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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. No, I meant the question for Atom Ant, who wishes to teach. Why not just become a resort instructor?
  2. Yeah, why not just go legit and do it through the resort?
  3. Well... they can't possibly bust you if you make it look like you are just helping a buddy out. If you're obviously coaching they might ask you what you're doing, and then of course you'd have to lie, and your client would have to be cool with that. I wouldn't want to have to do that. And then if they notice a pattern of you doing this on several different days, you're busted. I don't know the law but I have to assume that making an actual business out of it is illegal. If you advertise online or in the paper they will catch on. If you wear a uniform with logos and name-tag they will get you instantly. Even if your marketing is purely word-of-mouth, it will find the wrong ears sooner than you think.
  4. Tag team! I love freecarving a GS board with a Boiler Plate. I don't race.
  5. Welcome! Check out these links below...
  6. Yes it would. That's an interesting solution, but it puts you at the mercy of the white balance of the ambient light. i.e., indoor incandescent lights are horribly yellow, fluorescent lights are green, outdoor shade is blue, etc. This is easily corrected by shooting in RAW format and adjusting each image, but that's an extra step for you after the fact, on the computer. Also it adds a lens element (or several). All lenses introduce some amount of quality degradation. A flatbed scanner has no lens and provides its own calibrated light source.
  7. I think part of the stigma of alpine is that people associate hardboots with racing and racing only. Racing is highly competitive and objective. That is antithetical to most things snowboarding. Soul and style do not count in racing. I think this is also why boardercross is not exactly a big seller either. But it is accepted because of the softboots and the also because it is something former freestylers/freeriders can excel at. The air gives it soul too. I think if alpine were marketed more as a "longboard" type activity, it might get better traction.
  8. If you have a ton of slides to scan, it is a very long project. More tedious and time consuming than ripping your entire CD collection to mp3. If you are going to do it yourself, I agree that for the critical photos that you really want to work on to make them look right, scan them to tiff format. Otherwise for the typical snapshot, jpeg is fine. Personally I would get a quote for the job from a local dedicated photography shop. It will probably cost more than buying a scanner, but you have to factor in the time it will save you. (and the aggravation, if you hate computers) If you don't have one nearby, I recommend North Coast Photographic Services. http://www.northcoastphoto.com/film_developing_scans.html
  9. VT got hit harder, but ME got some action too.
  10. hmm, wonder if it's better than Azdel...
  11. <iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/X3iFhLdWjqc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Jack M

    More Danny

    Sigh. The story of my life. Yeah, but we actually joked about it becoming a new sport, and we named it Extreme Walking and joked about having a "pro team" and marketing materials and special sneakers, yadda yadda yadda. Too bad we didn't run with it!!
  13. Jack M

    More Danny

    For the record, two college buddies and I invented "Extreme Walking" in 1992. :D We started doing it around campus to lampoon the wannabe skaters and trials bikers who were trying to use campus common areas to show off. Then wouldn't you know it, a few years later it turns up on MTV! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freestyle_walking Of course, I have no proof.
  14. Jack M

    More Danny

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ShbC5yVqOdI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. Rob, I'd be interested in your comparison of board shapes for deep powder and noboarding. That is, I would think that a "reverse sidecut" surfboard-style shape would make powder turns superior to all else, followed by a Fish shape, followed by a swallowtail shape, but I wouldn't know. I'm talking ultimate powder-only performance. Not getting back to the chairlift, not traversing on a cat-track, just powder turns. I would also suppose that the surfboard shape is the least practical for those purposes.
  16. LOL, awesome video by dredman. Made me laugh and cringe in several places. Seems like the reverse shape of a snowboard would be a liability at inopportune moments...? And man I really like coming OUT of my wakeboard when I crash!!
  17. awesome! congrats from a fellow part-time photographer!
  18. Jack M

    Mach 20

  19. Wonder if these will be as successful as Sigi Grabner's... or Mark Fawcett's...
  20. Bill Cosby wants his sweater back. The crazy thing is that they are close to being able to print implantable organs, like kidneys. Ever seen The 5th Element?
  21. Jack M

    BOL Track Day

    for the record I am on a borrowed bike with three times the horsepower of my old bike. Hence me riding like a big ol' P. :D
  22. The sidecut radius is approximately the longest turn a ski or snowboard will carve. As soon as you tilt the ski/board up on edge, it bends and becomes a smaller radius. The higher you tilt it, the shorter the turn. So yes, assuming the same ballpark of stiffness, going from 27m to 40m is a radical change.
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