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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Appreciating the rule of thirds ^
  2. New Gear! Synthetic base layer longsleeve shirts for riding and casual wear. All proceeds benefit USSRT and USASA! Get yours now!
  3. This is a real problem for us and actually snowboarders in general. We started our kids on skis because it's easier for 3 year olds. After they got good on skis they didn't want to go back to being beginners, and none of their friends snowboarded. I believe the general Snowboarding population has declined because of this. I did teach them how to snowboard, and they can do it, but they just did it out of curiosity and to humor dad. My nephew is pretty good at alpine snowboarding, raced USASA, but has basically hung it up because none of his friends hardboot. I'm lucky that my wife likes to ski the same trails as me, she's my default riding buddy.
  4. I think you should try a board that allows you to use your preferred binding angles with no boot overhang and no boot "underhang" - toes or heels inside the board edge. Underhang robs you of leverage and quickness. In my ripe old age, I've had to adjust my technique to protect my lower back. No more twisting toward the nose of the board, I just face my binding angles. I feel that angles around 56/53 help me achieve a good lower-back friendly posture. This is the first year in several that I haven't had to see my chiropractor. With size 28 boots, that means wider boards for me, 20-21cm.
  5. Thanks for bringing this forward, @TVR. AlpineSnowboarder.com has paypal'd a token of appreciation to Robby for being a good samaritan to a fellow racer!
  6. Unfortunately the image there is not of a 4x4 mount plate, as the yellow holes are missing. I think the broken images showed the 8 bumpers in place.
  7. Heard from the chairlift overhead yesterday... "you're taking up the whole trail!" So? I think I've heard this maybe once before in my life. Some people.
  8. That's the 4x4 mount version. Technically it's supposed to have 8 bumpers. Two in the red holes and two in your choice of the yellow holes. I'm not sure why they did this as the UPM and Allflex mount versions do not have the yellow holes. But my memory of the now apparently ungoogleable Apex website clearly showed this. When I bought my UPM mount X-plate, it arrived without any bumpers. I asked if it was ok to ride it without them while I wait. They said no because in use, the plate flexes like a leaf spring, and without bumpers in the red holes it can overflex and bend the hardware. So if you only have 4 bumpers, I'd say put them in the red holes. If you have 8 bumpers I imagine using the more outboard yellow holes might give a little more board feel and a little more stiffness, but that's probably splitting hairs.
  9. Glad you felt improvement, thanks for the update. Your boots are recent, you shouldn't need new ones unless the size is wrong. Mondopoint sizing is simply the length of your foot in centimeters. Are you in the right size? it sounds like you should try narrowing your stance a bit. Small moves. I would also recommend initiating carves with pressure on your front foot.
  10. Risk of release from binding. Imagine what that might be like.
  11. Unreal! https://www.facebook.com/1070947468/videos/pcb.10224945594361693/1377696986103574
  12. There is a decent chance I will have to chaperone my daughter to the moguls NorAm at Deer Valley (of all *&%$#@! places) on February 8.
  13. Fact. This is why I ride alpine. On a day like today, there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be. "Burnt cherry"....
  14. This is a steal for anyone looking for a long board where metal construction isn’t critical. I loved mine. moving to For Sale because pretty sure it’s a 2006.
  15. This is guaranteed, because we have hardbooters coming who wanted some firm cord.
  16. Storm took a turn toward the coast. We got like 6” on Friday, all good.
  17. Might get day 3 on my new Step-Ons! But last night/today only brought about 4”. Still, this season is looking better and better.
  18. Man if it wasn't a 10 hour drive I'd be there. Watch for Sasha Jansjuwicz from CVA in her first World Cup!
  19. Apologies for not reading this whole thread, but you have good equipment so this should all be fixable. My suggestions to get back to a good starting point from which to experiment: Bindings: - Remove the cant shims (and save them). These are little wedges under the toe/heel blocks of the bindings. They slope left or right. Tilting your boot left or right is called cant, tilting it forward or back is called lift. - F2 bindings come with one lift kit. Install it under the toe block of your front binding. UPZ boots have the highest heels on the market, which is ok, but even with this lift kit, your foot will still have net forward lean. But now it will be a reasonable amount that won't burn out your thigh. - Order another F2 lift kit from Donek if you don't already have one (Canadians, order from YYZCanuck). While you wait, if you are going to ride again before it arrives, stack two cant shims so their slope cancels, and install them under the heel of your back foot to achieve a little heel lift and no cant. Once the other lift kit arrives, or if you already have a second one, install it under the heel of your back foot (remove the small stacked shims if installed). - Set your stance angles such that your heels and toes don't overhang past the edge of the board by more than a little. You can tolerate a little overhang at first, as you get better you'll have to eliminate it. Give yourself some but no more than 5 degrees difference between binding angles. - With toe lift on the front foot and heel lift on the back foot, you'll be able to comfortably use a bit wider stance than what you've been using, if desired. A stance width that is too narrow robs you of balance, stability, and power. - This is a good default position. It may work for you as-is or you may find you need to add a little inward or even outward cant on one or both feet. If you're getting pressure points or hot spots on one side of your boot cuff, try canting the binding towards it. Boots: Sounds like you need a higher volume, moldable liner. Try Intuition Power Wraps. Mold them with your custom footbeds inside, and toe caps to create space for your toes to wiggle and keep warm. Instructions here. Or pay to have it done by a shop that uses a heater that heats the whole liner, not just the inside. Riding: Get back to basics with The Norm. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
  20. Yes, but it’s not described as “all mountain”, it’s described on that website as “allaround”. It’s their own description for it, Kessler doesn’t call it that. I presume they are referring to the fact that it’s neither a SL nor a GS board, but good for general freecarving. Kessler makes several other stock alpine boards: http://kessler-swiss.com/en-US/products/snowboard/theAlpine I’d recommend doing a price comparison with i-carve.com if you’re looking to buy.
  21. It's like a Coke can! (hmmm.... picturing red & white Coca-Cola graphics changed to say Stoke-a-Cola)
  22. I just applied an update, hope it fixes this.
  23. It was more of a global grievance. VVS triggers me.
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