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BOL board out of the loop. Bordy out...


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Nobody likes Ted better then Ted:1luvu:

and despite all his wacky views ya still gotta love Uncle Ted

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I've been online since the dawn of time - before Al Gore even invented the Internet. Who remembers BBS's and CompuServe?

Ahhh how 'bout being on DARPA Net in 1976

how do you count that?


P.S. some programmers stayed up all night playing Dungeons and Dragons with other DARPA net folks. those were the days of tuxedo printed T-shirts.

United Technologies,Carnegie Mellon, Cal Tech, Sikorsky,NASA, and so on........

The teletypes used up boxes of paper each night

In 1977 we got the first DEC monitors so you did not have to waste all the paper

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So, I realize I'm late to the party, but I finally read through Bordy's desperate cry for attention and figured I'd toss a little bit of fuel into the fire. There were a couple of statements made which I felt could use some special attention.

too bad there aren't more down to earth, hard charging, no BS types like BB here on BOL.


How do I even know if that resume is factual? Because if you Google Billy Bordy, not a whole lot comes up

Let's start with the second statement. JohnBauer is correct: a basic Google search doesn't turn up much about Bordy. The usual reason for a lack of Google hits when searching for someone specific is that nothing he has ever done has been noteworthy enough to get even a passing mention in a trade magazine. Fortunately, Mr Bauer, we have resources which are even better than Google for some of this stuff. I'll get back to that in a moment.

So, that kind of brings us willywhit's statement. He says that Bordy is a "no BS type." Bordy says of himself that he is a big time racer, a guy who knows pretty much everything about everything. He wants us to think he's been successful as a racer, that he's won multiple world cup events or at least been a contender, that he has lived "the racer's life," and so on and so forth.

Now, I don't know for a fact that "Bordy" is actually the same William Bordy born on August 23, 1972 who shows up in a FIS records search. It could just be an exceptional coincidence that the nobody posting under the screen name of "Bordy" happened to pick a screen name which returns just a single racer. It would be one heck of a coincidence, but it is entirely possible.

Wait - did I say FIS records search? Sorry, Bordy, but anyone who clicks this link can see your FIS history. The people who do happen to click that link will find that Bordy has only one top-10 finish in his entire racing "career." In fact, Bordy is a consistent bottom-half finisher. Of course, he's consistently at the top of that bottom half. Perhaps that is where his "top racer" attitude comes from?

For those who are especially curious, you can do a similar search for his USSA results as well. There are no top-10 finishes there, either. Go figure.

So, it seems that what we have here is a near-nobody who happened to have run across a successful racer or two. From that, he developed an internet persona with a "successful" racing "career." If success breeds success, then Bordy being around successful racers kind of makes him successful by association, right?

Bordy, your bull**** won't be missed. If we wanted to hear obnoxious rants from people with worthless racing "resumes," we have plenty of better outlets. Yet again, you've taken your ball and gone home. This time, please stay there.

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Well that would be a pity because Bordy has some of the most valuable posts.

You guys kill me.

Some people have been posting for years here.

The same stuff goes on at the same time of the season... BUT…for slalom skateboarding... at the end of the season ...about late Oct. to mid NOV. Everyone starts slinging. We actually call it a "melt down" and it happens every single year on NCDAS.com...you can look at the HISTORY BY DATES AND SEE IT HAPPEN EACH YEAR.

Here at BOL it is a "Meltdown" when the snow gets too mushy to carve.. people start slinging. The frustration just happens on the keyboard instead of the snowboard.

Ok so you guys want info..real info from real pros. I've met guys that win world cups that liked Madd boards. MF wanted us to sponsor him and he said Jaysey J was also interested (he did not trust our inserts) ., Adam Hoestetter(Sims/Fila) rode our boards, Anton Pogue won world cups on our boards, Jeremy Jones rode a 158 against Pogue in one of the US open slaloms. This was years ago and BOL existed then. Do these guys post?

No they don't. Why? because they have other things to do. Like train- hang out with Bro's in the real world who are cool and fun without computers.

So consider yourselves lucky that Bordy (who as Mirror 70 said - what is this guys name?) is a bottom half finisher.

Chris Klug is an athlete. He is tall and fit. His parents were very supportive of his want to race snowboards. Klug could do very well even on substandard equipment as he is a very fit and disciplined guy.

Bordy (you know I love you man!) is short. He wasn't born 6+ feet tall with lightning fast reflexes. He probably can't bench 250, or press the entire stack of a Universal leg press with a single leg.

So given the above... how does he do so well? MF could practically lift a car with his leg press strength. Pogue is virtually liquid- like a trout through slalom. (I could use more current racers- but instead I pick ones people know).

Lets look at Kildy. I watched him race- he is also not a powerhouse but often did well.

What Kildy and Bordy have in common is their attention to new technology and development. Kildy was always riding a wild set up. He was racing narrow boards on true GS courses before anyone else figured that out.

Both of these guys are very smart. (though Bordy could get an Apple since those spell check everything in nearly every program).

So guys... how fit are you?

Are you more like Chris Klug and Jaysey Jay Anderson 300 + days a year on snow..or are you more like Bordy and Kildy? (Don't kid yourselves).

I'm no super athlete. I won a World Championship in 2002 only because I selected better gear and had a good racing strategy. I was racing against people who were in better shape than I was. I won a Silver Medal for speedboarding from the French and Spanish Olympic Committees in the Jeaux Pyreneens D'aventure (A trial Olympic X-games)- mostly because I had a good tuck and a really good board.

So you guys... you all read BOL to hopefully become a better carver- so when you go home ...during the drive home...you can think that you improved- and are Better.

Photodad- put your Burton on Ebay and ask Santa for a better board next year. Your family will find a way if you are a good dad.


Which brings me to the B word.

I've know Burton products for years. I was the first Sims and Winterstick rep on the East Coast...and of course Burton was the competition.

All I could do is show people how my product was better. Which at the time was not particularly hard.

I'd chat with Andy Coghlan in Ski market, and Mark Heingartner at Stratton. They rode Burton because they loved Jake.

And Jake Burton Carpenter is a really nice guy. I ran a snowboard/bike shop in Boston and he came in and loved my shop. Jake asked "Why don't you carry Burton here?" The answer was Ski Market had a lock on the territory at the time. I do like Jake...even though his attempt to force other manufacturers to pay him royalties by attempting to Patent snowboarding was a horrible move. It doesn't make Jake a bad guy. It just was a bad idea. Everyone has a bad idea once in a while. Madd Mike once had a drawing sketched by his GF of a binding (for a SIA flyer) which happened to be a Burton Binding which showed proprietary Burton features. Burton send a swarm of lawyers over to sue GUM bindings and went to the wrong address... hysterical. That was a very bad idea by Madd Mike. (The GUM bindings looked nothing like the Burtons BTW)

AND we all make duds..once in a while. Mike Olson (Libtech/GNU) used to talk to me at every SIA and he showed me his first carbon Fiber binding (We had the best conversations) he asked me what I thought of it and I said "Two words,..... catastrophic failure." he looked at me quizzically and said "Catastrophic failure?" and I explained when composites are not designed to handle the stresses imposed upon them they explode instead of bending. The next year...nearly all of his bindings broke (shattered notched center discs and footplates) and I saw him at SIA again..he came up to me - put his arm on my shoulder and smiled "Catastrophic failure...(he laughed) you were right" and we laughed some more.

You see- manufacturers don't take offense to a criticism on a product. They take it as constructive not destructive.

So it makes us laugh when people get so upset and defensive over a product that we all know has a limited lifetime and is transient.

Maybe Burton Primes aren't Yugo's or Renaults or Corvairs (two friends of mine own those). But you could ride so much better and have more fun and IMPROVE faster on better gear. It doesn't matter if the board was a Rossignol Prime or a Madd Prime, or a Kessler Prime... it was just a mediocre design. Period. Madd has made some real duds too.. so what? I even tell people not to buy Madd cap construction boards- they are duds.

So PhotoDad... if you really love carving and you have gotten good enough to outgrow your Prime... just sell it. You mention Gordon and Smith... I happen to be very good friends with Deb Gordon who runs G & S skateboards. She is awesome. You likely are an old school 1970’s slalom skateboarder if you mention G & S... I loved G&S boards. I raced them- I collected them. Henry Hester was my favorite racer of all time- who ironically is now on my team, Roe racing (RoeSlalom.com) and thinks of me as his favorite skateboard slalomer of all time. Roe makes some great boards. They also made some duds. Like the Roe Bonita (which I actually won a race on- overcame its dudness).

Gareth Roe would not be upset if I called a board a dud (He wants my feedback). Neither did Bob Turner of Turner Summer Ski when I said some of his high cambered boards, and boards made at Taylor Dykema were duds.

So get over the Prime being called a dud.. it was...and still is.

I'm going to skate with Chris Klug- who still has a stockpile of Stock Factory Primes that he sells online. He likely just was given a ton of them by Jake. I'll ask him why he doesn't race on a stock '99 factory prime and why he doesn't post on BOL. And he will laugh in my face. And we will both laugh. And if you asked him if he thought Bordy was qualified to post on a amateur carving site he would say Yeah- because he would be thankful that Bordy was spending the time to do it and grow alpine instead of having to take the time to do it himself.. or happy to have Bordy do it because Klug has a lot more fun things to do than type. Klug would be happy that someone as qualified as Bordy was bothering to take the time to post. I'm happy that Klug doesn't post here and instead puts his time into supporting transplants and donor programs... it is a far more important cause. Professional athletes have better things to do than get out of shape sitting reading posts and typing until 3am. You were lucky to have Bordy- or ANYONE who EVER raced on the circuit.

Bordy gives you his opinion which IMHO is a qualified opinion. As a pro slalom skateboard racer I found that a top Amatur racer, Terrence Kirby, spent more time testing gear than I did (and most everyone) . I took his advice and was a far faster racer for it.

So for those of you who give Bordy flack- you are just pissing in your own party's beer pitcher....and you sound really foolish and just discredit yourselves. Jack M. was absolutely right.

And Softboot sailor- I've seen you for the past 2 days at the Aspen Gondola since Butermilk closed a few days ago. What is flatter? Aspen Moutain (Ajax) or Buttermilk?

IMHO Aspen Mountain is not at all boring...

Buttermilk / Tiehack (Where you can find pow 4 days after a storm) is fun but to a high level carver it is ... actually boring- compared to say Mt. Bachelor, Attitash, Stowe, Aspen Ajax, Aspen Highlands, Vail Beaver Creek, Killington (on a good day only), Squaw Valley, Sun Valley, etc etc etc.

The issue with Buttermilk is that it has no Expert terrain and only 1 or two steeper pitches. I would say that anyone who races on the circuit who was asked in their opinion if they agreed that Buttermilk was an Exciting Moutain to ride...would say “No”. its just their opinion.

I don't race the circuit. I think Buttermilk is kinda boring... but still fun. I have a great time whenever I ride there because I can count on good grooming and lots of places to lay down 360's (more than at any other mountain in a single run). The ski patrol there is super cool. BUT The food is way better at Aspen Mountain than at Buttermilk.

That being said.. what is the mountain that I always tell carvers to go to when they come to Aspen???


Where do I like to carve the most? Aspen Mountain- because it is challenging... I like to carve Copper full speed on Soft boots. I like to carve Back of Bell 1 (steep) full speed on hard boots. But I wouldn’t tell any rider that was not a highly skilled strong rider to pick Aspen Mountain for Carving- all of Aspens other Mountains would be better choices for riders that are not both strong and skilled. Buttermilk may be boring with its limited terrain- but it sure is fun if you take the time to adapt your riding to it. Hitting 360's all over Buttermilk one day was some of the most fun I have had anywhere.,,and yes it was on non challenging (boring) terrain.

Ahem... also just so everyone knows…I am not all "Down on Burton" I have bought things that they sold that I thought were good. Like their rachet tools. (I buy one every year). I've recommended their soft boots as a great value for decades. FYI I even once applied for a job at Burton in 1991 (As Burton's soft boot development manager).

2 nights ago I bought some Burton Andy Warhol boots and I think they are absolutely great... Love them! I can carve better in those than my 10+ year old (60+ days of riding) Salomon Malamutes and go bigger in powder and jumps.. damn fine Burton product. They were 60% off I paid $120 for them new. I'd pay $320 for them now that I know how good they are.

If something is good.. I buy it. I don't care what the name on the box says. Frankly (sonic pun intended) I wanna buy a Virus Metal Board.. if Vlad and Ray ride them.. they've got to be good. If something sucks and I want to save someone buyers remorse... I tell them- or post about it if I think I will save someone the feeling of buying the wrong product.

Other products I've loved. Never Summer boards. Always enjoyed demoing them.

2 days ago I bought a T5 Premier Never Summer 165cm. Rode it 1000 vertical feet and decided because of the sidecut 8.7M that it is not for me, and that I prefer my current softboot board. And the Never Summer T5 Premier is still soooo much better than many boards out there. Its just my opinion that I like my Splittail more for both carving and powder than the $500 Never Summer- which I did not expect... or I wouldn't have bought the Never Summer.

I just wish someone who had ridden both my board and the Never Summer and was willing to stick their neck out on a forum and warn me before I dropped $218 on it in a 60% off sale frenzy.

Anyone wanna buy it for $218?

I should have asked Bordy. He would have known.

It's a shame for BOL to lose Bordy as a resource of reason and testing. He's also sooo funny. So I will have to check out Hardbooter- where hopefully, there is a high ratio of Bordy Posts (Signal) to people who would defend a mediocre board because it is what they owned or was the only thing they could afford and never rode a wide variety of cheap boards (noise).

I want to hear from people that have ridden everything.. not just 5- 10 different boards a year. Also- the people who have ridden everything can make the best recommendation for a board costing under $100 and usually (if they have requistite skills) make the best recommendation for a board costing over $1200.

If you don't think this is true.. enroll in a Logic course.

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Photodad- put your Burton on Ebay and ask Santa for a better board next year. Your family will find a way if you are a good dad.

So PhotoDad... if you really love carving and you have gotten good enough to outgrow your Prime... just sell it. You mention Gordon and Smith... I happen to be very good friends with Deb Gordon who runs G & S skateboards. She is awesome. You likely are an old school 1970’s slalom skateboarder if you mention G & S... I loved G&S boards. I raced them- I collected them. Henry Hester was my favorite racer of all time- who ironically is now on my team, Roe racing (RoeSlalom.com) and thinks of me as his favorite skateboard slalomer of all time. Roe makes some great boards. They also made some duds. Like the Roe Bonita (which I actually won a race on- overcame its dudness).

I'm not so much new to carving so much as I am the equipment. I found my way here purely by a carver on the hill suggesting this as a good place to find inexpensive equipment. I agree with what you had to say and I don't hold a grudge against anybody on here. I like the discussion and I've picked up a lot of information here. I'm just trying to get into this on a full-time single father's income who is also going back to school. Times are and have been tight with attorney fees (divorce/custody battle, had plenty of financial backing for that cause, couldn't say they'd find a new snowboard worthy of additional contribution) and now going back to school. It's these reasons I took such comments as personal attacks. And bobdea, I know there are F2's and other inexpensive boards, but they are few and far between compared to burtons, and go even quicker, plus I wanted a wider board. I intended my time here to talk with other boarders for entertainment and to talk shop. If I crossed the line I appologize. I wasn't here to talk to pro's or even board makers and didn't realize I was.

And maybe since, even in Ohio, my profession has given me the chance to rub elbows with some famous and important individuals (Martin Sheen, Adam Dunn, Mike Schmidt, Dave Concepcion, Johny Bench, Mike Dewine (Ohio's Gov.), multiple national bands, Jerry Springer, 5 star generals at Wright Patterson Airforce Base, the Golden Knights Army paratrooper team, Blue Angles, Thunderbirds, (Dayton airshow) and even a full day riding around in the Presidential motorcade with "W", even being on the tarmac as he got off Airforce 1 at Wright Patt) has effected the "wow" factor for me. Bordy would make me look like an infant on the snow, I know this, but I had no clue as to who he was. I was under the impression, and I know better now, that this was just a bunch of recreational carvers and instructors (one myself from 89 to 94) letting it all hang out.

Abrupt change of topic!!! I've had so many G&S boards I couldn't begin to start. (Chris Miller, 2 Billy Ruffs one wood one fiberglass, Steve Claar, Bod Boyle, Nicky Gurerro, you get the idea) Actually 80's. I loved the old Fiberlights, great for half, infact one of my highschool senior portraits is with me and my Billy Ruff!!! I also had one of their snowboards, which sorry to say was a dissapointment, but I'd love to get one of their longboards. Pity the snake run at Kona skate park has been chopped in half to put in a "street" coarse. Funny you don't find too many transitions out on the actual street!




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John, even after reading reading that huge, rambling, self-congratulatory novella twice, I still can't find anything anything in it which even remotely resembles a point.

You did, however, manage to drop 20 names in just that one post. That deserves a high-five.

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John, thank you. Great post (certainly not "noise").

I haven't carved for very many years, but the two times I have met Bordy, he has been nothing but encouraging and helpful. He's not the only one (99% of carvers I have met have been the same) but since he is the topic of this debate, I'll focus my appreciation of him as someone who certainly knows more than me, but is happy to stop and chat and give some advice - which always seemed to be spot on.

Thanks Billy.

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I appreciate the varied opinions found on BOL, especially from people with experience in more than 3-4 brands.

The veheminence on both extemities of the burton camp gets a little ridiculous, the flame wars can be entertaining but do nothing for my thirst for knowledge of equipment & technique.

There's alot of posters with far less varied experience than mine that think thier opinion is pretty damn special, & while having some value adding to the mix, they are not nessecarily flameworthy.

I do believe that burton has done an incredulous disservice to the sport by abandoning alpine, but that leaves what little market there is to the people that give a shiite whether or not thier board carves.

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So, it seems that what we have here is a near-nobody who happened to have run across a successful racer or two. From that, he developed an internet persona with a "successful" racing "career." If success breeds success, then Bordy being around successful racers kind of makes him successful by association, right?

So, because you ARE a nobody (until proven otherwise), where does that put YOUR post?


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So, because you ARE a nobody (until proven otherwise), where does that put YOUR post?

If you can find a single post where I have claimed I am anything but a nobody, I'll give up snowboarding and switch to mono-skiing.

Bordy, however, has made an internet career of telling us how awesome he is. The truth is that he paid for a FIS membership, did nothing with it, and now makes a full time job of jerking himself off on the internet. I bet girls at bars just throw themselves at him once they hear about it. "Hey babe, I'm an internet tough guy. Ok, not really. I'm more of a niche internet tough guy. Unimportant people know me!"

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That's Jib-erish!!!:lol:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkBinxZdneA&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkBinxZdneA&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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The truth is that he paid for a FIS membership, did nothing with it


Did "nothing"? So "something" must be defined by being on the podium every other event? Being consistently in the top ten? Qualifying for the Olympic team? Being on a Wheaties box? I guess it couldn't be spending that many years training/riding/associating with some the best alpine snowboard athletes in the WORLD as well as equipment mfgs and then taking that knowledge and experience, dedicating your LIFE to it (with a passion), and helping disseminate it to the masses...hmmm

and now makes a full time job of jerking himself off on the internet.

Uh, no, actually his full-time job involves being ON THE SNOW. Something that I would imagine many of us nobodies (well, at least me) would kill to be able to do successfully. Unfortunately not a reality for me, at least for now. I'm bound and determined to make this happen in some way, shape or form...someday.

I bet girls at bars just throw themselves at him once they hear about it. "Hey babe, I'm an internet tough guy. Ok, not really. I'm more of a niche internet tough guy. Unimportant people know me!"

Does his wife know about this?

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Guest JohnBauer
I now invite you all to search posts by mirror70, JohnBauer, Bordy, and John Gilmour and decide for yourselves who is a pathetic troll and who actually has contributed to this community...

hint: two of them are trolls...

Bordy is the greatest troll in the history of BOL. So who's the second one?

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If you can find a single post where I have claimed I am anything but a nobody, I'll give up snowboarding and switch to mono-skiing.

Actually- you are not a "nobody". You are acting like a true internet troll.

I don't recall seeing much of anything constructive/instructive come out of your posts. Just mostly references on where to buy gear- deal with computers, etc.

Your contributions to BOL ...where are they? You don't fit into the cooperative nature of a forum... you just disrupt and act like a drunken fool. Erik beckman is a great instructor- he taught Tim Flight- a remarkably good rider in a short period of time. I'm sure Beckman would not approve of your slams on BOL members.

Since Bordy is not a qualified rider in your eyes to be offering advice.. why don't you simply have a ride off with Bordy and let BOL guys at the next expression session determine who is the better rider and better informed? I think we can count on Bordy showing up at the next Aspen Expression session and helping out like he did at the last one- so if you don't show ... I guess we can assume you lose by default.

I always find posters who do not use their real names are the first to degrade others from behind a keyboard. Look in the Mirror.

Who have you helped here? I am sure I MUST have missed a post or two..and if you are fast you can register some bogus new names that can say they have been helped by you..can't wait to see the "skidders" that say you have helped them.

All of this is a shame..mostly because if you were a student of Beckman's- or a fellow instructor that rode with him... likely YOU ARE A REALLY GOOD RIDER. Beckman always dialed in riders well- at least the ones I have met- and all of the carvers who I met that hung with Beckman can handle a wide variety of conditions. So why not help out a bit here and there positively- I am sure you have the ability to do so. BOL is not a forum for Pros it is a forum for Ams that hopefully have some guidance by an occasional good am or top pro to help their riding and gear set ups.

Alpine is funny as most good carvers had no way to really learn how to carve until they rode with someone who serves as their guru- most good carvers got there through some sort of mentorship.. Something I could never afford (buy lessons- I have bought 1 in my life and it was clearly worth it) or be able to travel or be schooled to get coached (CVA, SMS, CrossM) so I had to fumble through it myself- which is difficult and takes a lot of time on the snow, and not just blindly turning but changing something in every turn and comparing it to the last turn. Probably I "ski a alpine" board more than "snowboard an alpine board" since my style was developed to cope with east Coast icy conditions and mixed end of the day slop on frozen granular.

Mirror should be passing along some of Beckman's school of thought constructively.

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I now invite you all to search posts by mirror70, JohnBauer, Bordy, and John Gilmour and decide for yourselves who is a pathetic troll and who actually has contributed to this community...

hint: two of them are trolls...

every one of the bordy supporters who bemoan his departure and plead for his return explain how, "if you ever meet bordy in person...." going on, correctly so, about how we all miss facial expressions and body language when reading internet posts and just lose his humor and mistake bordy's no BS advice for rude interjection of opinion....

well, with that in mind, I have to admit.

Is it not quite possible that mirror70 has a Damn good sense of humor that is being lost on y'all while you simply falling deeper into his web?

did anyone else click on his http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/science/health/011800hth-behavior-incompetents.html link? :D

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Well that would be a pity because Bordy has some of the most valuable posts.

You guys kill me....{blah..blah..blah, ed.} Which brings me to the B word...{blah..blah..blah,ed.}... {more blah..blah..blah, ed.}

Maybe Burton Primes aren't Yugo's or Renaults or Corvairs

There it is... a welcomed inferance that maybe, quite possibly, just a tinnie tiny small bit of an exageration could have possibly been made :D

Anyway, I can assure you that this mullet wearing Joe Dirt type wasn't offended, I enjoy riding my collection of cheap, old tech 'camaros and firebirds'.

heck, when I'am at the hill on one of my old Burton's, 99.5% of the folks there don't have any idea that what is on my feet is even a snowboard, much less the fact that it's simple existance, my riding it AND belief that it's not all that bad, sets so many BOL members into venomous post frenzies

humor, it's a good thing guys... and yes, I'm enoying #$%^&* with you


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come on Mirror... you work (worked?) at Sugarloaf. You seem like a nice guy in person. If you hadn't mysteriously gone into hiding at the ECES, you would have met Bordy and learned that he is real.

Re-reading your post, calling out Bordy for not being top-10 in the world.... that's lower than whale sh!t. At least he had the sack to commit his life to it and throw himself in the ring. I don't ever recall Bordy claiming to be a top level racer. Just someone who has lots of experience in the racing/freecarving/snowboarding world. Which is true.

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There it is... a welcomed inferance that maybe, quite possibly, just a tinnie tiny small bit of an exageration could have possibly been made :D

Anyway, I can assure you that this mullet wearing Joe Dirt type wasn't offended, I enjoy riding my collection of cheap, old tech 'camaros and firebirds'.

heck, when I'am at the hill on one of my old Burton's, 99.5% of the folks there don't have any idea that what is on my feet is even a snowboard, much less the fact that it's simple existance, my riding it AND belief that it's not all that bad, sets so many BOL members into venomous post frenzies

humor, it's a good thing guys... and yes, I'm enoying #$%^&* with you


There is noting wrong with having fun on any snowboard.

I've traveled to places without gear and (horrrors :P).... rented boards and had fun.

Nadia's original post was asking for advice about boards- I would assume related to their performance and ability to progress on a first carving deck.

I don't look at boards as being brands. I look at each board model as a stick of wood and glass and see how they ride.

I would guess if Burton Primes did not have the distribution they enjoyed and were say....a.... "Nitro Prime" they wouldn't have the support that they do and would have been forgotten and grouped with many other alpine boards that simply did not perform at the top level. Everyone loves their first board.

For Bordy to sign pff over a debate over a Burton Factory Prime....well ... I could see it happen over a Kessler debate (since there is no argueing over the Kesslers quality) ...but to sign off over a debate on a Prime...now that's a drag.

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come on Mirror... you work (worked?) at Sugarloaf. You seem like a nice guy in person. If you hadn't mysteriously gone into hiding at the ECES, you would have met Bordy and learned that he is real.

I don't remember going into hiding. I remember a lot of show-boating, chest-thumping, back-slapping, and circle-jerking which I actively avoided being associated with. There were also a number of people who felt that the only part of the edge that matters is between the nose and front foot, that breaking a board automatically meant you were a great rider, and that everyone else on the mountain was automatically inferior to the Almighty Hardbooter. I wonder if maybe this kind of BS is why so few real pros elect to participate?

Re-reading your post, calling out Bordy for not being top-10 in the world.... that's lower than whale sh!t. At least he had the sack to commit his life to it and throw himself in the ring.

Take a closer look at the results sheet. He's never run a World Cup race, so it should go without saying that he's nowhere near noteworthy at the world level (nor at the national level, nor at the regional level - but maybe at the amateur level?). That is not, however, a knock on his snowboarding ability. It is a knock on his unjustified aura of superiority and the creative representation of reality which he constantly and consistently used to belittle other posters and alienate newcomers to both the sport and the message board.

I'm curious about why everyone keeps going on about how he had the cajones to "commit his life" to racing. Again, take a closer look at the results sheet. He only competed in three complete seasons, and that's with a seven year break in between the first and second go-round and a rather generous definition of a "complete season." In reality, he has only one season where he competed in an entire series (04-05 NorAm Cup).

Yeah guys, that's some serious dedication right there. :sleep:

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