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how do you use this forum?


how do you use this forum? Be honest!  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. how do you use this forum? Be honest!

    • For help with gear, and current action.
    • For help with technique, and riding styles.
    • To shop for gear.
    • To discuss alpine riding, and or racing.
    • To pass the time at work, like being at a internet bar, complete with all the caracters in a bar.
    • As a outlet to pick internet fights, and argue

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I use BOL to keep myself learning about equipment and technique (mostly). I like to read the discussions on the hows and whys that different snowboard/boot/binding designs work. I could have voted for 3 of the categories listed.

In my little corner of my hardbooting world I have zero access to anything related to alpine. So I come to BOL. Sometimes it's harder to find something of substance - sometimes a thread comes along that is loaded with insight that leads me in a new direction. Sometimes I say stupid sh!t (ok mostly). I've been hanging around BOL since the old site was up, I have learned a LOT - mostly I've learned that I have a lot to learn.

BTW Bordy, it was great to see you up north and to listen to you talk about alpine. I saw some seriously cool stuff at the races. Wish I could have stayed longer. Rob suggested that I look into USASA next year - I'm excited about it.

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I voted as time waster. Kind of like a bar. More like a dysfunctional family than anything.

Could you imagine if I could put my dad on ignore when he starts being racist?

That would be rad.

There are a couple of family members I wouldn't mind being banned. But come to think of it that is only they are drinking for the most part.

Maybe we could invite banned members back if they blow before posting. As long as they buy the gear.

A little bit of it all. I try not to argue here. I go to TGR if I am feeling like telling somebody to sit on a big bag of ****s.

The ride board wasn't mentioned in the poll. I have to say I like to be bomber ambassador for anyone coming to town. Have met and ridden with some great talented people as a result of this board.

There is this guy Bordy, I hope he comes to town and gives a dynamic switch carving clinic for asyms, but I meet be out of luck. :rolleyes:

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I voted for the discussions of alpine, but it is more than that for sure. All but the last for me. I love the forums and hearing what is going on in other parts of the country and world. Everything from who's getting snow to why I should get out of the 80's and onto a new deck. Its fun to feel like I'm part of this neat community of people. I like checking out the classifieds and I really like the videos people post. I like most everything about the BOL site.:1luvu:

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Though I do talk some smack to my buddies on the rideboard on occasion. I like the community that we have built around here, and I am still blown away by the fact that I can post up about a gathering at my local mountain with some demo's, food and beer, and have 50 riders show up, some from close to a thousand miles away for one day. How cool is that!! I have met some really cool people here, and I have crossed paths or posts with some not so's. It does get annoying around here from time to time, but you have to take the good with the bad. EricJ, some of the sh!t that you have come up with has me laughing my A$$ off, as well as the shenanagins over at Goon/Waterville Valley thread. Billy, I would never have had the oppurtunity to skate with you and watch you pull euro carves on pavement if it wasn't for Bomber. I hope my wipouts that day had some entertainment value for you and Rusty. As a grommet I could not get enough of this board, I devoured every tech article I could and tried to apply it on the hill while keeping up with Pcdenver. I still can't get enough of the stoke spread here, and I hope that many others still feel the way I do.

Ignore the B.S., hold on to the good, spread the stoke.


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I primarily use the ride board to hook up with the bros and gals. At times I will add my opinions of equipment that I have or have tried, or will add insight to technique if there is something that I have to say that may help one or more people. I also enjoy keeping tabs on the race scene and how old friends are doing there.


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I agree with NateW: old habits hard to break. Signal to noise ratio on the board is pretty low these past couple of years. Hard to know who to pay attention to and who posts a lot but doesn't actually know enough to help with technique/skills/gear. Well, actually, it's not, but the knowledgeable people seem to have left or don't post very much anymore.

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Really, the top 3. I'm looking to learn about current gear. I'm looking for ideas on technique. And, I'm always on the lookout for a deal on equipment.

Other than that, I like a good "LOL" as I'm a bit of a smart-ass. Anything that cracks me up (as long as it's not at someone else's expense,) is good! :)

I have only been here a short while, but I've already gotten a taste of the good, the bad, and the ugly on this forum. I like the good, but not the bad and ugly as much.

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During my early days on BOL (the forum before this forum app), I used to read -EVERY- thing on it. Now-a-days, I'm very selective on which topics I would read and respond.

Mostly Im here to talk about Alpine Riding and Racing, with a bit of "off-topics" area, and also the gathering, too.

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to hook up with homies on the ride board & keep up on the state of the sport.

it's often good for a laugh

and my main source for gear(to cheap to buy new)

Ditto minus keeping up with "the state of the sport", unless it has to do with accessibility, beings as I'm a skilled enough, talented enough, or young enough rider to worry about such :cool:

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