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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. anyone have a connection there? I'm part of a group of 15 - 20 renting a house there for a few days, we'd like to get a group rate on lift tix.... please IM through the site.. thx, Barry
  2. i haven't even finished the video...passing a big rig with another one coming right at you? guys like this...i can't explain, they seem to do the craziest, dumbest, life-endangering crap and always get away with it (meaning not dying). def. entertaining. he's a looney. seriously, i would rather climb mount everest than be on the back with him. i truly think it's safer.
  3. anyone here teach in NH on plates? had a company meeting today all the remote people were in town and i met a girl from NH who said she took a lesson with a guy on plates (she was not) who was either Euro carving or getting really low during the lessons and she was like "how the heck am i supposed to do that?" random, i know, but figured worth a shot. chuckled...
  4. sb - choppy conditions, doing the whole mountain (esp. steeper stuff), riding socially with others, or just "crusing." starting to bother ankles and feet which i don't want to happen so i'll try to ride sb more. hb- riding solo (what i want), working on technique. don't have stance width or angles memorized, they're all normal. jtslalom, how do you ride w/ 45 back and 43 front on your soft setup? i've tried and came to the conclusion one can't ride sb like hb (for several reasons). thought conventional wisdom said after ~ 39 deg. in sb, you're losing leverage...curious to hear your take
  5. song / artist for the website? sounds a bit like steve vai's stuff....
  6. had seen a bunch of clips from hardattack before but didnt' realize what i was watching. when was this made? really dug it, but the straightlining super mellow runs is cheesy after the 1st time. great airs, though, inspriational. great intro too, humping wolves and a great butt in a thong thx, Dan
  7. and monster got me calls from many headhunters. be careful with them though. at least 50% of them are total bs'ers
  8. anyone here a CISSP or CISA?
  9. LOL, Jack. i totally forgot about that guy...is he still on air?
  10. FTA2R


    is a huge business now. there have been some articles about people who are changing lifestyles and have found it hard to find a job in corp. america with visible ink. here every wanna be badass has a barbed wire tattoo around his bicep. apparently this should be intimidating.
  11. hi all, looking for suggestions for new, non baggy pants. need something with average waterproofing / breathability. bought some burton pants last year (cargo model i think) for 1/2 off, but they're just too darn baggy and don't have much "padding." burton's high end line is more than i need, too padded. i still wear my old burton ronins (from late 90s) which fit nicely but aren't waterproof anymore. should i just look at traditional "ski pants?" they are general tighter fitting right? brands / models , websites?
  12. yay. wasn't feeling too well this morning. perhaps my body is revolting due to lack of red meat. oh well. hopefully i can stick it out for 3 more weeks.
  13. I don't plan on going 100%, certainly not anytime soon. I'd probably shrivel up and fall over, lol. i'm not a big dairy guy at all (almost no milk, limited cheese). for now i just wanna go w/o red meat for a month and see how i feel. i'll try some organic fruit too, since i eat an apple almost every day and generally like fruit. "Ever take a multi-vitamin and have bright yellow urine almost immediatly afterwards? Think your body is really absorbing that stuff, or is it in defense mode" i believe this is why they say take vitamins after eating, b/c absorption rate is much better. i take centrum when i can remember too. the book sounds interesting, but no time to read it now. re: free range, my girlfriend said something similar, as she grew up on some kind of farm. my question is, "so, what does this mean." are the chickens eathing each other's crap or what? (sorry for the visual). not sure what teh effect of chickens living closely is...
  14. definitely wasn't bad. not something i'd scarf down like a good burger but not bad.
  15. i have a metallic silver topsheet. great board of course, but i was thinking it would look like stainless steel (maybe like that volant) but it does not look like stainless steel. still cool. have a pic of part of it on my profile page. if you wanna have some fun, do your own graphics. Sean did great job of putting mine on
  16. hi, my gf has a restricted diet (due to health reason) and is a vegetarian. she eats a lot of organic stuff, too. i've eaten (and enjoyed) meat my whole life. i don't eat much red meat, but do eat quite a bit of chicken and seafood fairly frequently. i was doing some reading now on the vegetarian lifestyle. i'd be up for trying it for a month, though i have no idea how i won't lose weight not eating what all these tasty animals. so, can anyone here who's actually "converted" vouch for any noticeable benefits? (overall well being, etc. etc) also, what's the deal with organic food? i mean, what are really the chances of ingesting pesticide from fruit? i did some reading and it seems like there are some advantages, and a co worker told me he absolutely noticed a difference w/ organic fruites (i eat quite a bit of fruit), so i'm curious what others experiences are. moo.
  17. FTA2R

    RIP Croc Hunter

    i'm not much of an animal person but i fed a few at stingray city, cayman islands and they are really cute. they remind me of pancakes.
  18. no it's a recurring thing Dr. D. he likes to jab jab jab. my post required thought and even visitng bach's website. it's rational and poses good questions. yet all d sub can say is "move." that's such a weak response. i wasn't eve the original poster / complainer. how about instead of throwing a jab try to write a thoughtful response, perhaps see something from another perspective. heard montana is beatiful, but DC area is #1 in the country for IT jobs, i'm staying put + family. re:golf, i am clueless re: golf, ask me in 20 years when i'm 50. i do live near Great Falls, though. Great Falls, VA.
  19. dsub, I metioned the details of our local riding to drive home a point that the original complaints weren't made with a lot of perspective IMO. of course you, being the very educated person you must be, immediately recognized this and were able to offer a very insightful reply of "Move." i have no reason to move now. i'm too busy being the "shark" you hate b/c you can't turn 200K on local properties. rage on, dude!
  20. OK guys, let's stop this ridiculous complaining. sorry, but I just don't think you know how good you have it. i'm not trying to start anything, but if riding was that much of a financial burden, you wouldnt' do it (assuming you're financially responsible). 1. Mike T, according to your profile, you own : 9 boards, including 3 Coilers 4 Doneks. and 4 pairs of TDs. yet you are complaining about an $829 pass. Something is wrong with that picture. It's like a guy with a lot of nice cars complaining about gas. You say if Bach has a "sort of decent" season you'll ride 50 - 75 times. 829 / 50 = $16.58. seems to me like a REAL good deal, especially if you consider what you're getting. from mt. bacehlor pages "150-200 inches base; Average Annual Snowfall 370 inches " anything above 30 inch base here is considered decent. 1. We have 600-1000 foot mountains, 3-4 month seasons, local resorts average 50 inches of snow /year and there's generally 1 very warm week which melts a lot of snow. we frequently ride in chop and icy conditions. You have massive mountains, great conditions, tons of space, and tons of snow. some of the best in the country (or the world). The 1000 foot mountain charges: $49 for a 4 hour weekend pass. great deal huh? Did i mention the closest mtn. to me is 600 feet and 90 min. The best carving mountain is Phil's, it's 120 miles from me, I drive it most weekend. the drive sux, but i do it b/c i love it. I ride locally ~ 12 / times a year, maybe a few more, maybe a few less. All that driving and gas for 12 days of bliss, but i'm not complaining. probably about 1/3 of the season i gotta use a rock board. 2. No one ever said being a comitted snowboarder is cheap. Snowboarding is not running or blacktop basketball. There are high initial entry fees and regular maintence fees. we all knew what we were getting into
  21. i am leashed to one of these b/c of work, but if you buy the mapquest app it'll tell you some of that stuff, including altitude. you can demo it for 30 days, but of course bberry is large to carry around.
  22. he is an EXCELLENT rider. so are his hardbootin' colleagues (Neil, Sam, etc) @ RoundTop (granted this is his FT job, but that's besides the point) it will take me years to become 1/4 as good as he is. My avatar is Phil doing a slide, I took the pic. Phil does FS or will go down trying to learn a new FS trick. i saw him take a very hard fall from a rail and get right back up. For such a small mtn. with such little natural snow, the local hardboot crop is dynamite. There's also a freak softboot carver affectionately called "the noodle." Neil, if you come to the 'Top, bring those crazy ass ninja swords, i'd like to ride with one attached to my waist. then cut up some PARK RATS. JK D-SUB hahaha and that puppet, you have a puppet right? === Barry
  23. this is an interesting and very discussion-worthy / debatable topic that keeps coming up. over the past 2 or so seasons that i've ridden plates, i admit i've def. been "anti-FS" (more so at certain times) but I now see the error of my ways. everyone must decide for themselves how, or even if, they will choose to "associate" with the other 95% of riders. we are ALL riders, but yes, it seems like we are in diff't worlds sometimes and the mags don't help to eliminate any tension. perhaps we should differentiate b/w what we see/experience on the hill and what we see in the magazine. surely not every young FS rider reads the mags. as for the mags, i guess they have an image to uphold. now let's look at the other side of this. Some here may not see or want to realize this, but, snowboarding, as a whole, is a young sport. many, if not most of us here, are older than the average rider, or at least older than the targeted demographic. we were all teens once (some teens are members of this site), and teens are, well teens- capable of being quite obnoxious, arrogant, whatever. so, let me suggest that perhaps certain characteristics of "pipe monkeys" or whatever we call them are due more to their age and the influence of advertising, X-games, etc. not their "choices as a rider." i never thought i'd be writing "in defense of the young 'rats" but if you take a totally objective look, set stereotypes aside, can we really fault them for wanting to spend all day in the pipe? they are just out to have fun, that may not entail learning carving, just as many (most?) here don't do FS (although obviously equipment can be a key factor here) I told myself I'd take an FS lesson last year and didn't get too, but i really wanna this year. we have a 1-3(%) market share? yeah it sux that we don't get any recognition or attn, but it's also cool that we're different. the irony is that we're so rare we do get attention (just no press, lol) what we as hardbooters do have, though, that i don't think they ever will, is true comraderie. now some people here really don't care about this, but i think it's one of the neat little things about our niche. maybe it's the same with the slalom skate guys? we may argue amongst ourselves, butwhen it comes to riding day(s), how many of us have gone to greath lenghts on the hill to hook up and ride or even just talk with the other hardbooter? equipment swaps, people going out of there way, come on this doesn't happen with the masses, certainly not to the same degree!!! let's face it, most teens are just out to have fun with their riding. they're more concerned with nailing the Shaun White moves than perfecting carving. i think that's natural. and, let's admit, the kids are fearless, sacrificing their bodies. most of us are past that stage, we're feeling in the next day! maybe we're jealous of their indestructable bodies?! now what i do have a problme with is the "anti carving" culture, which TWS or whoever seem to help spread. of course some young riders may unfortuenately be influenced by this, but i stick steadfast to my belief, good riding is the best thing we can do. throw in something flashy or maybe even some FS on your alpine board and you may cause them to get curious about carving. we are the "freaks" of snowboarding, lol. just don't wear lots of neon.
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