12 50lb. bags Kingsford Briquets Charcoal

And, a loaded stainless Smith & Wesson 357Mag to protect it all.

Welcome to Utah!


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It's actually not affecting the elderly and the very young. In fact, most of the cases in Mexico were aged 4-45. All the health organizations, who are always pushing flu vaccines, admit that this year's vaccine will be of no help. Confirms my theory that flu vaccines are close to worthless.

It's already beyond containment since the cases are popping up all over the world. So all these travel restrictions and vigilance at our borders is completely useless. It's already here. We're gonna have to see this one played out.

All I know is that that health organizations and governments always downplay the risks when this sort of thing pops up. Remember how the French and British government kept insisting that Mad Cow disease could not cross over to humans?

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Saying swine flu is not a big deal because there are only a few hundred cases of it and only a few deaths when regular flu kills 36,000 is fundamentally not understanding math. Every sickness starts with just 1 infection, until it passes from person to person and infects exponentially. If ebola spread through the U.S. and you looked at it a week or two after the first infection, you'd only see a few hundred infected.

This flu may or may not turn out as bad as all that (for some reason it seems less virulent here than in Mexico), but if you just look at straight numbers for the worst case scenario:

The flu is easily transmitted from person to person, and routinely infects 10-20% of the population. The US has ~300,000,000 people, which means every year, about 30-60,000,000 get the flu, of which about 36,000 people (mostly elderly and children) die.

The swine flu in Mexico currently has a mortality rate of 4% (19 out of 473), meaning ~4% of the people who get it die.

A simple extrapolation:

300,000,000 people in the U.S. * 15% infection rate = 45 million infected (this is common - happens with every flu season)

45 million cases * 4% mortality rate = 1,800,000 people dead.

Or, to put it into numbers easier to understand - I work at a company with ~1000 people in it, which is small enough that I know the names of the majority of them, and recognize everybody else. If the flu infects 15% of them and kills 4% of the infected, that's 6 people that I eat lunch with every day, dead from the flu. If you work in a company with 100 people in it, flip a coin; tails: somebody you work with is dead.

Note that the great influenza of 1918, which was responsible for the vast majority (~75%) of deaths in World War I (it killed an estimated 40,000,000 people in a year, far more than died in 4 years of global warfare), only had an estimated mortality rate of 2-5%, which is right in the range of what Mexico is seeing right now.

Now, personally, I don't think it will be as bad as all that, simply because if you look globally, as opposed to just in Mexico, the mortality rate seems really low. Also, I don't see the point of panicking. You get the flu or you don't; if you live in an urban area, really, there's not much you can do about it.

My prediction: the expert medical care in the U.S. along with suggestions from the WHO and CDC will squash swine flu, and then everybody will think, "hey, that swine flu wasn't so bad" and then proceed to bash the greedy medical system and the CDC and the mainstream media for perceived fearmongering or some imagined conspiracy to drive up medical profits or distract the population from [insert your particular crusade issue], despite the fact that it was their care, warnings, and preventative measures that saved us all.

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My prediction: the expert medical care in the U.S. along with suggestions from the WHO and CDC will squash swine flu, and then everybody will think, "hey, that swine flu wasn't so bad" and then proceed to bash the greedy medical system and the CDC and the mainstream media for perceived fearmongering or some imagined conspiracy to drive up medical profits or distract the population from [insert your particular crusade issue], despite the fact that it was their care, warnings, and preventative measures that saved us all.

Many States were not prepared because their public health departments had been the target of budget cuts in recent years.

I think the response has been measured and appropriate.


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In the NYT today, they had an article: not too bad right now, looks like it is stabilizing.


It could head to the southern hemisphere and incubate and morph there during their regularly scheduled flu season (now and over our summer), and come back next flu season in the northern hemisphere resistant to everything we have. The great flu epidemic of 1918 did just that, the initial wave died out fairly rapidly, and then came back with a wallop.

Hey, it's all natural, it must be good!

And speaking of incubating and morphing, we have set ourselves up pretty good: Anit-immigrant ranting putting illegals on edge, 40 some odd million citizens without health care coverage, all pretty much not going to go to any hospital or clinic to get treatment ulness the flu is really bad. The illegals because of immigration worries, and the poor because of the expense. That will get the flu season going pretty good next year if the stuff comes back. If your barely ecking out a living your not going to let a little punkiness stop you from working at Mickey D's or cleaning office buildings or washing cars & etc.

How I envy Canada during the next flu season.:D

And one final tidbit: most deaths in Mexico from the flu are in women. No one seems to know why. That makes it suck even more.

And then we have the "conservative" talk show hosts blaming anything Mexican for the disease and the diatribes on illegals. THAT sucks even more. Unbelievable that anyone with any sense of humanity or just plain good manners could go on that way. Some of the stuff these talk show entertainers are saying about Mexicans just makes you want to puke.


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It could head to the southern hemisphere and incubate and morph there during their regularly scheduled flu season (now and over our summer), and come back next flu season in the northern hemisphere resistant to everything we have.

Hey, we can incubate some damn good stuff at that end of the world - like Sydney A and its friends. They have confirmed cases in NZ and Aust - unfortunately for the shrieking hysterics, not one case has been serious enough to even warrant being admitted to hospital. "eyeroll".

I'll keep my eyes open just for you guys in August. That should be a good time of year to pick something up, and leap back on a 300 person plane to Canada before anyone notices...

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This virus is part avian, part european swine, part asain swine, part human. As this isn't something that happens in real time and in the actual world, only one conclusion can be made. This is a man-made, lab created item. And Tamiflu is worthless against it. Cannot even think to understand the why's, but who knows how and why it got loose. SHTF is about to happen, towards me, so goodby for now, and find something natural that works against it.

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