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Slope ethics 101 person down hill has the rite of way!!


Had the same thing happen to me last yr. except there was a collision with 2 snowboard straight liners !!! My first concern was to make sure they were all right/upon checking on them (Nicely) They commenced to giving me hell in some very bad language for hitting them.

ahhhhhhhhhhh I was down hill!!!!They only watched me carving the whole slope for at least 100 yards ahead of them!!!

It escalated quickly/ resulting in me taking my board off/ ready to use as a weapon :cool:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh they backed down seeing the seriousness of the


Which was great otherwise i might have went to jail :biggthump

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I had a fool stop in front of me tonight...I really mean in front of me too, we were cruising along at the top of the hill and he just turns his board sideways and stops totally blocking a narrow a$$ed trail (catrack/connector type)...I had just enough time to ollie his board and call him a moron for not saying paying attention on a narrow trail...he got pissed and tried to follow me, straight lining the hill (I was carving and listening to the Shins, not paying any attention). We arrived at the bottom fairly close together me 1st, in control, and him clearly out of control shortly afterwards. As he started to yell at me the patroler's stepped between us and clipped his ticket...It seems I'm not the first person he's chased down the hill but I am the first he didn't get near. I rode for another hour while the kid stewed in the cold...I don't think he expected me to be quite so old when I left (no exposed skin on me in this cold). He was in shock when I laughed at his bluster and drove away.

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Slope ethics 101 person down hill has the rite of way!!


Had the same thing happen to me last yr. except there was a collision with 2 snowboard straight liners !!! My first concern was to make sure they were all right/upon checking on them (Nicely) They commenced to giving me hell in some very bad language for hitting them.

ahhhhhhhhhhh I was down hill!!!!They only watched me carving the whole slope for at least 100 yards ahead of them!!!

It escalated quickly/ resulting in me taking my board off/ ready to use as a weapon :cool:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh they backed down seeing the seriousness of the


Which was great otherwise i might have went to jail :biggthump

exactly, same thing, I told the guy youre supposed to look down the hill!!!, he says "not when you're comming uphill!!"

WHAT BETTER TIME???? If I was going right at something, I would TURN!! course im sure they were going way to fast to be in control.

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Anyone been turned into Ski Patrol for ruining the groomers? Safety issue?

Yes, I had just finished an epic run a few years back on some hero snow. Some "well-to-do" (i.e. pompus poser - see $3000 spyder suit, new skis and doing the beginner tuck/snow-plow) gentleman proceeded to go straight over to the patroller and start yelling that this "ski-boarder" was ruinning the mountain and that I should not only lose my ticket, but be forced to take a snowboard lesson... well the patroller knew I was a regular and also knew that I always rode in control...so the partoller proceeded to tell the gentleman "Well perhaps YOU are the one who needs a lesson..."...and with a huff, that was the end of that conversation. The guy then came over to me and said "I'm not done with you yet..." he proceeded to log a complaint with the hill management (who happened to be my coach)...needless to say that the issue was put to rest and apparently this gentleman hasn't returned.

Made for an interesting morning,


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Anyone been turned into Ski Patrol for ruining the groomers? Safety issue?

well sort of... I'm a patroller and was working that day, someone actually complained about my trenches to me! :smashfrea I appologized and then had a good laugh on the lift ride. I did make sure to report myself later to the other patrollers. They let it slide though. :D

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Heard this at the Minnesota Expression Session from a sixty five year plus lady. "Your Ruining The Runs." I ran into her again a week later, she was still talking about it.

Two years ago, at Squaw Valley USA at the end of the season, riding the Gondola with a couple in their late 70's that ride 100+ days (half days mostly) per year. Jim and I introduced ourselves as carvers and she said, "No, no...you are gougers".

I felt like saying, "Thank you". I love that term - gouger :1luvu:


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As I joined the snowboard instructor lineup for lessons, one of the instructoress, wanting to be helpfull said: "Hi, you are new?",

me: "Well yes..."

Her: "See, ski instructors line up over there - this is snowboard school"

me: "I am snowboard instructor."

Her: "But these boots...?"

me: "Hard boots"

Her: "Oh I'm so stuppid, welcome..."


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As I joined the snowboard instructor lineup for lessons, one of the instructoress, wanting to be helpfull said: "Hi, you are new?",

me: "Well yes..."

Her: "See, ski instructors line up over there - this is snowboard school"

me: "I am snowboard instructor."

Her: "But these boots...?"

me: "Hard boots"

Her: "Oh I'm so stuppid, welcome..."


Was she cute? :biggthump She sounds awefully nice and now you are all set for a response!! Right?:1luvu:

I once dated a gal named Betty and taught her to snowboard just so I had my very own "Shred Betty". :eplus2: Hard boots to boot!!

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Today riding Aspen getting out of a lift at Ruthys a ski instructor approaches me and says: Oh cool, a Sqwal. ARRGHHH, no… I thought.

I answered, no this is a, and than I had to think for myself, what the heck is this really. Hmm. Well, I told her it’s, well you know, the usual story...

Than I thought, she was actually not too far of.

I was riding (first day) my new Virus Undertaker which almost looks like a Sqwal.

The Undertaker is 192cm with a 14.3 waist!!!

Let me tell ya, I was riding with a huge smile in my face for the entire day. Just an insane board.


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Guest Tim Tuthill

On The chair at Park City last week. The guy sitting next to me, says to his friend, There ski boots, but what is that he is skiing on? I told them, they were snowboard boots and it is a carving snowboard! They said they had never seen anything like that?

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Last year at Bretton Woods, my father was riding the lift with some strangers (I was off riding...the conditions were AMAZING), and one of them asked him "if he had seen that guy on the Yellow snowboard with the blue helmet and jacket-because that guy is ripping this ice apart; it's incredible". My father said he looked at them and said "Huh? Oh yeah, that's my son".

Question's I've gotten this year:

"Are you european?" - from a guy in a patriots jacket and jeans

"Why are you wearing ski boots on your snowboard"- to which I replied "Why aren't you in school?" this was from a kid maybe like...13 years old last tuesday.

Same kid as above stops me at the top of the mountain and says "Dude your board is awesome"

The best one I think was from an instructor up at Cannon though. She was teaching a bunch of snowboarders-maybe level 3 or so-and saw me get off the lift, and said to her class "can you imagine trying to get down the hill standing like that?". We had a short conversation about it, and next run I spotted them, and she was pointing at me and talking-presumably about how to carve. Unfortunatley for those kids, they'll inherit my godawful technique.

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Had to laugh a little this weekend, I was working an incident where a first time snowboarder landed a jump poorly and broke his wrist/forearm. I rolled up on scene and steped out of my bindings. Started working on the kid and 2 of his buddies (one skier/one snowboarder) were watching and talking quietly. There discussion was not about their friends obviously broken, nasty looking wrist, it was about my boots. They just could not figure out why I was wearing "ski boots" but there was a snowboard laying there. I paused briefly to get their attention so I could explain what the deal was while I finished packaging the patient. They were pretty cool kids but man were they ever confused.

Had someone ask me if my BTS units were "rocket boosters" in the lift maze. Huh, wtf?

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Top of Northwest at Mt. Rose, a ski instructor gathers his group of skiers as a few of us alpine boarders step in and I massage my aching feet:

Instructor: Now you see those guys with the skinny boards and the hard boots? Those are the good guys!

Me: If I ride my wide board and soft boots, does that mean I'm a bad guy?

No further comment from the instructor.

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