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I'm 99% certain I can't make it to the SQS :(

Too bad. The hills aren't large but the fun factor will be.

It's funny... the guy who helped me with my carving thinks that TD2s with red e-rings are hopelessly flexy. He makes his own one-off TD2 look-alikes with his own Bridgeport mill.

I'm telling FIN!! Patent infringement!!

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I think it vice versa, when i'm getting older i see daily more need for more flexing bindings to correct my riding errors :rolleyes:

Pokkis, I'm with you on getting older, and needing more flex. This was meant to be very tongue in cheek with the last part of the quote "and have less tolerance for other's opinions", to be the real message.

I ride F2 Intec Challenge comps (blue ones) and love 'em. Just enough flex to get me out of trouble.

By the way I'm 1/4 Finn.

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Hey guys I did not want to start the binding war :eplus2:

I think that most bindings have evolved alot in the last couple of years, and I wish I could buy a pair of TD3, but only time will be a factor...

Perhaps I will like the feeling of the F2 (coming from a burton race binding) the step will be easier :biggthump

It's still fun to see what kind of debates it brings up. In the end, I'm one of the guys who thinks that it's not the gear that makes the rider but the rider that makes the gear. In a perfect learning curve though, if i would have to recommend gear to someone, I would definitly choose a very soft binding/boots setup to a begginer, then he could adjust to stiffer as he progress, but even then some people like riding with gear that can be forgiving.

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I have both TD2's and F2 Titanflex and in most cases I prefer the F2's. Jack you haven't tried the newer F2's so please don't knock them. That buttery feeling you're enjoying with that TD3 SI receiver has been enjoyed by us F2 SI owners for a couple years now. I think we can officially say the TD1/2 receiver is garbage?

Once I change to Fins new steel receivers the TD2's may start to be used more? I certainly hope so because I like to bling out the Coiler with my Bombers! I'm not sure I'd like the red in the TD3 on my Coiler though. Perhaps Fin is going to fix that? Can I get black instead of red? :biggthump

P.S. Bruce pretty much told me I could use TD2 SI or F2's on his boards. Actually I don't think Bruce cares what we use on his boards...which makes me extremely confident in him and his products! :D

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Yep, some oldsters become more set and rigid in their thinking.

Others just smile and laugh at how inflexible they were when they were young and "knew everything."

Nothing like late-in-life parenthood and an "infallible" early teen to knock some humility into you - and some measured acceptance of give-and-take, too!

Translated to bindings, I like hardbooting the southeast 'cause I think the responsiveness and control makes sense in the highly variable, often icy conditions hereabouts. I do hope to try some TD3's with BTS boots set up for "forgiveness" someday.

Up til now, however, I've ridden various Burton bindings with never a failure - in 20+ years. Maybe I'm just too mild a carver to "push 'em", or maybe I just don't recognize imminent metal fatigue and danger. But somehow, the passionate arguments about the "best" binding (for anyone) are a bit of a yawner for me.

Philosophically, an interface that "gives" a little would seem ideal (to me at least) for all-mountain, let's-have-fun freecarving.


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No scientific analysis here, but I've never seen ski bindings with any give, other than complete release. Why would you want any give in the interface between your boots and your board?

I guess some riders like to consciously think about all those continuous small mental and physical compensations needed when they feel the binding give as they ride.

I personally like to feel locked in and let the board and terrain tell me what needs to be done next. I hated my Burton Race Plates. They were like limp noodles. When I move, I expect the board to react. Not have the bindings react and then the board after the bindings get their Sh!t together. I am a bigger, heavier rider. I suspect that the bigger you are, the more movement can be expected from non Bomber bindings.

Just my $.02.


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I think it is tough to compare ski bindings to snowboard bindings because you cant have flexibility in ski bindings obviously, because you gain that flexibility from the legs being independent one from another.

Whereas in snowboard you have both of your legs on one stick... I'd say that the softer binding will transfer less of the terrain irregularities through your legs, making it a smoother ride, while still maintaining a good path.

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Why is it that a guy gets a new board that he is totally excited about and then he gets put down for the binding choice he made? It seems we should share his excitement. We have all be there. A new board is exciting. Does it matter what binding he or she rides? Abosolutely not. As long as he or she has fun in the sport we all enjoy.

Now lets try to remember that each person is different. We all ride in our own way, and we all have different types of equipment. I do not believe an administrator should be a critic of ability, style, and equipment if it does not meet his specifications. Keep in mind administrators/moderators are not critics. Please do your job and manage the site, rather than causing trouble.

In terms of control and balance it all has to do with rider input. Each rider reacts a different way to his/her equipment. I don't want to make subconsious movements, rather conscious movements in determining how my boot/binding/board interface works together.

I must say I like riding TD2's with intec heels, but I would much prefer to ride with standards because the system has more side to side flex. However I find standards scary and comprimising after breaking two shoulder bolts, and one footing it at speed. I want and need flex bad enough that after switching to intecs I broke every hinge point out of my indys.

I would love to try F2's because I think it would make me a better rider in all situations. However my investment in six pairs of TD2 stepins has kept me from switching. However I hope to try some in the near future, and be sure if they are that good I will have them.

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Why is it that a guy gets a new board that he is totally excited about and then he gets put down for the binding choice he made?

My comments were not to put Louis down for his binding choice. They were personal comments about what I like about bombers and what I don't like about Race Plates. When I am new to a sport or hobby I look to others who have strong views on their equipment choices. Even if I don't agree and choose something other than their choice. I still like to hear from those people. The people who are passionate are better sounding boards than those who say things like "meh, I'll ride anything". Who would you want giving you a review of their equipment choice? Passion or Vegetable Lasagna?


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I've ridden both tds, and burtons, names aside, I prefer the flexier binding because I have become accustomed to them. They allow the body to move more freely above them as well. Not just the reaction time alone from binding to board.

I think some of the best hardboot riding is that when you can't even tell from a distance that the rider is on hardboots, its smooth, fast, and effortless.

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Hey guys,

You don't have to worry about my feelings, lol. It will take much more to hurt them. I think this is a healthy conversation about bindings. It just shows that some people prefer a type of binding over another. It is called diversity, there is not a theory superior to the other so far, or else every rider on the world cup would be riding the same gear.

That is why we see bombers, F2, catek & everything else. Obviously if you ride them your going to root for them. Have fun rocking your boards guys ! :biggthump

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I had a chance to try out Bruce's new Metal AM 172 on the weekend. I already have his old non-metal 172 AM. The difference was unbelievable. The new board is so SMOOOTH and stable, bends better even though I'm at least 20lbs lighter than what it was designed for. The bending when you push at the apex was really pleasant. Can't really explain it, it's more a feel (sort of like trying to understand when my wife talks to me:eek:). If you have a chance to try it out at SES, do so. What a pleasure to ride.

By the way, FYI, Bruce had a number of boards that day, and all of them were on F2 bindings. I rode the AM with my own F2's. Bruce uses F2 Intec.

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I had a chance to try out Bruce's new Metal AM 172 on the weekend. I already have his old non-metal 172 AM. The difference was unbelievable. The new board is so SMOOOTH and stable, bends better even though I'm at least 20lbs lighter than what it was designed for. The bending when you push at the apex was really pleasant. Can't really explain it, it's more a feel (sort of like trying to understand when my wife talks to me:eek:). If you have a chance to try it out at SES, do so. What a pleasure to ride.

By the way, FYI, Bruce had a number of boards that day, and all of them were on F2 bindings. I rode the AM with my own F2's. Bruce uses F2 Intec.

I can't wait to try out mine.. I've been quite busy this week and I did not buy my season pass yet.. I have to start moving my ass soon.

It is -22 in montreal -31 with the wind factor, it will go down to -30 by the end of the week excluding the wind factor... We are in for a tough weekend on the slopes !!!!

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Hey, sorry to get that thread off on the wrong foot, I was in one of my wise-ass moods I guess. Not trying to put you down, just talkin' a little schmack. Welcome to the Coiler club! One of the best boards out there, IMO. Have fun.


Akno, you knew exactly what was going to happen when you posted that!:AR15firin

by the way BOTH of my new Coiler's have f2's on them. my Madd has Td2's. no problem for me with either one.

will you make the SES this year? it would be good to ride with you again!!

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I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one going that way on a metal board (wich doesnt surprise me anyway)

It was a really interesting discussion though, but as always we did not come to a clear cut conclusion :eplus2:

I hope I won't have any gear failure at -30 .. -35

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