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Is there any other ski area that does not allow carving??


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One of our local ski areas has announced that they will no longer allow "aggressive carving", this is an e-mail directly from their office:

We will not allow what we call extremely aggressive carving as it does too much damage to the hills and is causing injuries to those who get stuck in the ruts. Ninety-nine % of the people with carving equipment do not cause this damage.

Welch Village Ski Area, Inc. 26685 County Rd 7 Welch, MN 55089 651.258.4567

Has anyone else heard of any other area taking actions like this?

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It was just a matter of time.I worry sometimes that something like this would happen on our mountain even though the feedback for what we do is largely positive.Do they have any documented injuries related to trenches or is it just hearsay?A kneejerk reaction rather than being proactive and making a designated arena as with terrain parks or race runs.

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It was just a matter of time.I worry sometimes that something like this would happen on our mountain even though the feedback for what we do is largely positive.Do they have any documented injuries related to trenches or is it just hearsay?A kneejerk reaction rather than being proactive and making a designated arena as with terrain parks or race runs.

My guess is that we pissed off the wrong person by rutting up their favorite run.

Seriously, causing injuries?? I don't buy it.

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That's a bunch of BS. I mean, come on, would you rather ski or board over a a void in the snow that's 5 inches deep or hit a random mogul that's a foot tall? I've never heard of somebody actually falling due to trenches (besides on here). And to actually get caught like that you're gonna need to be going near perfectly parallel to the trench. If your board or skis are at nearly any angle besides parallel you'll just skid right over it like it wasn't even there. Now if you were to hit a random mogul at ANY angle and you weren't expecting it, unless you can react VERY quickly, you're probably going down. It's a bunch of BS.

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Wow ... that's RETARDED. I guess they would prefer sheets of bare ice scraped clean by skidders than pencil thin trenches that you can easily push through. What a bunch of retards, they're holding back everyone at their mountain now.

I've been tripped up by trenches before, but usually, its been because my technique was lacking, not because of the trench. When people complain about my trenches (which isn't very often, as mine aren't that deep) I usually suggest that if they can't ride/ski over a little three inch trench, they probably ought to head back to ski school.

Sounds to me like the administration at welch is either intimidated by capable skiers/riders, or has decided to pander to a population of skiers that have no intention of progressing beyond a lower intermediate capability but still want to feel like they are accomplished.

Either way it is intensely off-putting.

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I'm not sure how they could even enforce this.

All modern equipment is designed to carve turns. At what point does your carving become "extremely aggressive"?

They aren't banning any certain type of equipment, just a technique.

It's still kosher to ski backwards off a jump and land on a steel rail, but if you are turning to fast.....you are banned?

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<HR style="COLOR: #3399ff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->This does not bode well as it would seem to set a precedent....any other hills anywhere that have taken this stance.


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Sounds to me like the administration at welch is either intimidated by capable skiers/riders, or has decided to pander to a population of skiers that have no intention of progressing beyond a lower intermediate capability but still want to feel like they are accomplished.

Sounds like Okemo...


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. if my 7-year old son can ski down Gondolier after a half day of ECES destruction and not fall over a single rut, The average skier at this mountain must be on 65 waist snowblades and permanently in "pizza - no french fries" mode

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Put dog crap in a paper bag and leave it in flames at their doorstep.

My friends and I had an idea for a web-based company who specialized in delivering such delicacies. We were going to call it: www.sh*tbasket.com

Maybe we should revisit this idea; it looks like BOL could keep us in business with this cause! :biggthump

On a serious note, I agree this is completely assinine. I'm interested to see how they try to enforce it, as "aggressive" carving is left to some subjectiveness. Its just like everything else in this world: on person has to ruin it for everyone!

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i can't follow the official statement. they are going to ban aggressive carving because it does damage to the mountain, but they say that ninety nine percent of people with carving gear don't cause said damage. sounds contradictory, no? ..unless they mean that you're not allowed to carve with non specialized gear. i am running on no sleep though, so maybe i'm missing a word somewhere or interpreting emphases in wrong places...

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I'm interested to see how they try to enforce it, as "aggressive" carving is left to some subjectiveness.

I have a feeling the determining criteria for what falls under the category of "aggressive" would be some measurement of just how how far the patrollers balls regress up into their abdomen while trying to chase down down the offending carvers and pull their passes.

Sounds like Okemo...

I'm getting mixed signals from the people at okemo. I really think it really has to do with what patrollers you run into. At one point I was carving around the flats to bleed speed on the way to the lift (probably going a bit faster than I should have been in the designated slow zone) and a few ski patrollers gave me some props on my carving .... but later on in the day some guy whom I could only assume to be an off duty patroller or instructor seemed to be giving me some garbage about the speed he saw me moving at from the lift (and I don't really ride all that fast compared a lot of the better carvers I've seen).

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I do appreciate the fact that they let us know ahead of time, one less hill to visit, spend any money at. Al

My sentiments exactly. Someone should show them the pics of any given day at SES - it would probably make their eyes pop out and their brains go splodey. Thst's trench damage right thur - not the couple of tracks that you pussies are whining about ...

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you guys, the place is in MN, I mean MN is the heart of the ski industry.

the rest of the industry cares about them as much as them as these guys http://obergatlinburg.com/wintinfo.htm

The actual problem was that it was seniors lutefisk day and if you've seen a senior ski after filling up on lutefisk, prune juice and apparently trench you'd know it's not a good scene. it was really a closed deal when AARP stepped in to "mediate" on behalf of the seniors.

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So if you see a patroller on your trail, just stop carving. Slide on by or wait for them to ski down out of view.

If you get approached while not carving (in liftline, standing around, etc), say "that wasn't me. prove it."

If you get caught in the act, and are asked to cut it out, play nice and kill them with kindness until they leave. Then resume.

If you get caught in the act by someone clearly agitated enough to pull your ticket, carve a big gouge into their skis. You're going home anyway, may as well piss them off.

I don't know that mountain at all, but at my mountain most of the good carving trails are black diamonds. I personally could live with being able to only carve on black diamonds. I don't know how they could possibly justify banning expert level activities on expert terrain.

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