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Kimo Is Down

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I'm sure that Stan and Curtis (and anyone else visiting) are passing on the best wishes of your fellow carvers.

Vanessa and I are thinking of you from this side of the ocean and wish you the speediest of recoveries.

Also a hearty congratulations on your wedding. I look forward to maybe being introduced to your new wife next year at SES - well it's only fair, since I brought mine along this year.

Get well soon mate.


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:nono: I took a day off from riding and she was nice enough to let me stay at her fancy pants condo in Silverthorne while she tor up the fresh pow at Abasin. :ices_ange

Ah, you're stil riding up there. Good stuff! Say hi for me, and tell her we have to ride together again soon - so she can kick my butt some more :) I missed her all this season.

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Apparently Colorado law provides a way for a couple to marry at a courthouse with only one of the two present. I think he had to have a note from his doctor. Anyway.. mad props to you Cherie for totally standing my your man!!

I just got this note from Cherie.. Kimo's wife:

Hi stan this is kimos wife. Just wanted to get the word out kimo came out of surgery good with just a little slow speech/reading. We won't know what type of cancer it is until fri at earliest. Please spread the word and tell ppl he can't take visits or phoine calls but emails are greatly appreciated! Its great to see all his friends rallying for him!


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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Hey everybody this is cherie kimos wife. Thank you for all of your support! This thread is over whelming and I am so glad kimo has so many people that love him! Sorry updates are slow but we are both very sleep deprived! Here's the latest. He made it through surgery with just a little speech impediment and slight facial drooping on the right. Those effects very well may subside. He also is only able to read slowly but I will be sure to read this thread to him. They had to leave a notible amount of tumor tissue in bc kimo started slurring and loosing speech when they stimulated that area. It was an awake surgery for those of you who don't know. That way they can more accuratly tell what needs to be left for functional purposes. We spent the night and most of today in the icu but now were back on the nneuro floor. Tomorrow they will evaluate him to see if he needs some time in in patient rehab. If not well go home. I don't think were ready to go home bc he's on all sorts of strong ass meds and has a huge incision on his scalp and I don't feel qualified to assess those types of things! So let's hope they let us stay a little longer! Well I'd love to keep you updated. This blackberry is hard for me to type on so if someone could email me at pollockc08@gmail.com so I can type updates on my pearl and email them for someone to post for me? Thanks again for all the love and support! And curtis it was great to meet you! Oh for those of you who wondered hoow we got married, in co all you have to do is pay for the license and sign it. No officiant or witness required.


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Hey guys. I've just got to look at you wrote while I have been in the hospital. It really meant a lot to read what wrote. I am getting better for having had a pretty good chunk of my brain removed. The worst is the speech ability, but they didn't take all it. Also writing is hard too. I actually feel like I could riding right now, but I know that will take some time too. I can't till I'm back riding with you all again.

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Guest shrederjen

We were all thinking of you and missing you as we rode this weekend....

Hang in there, and we will see you next season, if not sooner!


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Hey guys. I've just got to look at you wrote while I have been in the hospital. It really meant a lot to read what wrote. I am getting better for having had a pretty good chunk of my brain removed. The worst is the speech ability, but they didn't take all it. Also writing is hard too. I actually feel like I could riding right now, but I know that will take some time too. I can't till I'm back riding with you all again.

Great to see you posting. Nice work. Keep after it. Words are overrated anyway. The real talk is the line you leave on the slope.

Cheers and healing vibes continue your way.

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Hey guys. I've just got to look at you wrote while I have been in the hospital. It really meant a lot to read what wrote. I am getting better for having had a pretty good chunk of my brain removed. The worst is the speech ability, but they didn't take all it. Also writing is hard too. I actually feel like I could riding right now, but I know that will take some time too. I can't till I'm back riding with you all again.
Very cool to see you check in on this thread Kimo!! As you can see, you have people from all over the planet pulling for you!!
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Hey guys. I've just got to look at you wrote while I have been in the hospital. It really meant a lot to read what wrote. I am getting better for having had a pretty good chunk of my brain removed. The worst is the speech ability, but they didn't take all it. Also writing is hard too. I actually feel like I could riding right now, but I know that will take some time too. I can't till I'm back riding with you all again.

Hey Kimo, welcome back! It's good to see that you are doing well :biggthump

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