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D-SUB banned!


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He hasn't been posting here for awhile, he posted somewhere that he was not going to be posting with the regularity that we were so used to seeing but he would check in occasionally.

For you newer members, he (D-sub) asked to be removed from the message board a few years ago. At that time, he had over a few thousand posts with the old screen name. He was absent for awhile and then reincarnated as D-Sub, I don't remember what his previous name was.

All I am saying is that he could've requested to have his membership?? withdrawn again.

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"For you newer members, he (D-sub) asked to be removed from the message board a few years ago. At that time, he had over a few thousand posts with the old screen name. He was absent for awhile and then reincarnated as D-Sub, I don't remember what his previous name was. "

let me revise this and put it bluntly:

d-sub is the official BOL Tool - a guy whose life consisted largely of posting to bomberonline. he is one of these people who has an opinion about any and absolutely f'n everything and will talk (post in this case) to anyone who cares to listen. he's a big fish in a very very small pond.

maybe he's cool in person, but he's a dip**** on bol

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"For you newer members, he (D-sub) asked to be removed from the message board a few years ago. At that time, he had over a few thousand posts with the old screen name. He was absent for awhile and then reincarnated as D-Sub, I don't remember what his previous name was. "

let me revise this and put it bluntly:

d-sub is the official BOL Tool - a guy whose life consisted largely of posting to bomberonline. he is one of these people who has an opinion about any and absolutely f'n everything and will talk (post in this case) to anyone who cares to listen. he's a big fish in a very very small pond.

maybe he's cool in person, but he's a dip**** on bol

I've been lurking on this board for a while under a different screen name. I forgot my password and don't even use the email I registered with so I created a new screen name.

I've seen the flareups this guy caused, and I've also seen quite a few people kick him when he was "down." There's a fair amount of quite childish behavior on this site, and the above post is a prime example. The guy is banned. Can't respond or "defend" himself and yet Barry here feels the need to spout off about how much of a prick D-Sub is/was?

How old are you, Barry?

I rememeber how pissed you got at D-Sub when he had a friend enter a design for the donek board. Probably ate at you that he ended up winning, huh?

The things you wrote above made zero sense really. Big fish, small pond? Uh...how is that? It's not like D-Sub had any "power" here, and he had plenty of detractors. Also...how do you have any idea what his life consisted of? Do you have a man crush on the guy? Do you follow him around? He hasn't posted here in weeks or even months and yet...the instant his name gets mentioned you somehow think it's necessary to chime in and talk trash?

Again I ask, how old are you?

D-Sub posted here a lot. That's pretty much a dead horse. Sometimes he got out of line, and definitely had his share of altercations with various members, some of whom are incredibly egotistical, two faced, conniving and more. You don't come out squeaky clean here, my friend. How you can consider yourself somehow "above the fray" and then do what you just did is beyond comprehension. Do you feel powerful? Avenged? Vindicated? Nah...you should feel small and stupid, really.

nice work!

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d-sub is the official BOL Tool

Since you don't the authority to make anyone the official BOL anything, I nominate you for the position of BOL Tool.

maybe he's cool in person, but he's a dip**** on bol

Saying this does not lessen your toolness.


Much happier now that I use this little tutorial. You just made the list.


And there was peace and calm in the valley of Bomber once again after placing the tool filter colored lenses upon his face.:eplus2:

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I knew that would be useful ;)

leave the guy alone. Buncha keyboard cowboys talking **** about a guy they don't know who can no longer respond.

Does bashing people from behind your internet alias make you feel better about yourself? I feel sorry for you.

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...For you newer members, he (D-sub) asked to be removed from the message board a few years ago. At that time, he had over a few thousand posts with the old screen name. He was absent for awhile and then reincarnated as D-Sub, I don't remember what his previous name was.

All I am saying is that he could've requested to have his membership?? withdrawn again.

honest questions.

why would someone bother requesting to have their membership withdrawn?

is there some kind of pro-rated refund availiable that I'm not aware of?

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We take bans very seriously. Fin can ban someone by himself (it's his site). If any of the 3 other moderators propose a ban, we all discuss it and we try to get a unanimous decision - which is usually easy. Fin can overrule either way. Michelle is usually too busy with Bomber business stuff to get involved.

People can be banned by repeatedly or flagrantly violating the posted rules of the forum. If that sounds vague, please re-read them, they're quite specific. People can also be banned for things said in emails to us. I suppose someone could be banned for threatening another member over email, but that hasn't happened, or come to our attention, afaik.

You know what's especially funny to me, is when we politely ask someone to stop breaking the rules, and they email back "no", or worse. haha... gone.

I won't go into details, but this time the D-Sub show ends on our terms. There was no one whopper incident, just a bunch of stuff over time. I actually like the guy on a 1-on-1 basis over email, and wish he could have kept it together here.

I would like to say one thing post mortem, and that is that I always thought it was really lame when people hated on him just for his post count.

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I bet D's a great guy IRL.

I'm sure this has something to do with his for sale post and the rants he went on about all the views and no sale? That was a bit annoying but hey nobody is forcing you to read his posts.

Best of luck in life D-Sub! If you're ever in New Mexico drop me a PM/Email and we'll make some trenches.

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For crying out loud. Its an online forum. Where would the fun be without the occasional flame war, chest-puffing and uninformed diatribe? I can't believe what a bunch of overly sensitive pansies we are. RIP D-Sub, we'll miss you.

Thank you, I can't agree more

The same people that whine to the mods about everything that D-sub would post or whoever are the same ones who cause the most trouble IMHO.

Speaking of people making threats I had a normal user claiming he had pull with Fin, that he was having me banned and that he WAS GOIN TO HAVE ME PUT IN JAIL because he did not like my posts. But I was the ass hole.

Barry, you're the tool. Normally you don't bother me but you get on this d-sub thing like he's your ex girlfriend that left you for a guy with a mullet, camaro and a giant willy.


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You've gotta love people who complain about flame wars. And then you gotta love the people who complain about the people who complain about flame wars. But it just makes me think... Arent' most of the people who complain about flame wars just doing it to start a flame war? So then what do the flame war complainer complainers have to complain about? Can't we all just flame on?


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