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I love my soft setup. I can do things on that that I only dream of on a hardboard. I can whip that around through trees and move my body and legs seperately in relation to the board. I can hit jumps and land softly. I can go over crud and not worry about my knees having to take all the crap. I can go backwards and forwards and sideways or any number of combinations of any of those.

Besides preference, bottom line is they're built for two different things. You can do on one what the other was made for but probably not as well/comfortably/whatever. I like them both and I'm keepin both for two different reasons.

Pebu - you are new to the "hardboard". Once you have mastered the Jedi mind trick (the snow beneath you is an illusion - the only real thing is your perception) you will no longer need the softness. Soft is great when you are in bed with a .........

So I'm going with the others. All hard all the time. Bumps, pow, chop, ice, super smooth, cord. If you want to stay soft that is cool. I still ride with guys on softies. I ride with skiers too, but please not to be saying that soft is better in anything but the most unnatural thing on the mountain - a man made terrain park or half pipe.

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I ride plates >90% of the time. True, softies feel a bit like riding barefoot the 1st few runs but I get used to it rather quickly - at worst, by the 3rd run.

Those who are trash-talking softie riders, do you ride on weekends only near a large city? That will increase the poser density, big time. When I ride at Bachelor mid-week, the majority of softie riders are either skilled now, or will be by the end of the season. On those days, the most dangerous riders I see are the few snowboard (and ski) school instructors who think they own the hill and can ride with blinders on.

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Guest demonballer

Im a teen ager that until recently used soft boots and a freeride set up. I dont really think I was incosiderate to anyone on the slopes and I cant stand the matching clothes with patterns. I dont really think there is hope for many of the soft booter park bunnies out there. I think their personality is bad and getting older wont help that much. I dont think ill ever go back to soft boots but I think I might have been one of the few soft boot teen agers that you guys would not have hated. I just carved and cruised all day and rode the trees alot. Unless there is some great powder I dont think im ever going back to soft boots.

One good thing about soft boots is that they are way easier to hike in.

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What is it with the patterns, anyways? When did houndstooth become fashionable again? I didn't notice this last year, or maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.

It's the SCHWARZ...it's marketing!! (M. Brooks) :D

Some people are good snowboarders, some aren't, some ride soft, some ride hard...some people are idiots no matter what. If you ride enough you won't care.

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If we just except that different folks equals different strokes, we'll all get along. I like both setup's. They both have there purpose. I can remember when it was the just the skiiers looking down on me as a teenager, a punk teenager, when snowboards were first admitted at the ski areas around here. The hate filled comments. It still pisses me off. I would feel like kicking my own ass if I became one of those people looking down on something different. I recieve nothing but respect from most, if not all, the softbooters I run across, even the punks kids. Many are curious about Hardboot setups. Who am I to judge someone elses preference. Amasing things can be done on both setups, don't take the fun out of it. Ride what you like and have fun, that's what it's all about.

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If we just except that different folks equals different strokes, we'll all get along. I like both setup's. They both have there purpose. I can remember when it was the just the skiiers looking down on me as a teenager, a punk teenager, when snowboards were first admitted at the ski areas around here. The hate filled comments. It still pisses me off. I would feel like kicking my own ass if I became one of those people looking down on something different. I recieve nothing but respect from most, if not all, the softbooters I run across, even the punks kids. Many are curious about Hardboot setups. Who am I to judge someone elses preference. Amasing things can be done on both setups, don't take the fun out of it. Ride what you like and have fun, that's what it's all about.

Personally I find that on the whole, boarders in Minnesota are quite interested in hardboots. I never get any stupid questions and everytime I ride up with a kid and get him talking they ask alot of questions on how to get started. I ride Buck alot (when I am home) and the ski racers are REALLY interested, it's pretty cool, I think.

I was home for christmas and went to Trollhaugen. I was the ONLY hardbooter there in a sea of hundreds of kids (my wife was with me on a soft boot setup). EVERYONE we rode up with was super friendly and asked a bunch of good questions. It was amazing, you could have counted the skiers there on one hand, the rest where boarders......... Times sure have changed in 23 yrs........

Much different than those first tuesdays at Highland...........

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i dont hate anybody (except morans going sideways all the way, scraping snow on the black trail insted of learning on green), it is all cool, personally i use soft set up for powder.

My point is: soft snowboard has become an excuse for bad technique; avarege snowborder makes lousy skidding turns and nothing more.(most of them thinks they are carving :) )

Skiers are much more selfaware and more focus on technique, I would say that avarage skier is much better then avarage snowborder.(at least better to look at). Snowboarding industry is a one to blame, big jumps, powder runs and "cool" duds are in voque, nobody is focusing on proper turning on the slope. It is too boring I quess. Anyway maybe it is good it makes us more unique.

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I'm sure once I get better on hardboots (and also finally get hard snowboard boots instead of ski boots... they're on the way) I'll be doing better in the crud and be more versatile on my hard setup. But as much as I like speed/carving/layin it down, I still like to hit jumps and do tricks and the technical (park) stuff. That kind of thing I don't think I'm ever going to be comfortable doing on a hardboot setup.

Look at it this way... Many of you have a quiver.. Some of you have a HUGE quiver and use every board. My quiver includes a softboot setup... I use both.

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I still like to hit jumps and do tricks and the technical (park) stuff.

My guess is that if you are good at that stuff, it will not be that difficult to do on plates. The movements are pretty much the same, there is just generally less room for error.

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Guest thomas_m
how did I ever ride one of these things??? Freeride boards suck.

Yep, they totally suck. The ones the that suck the most have to be Donek, Pogo, Virus, Venture, Neversummer, Dupraz, Rad-Air, oh hell, there are just too many to name.

Yeah, those plaid things suck too. It's impossible to ride well or have fun in those outfits.

Yah, the above is reductio 'cause this thread is the equivalent of the 'hardboots are ghey' thread you'd see on a mainstream forum populated by barely post-pubescents.


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I'm sure once I get better on hardboots (and also finally get hard snowboard boots instead of ski boots... they're on the way) I'll be doing better in the crud and be more versatile on my hard setup. But as much as I like speed/carving/layin it down, I still like to hit jumps and do tricks and the technical (park) stuff. That kind of thing I don't think I'm ever going to be comfortable doing on a hardboot setup.

Look at it this way... Many of you have a quiver.. Some of you have a HUGE quiver and use every board. My quiver includes a softboot setup... I use both.

I still ride softboots about 80% of the time. I can hit pretty much any size jump straight with an alpine board. 180s are trickier as none of my board have a rounded tail. 50/50 are fine on rails, although I had some difficult staying *off* my edges when doing boardslides. I did a quarterpipe box as well, which was fine until I tried to do a fakie air and caught my square tail on the snow. I'm not great at 360s, so I find spinning the long board (170) and rather heavy old boots that I have a chore (I mostly survive the spin than enjoy it). I'm only 5'8" 140 lbs though (lost 10 lbs since Thanksgiving as my doctor told me to cut my cholesterol) so I'm sure stronger riders will notice it less.
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most of you remember this thread a few weeks ago. like many, i thought it was great. here we have people confusing a type of equipment (soft) with an attitude found in a certain demographic (teen males) and making totally negative statemtns which make BOL so unattracitve to me and i'm sure others. "if you ride sofites you must suck etc etc"

it's really hard for me to be enjoy being a member here when we're just as bad as some of the people we dont' like! i'm all for defending hardboots and promoting it (to a degree), and of course i know our equipment is more responsive and superior for carving.

yes, i have the same frustrations so many other hardbooters have- i just partially dislocated my shoulder b/c i collided with another snowboarder - he hit me from behind as i was making a "wider" turn. i quote b/c "wider" is all relative- i'm pissed as anybody and yes, for the record, agree that the average boarder isn't truly carving, more like "skarving" that is not a reason to say "they all suck" though. i think there are only a handful of members here who would ever even have the balls, let alone the talent, to do the FS tricks/aerials some of the pro FS (and even big mountain) riders do. If you did, then you wouldnt' be hatin or you wouldn't be on a recreational level. and, there's always "some rider out there" who is better than you- maybe just at a particular terrain (bumps, steeps, maybe even carving!)- but he/she may be on softies!

if you can carve, you can carve. i enjoy watching good carvers regardless of equipment. in fact, I PREFER watching good softie carvers over some of the monotonous (dare i say "lame") amateur carving videos I've seen. my hardboot carving style has translated to my softie carving and i still have a blast. yeah, it'll feel diff't according to yoru equipment, but not EVErYONE on softies is a schmo and those who have that mindset are just as bad as the ones they accuse of being in the wrong. i'm sure a lot of the guys here were obnoxious, typical teens (i'm not afraid to admit i certainly was at times)

get over it, we're in teh minority,just ride well, impress and myabe we'll have some converts

now if this thread can prevent from becomign a flame war, there is hope that "this taking BOL Forums" thread wasn't just BS and people pretending to change. remains to be seen.

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Barry you are right, there are tons of awsome riders doing amazing stuff great aerials and pipe , I will not even get close to they level.

But i do hate idiots riding sideway all the way down ruining snow for all of us.

Arent you ashamed for fellow snowboarders sucking so bad?

Why do they come to steep, black trail to do this, insted of practicing on green?

There is somthing annoing in the softboots world on the recreationa/beginer level, most of them dont give a **** about technique. <O:p

Reason for this is: they using wrong tool for the job because they where brainwash by mainstream snowboard marketing. <O:p

Again all my respect for good soft riders.

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