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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. I got it pretty bad this year too, also on my rear foot. x rays last week confirmed no stress fracture, just brusing. Time certainly helps , so does icing. I also wear an ACE ankle brace (not the wrap kind) over my sock, it can't hurt. what has really helped me though is the cheap version of the shin tronic, the Eliminator Tongue http://www.bootfitters.com/eliminator.htm keep in mind I have skinny legs so that was part of my problem, but these were $25 I think and come in different sizes. Some BOLers have also made homemade contraptions. good luck and ice!
  2. some locals entering another topsheet contest. I still can't believe how awesome yours came out. Which option off of snowboardmaterials.com did you go with? basically I'm curious about the additional cost you paid for those graphics. email me privately if you want. thx, Barry
  3. not sure what you mean by "lot more than 280," sorry.
  4. yes, he's a well known funnyman, but he's still the press, exagerrates things. I'm sure he's very knowledgeable about snowboarding . just another not so funny guy IMO.
  5. http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0306/307532.html 280 fine? are you kidding me. send this guy to jail for 10-15 years, maybe more. These damn truckers need to stay the f in their own lanes, not trying to pass other trucks (like they are always trying to do here) unless there is no one around. They also cause traffic, tailgate OTHER trucks (how ****ing dumb can you be!!!!)...I wish they had their own roads honestly, or that certain times it was prohibited for them to travel on major interstates. I'm sure there are good truck drivers, but there certainly is no dearth of irresponsible reckless truckers around here.
  6. yes, the "damage/bruising" occurrs in either a bad wipeout/face plant (I had one Sunday) or losing the edge during a toeside turn and the subsequent sliding and vibrations that produces. The pads have helped a lot. There is very little (if any) soft tissue b/w skin and bone in this area, so it's naturally susceptible. I will try to get my calves bigger for next season. I'm finally beveling my edges, have ridden my Donek 0/0 edges and some minimal beveling will be more forgiving, not that I didn't like the 0/0, just think it makes sense.
  7. granted the snow is a bit more abrasive (man made ) here, it's waxed usually ever 2-3 riding days at teh most, sometimes i don't ride much more than 4 hours out. last year i rode an burton alp, this year a donek freecarve. aside from constnatly tweaking binding angles, etc, i'm basically riding more agressive, no face plants last year, not that I remember. i've been messing with the burton universal cant too
  8. been gone for a little while, so just them. well a few things came up and although some local riders are going there this weekend, I will not be. perhaps later this year or more likely, next year. thx again for the info Barry
  9. sorry i've been on the road for a few days. just got x-ray of the shin, they came back negative. did it more as a precautionary thing than anyting else. doc said just bruising, but that i do have high arched feet, which can make ankle injuries more common. re: boots, i like my s**t tight! hahah...seriously, I buckle it tight, conventional wisdom when dealing with shin bang seems to be "buckle tighter." I bought those foamy pads and they'r edef. helping. i'll try to get my legs bigger for next year and maybe get heat modable liners. i'm also talking to a local carver re: foam. i have a 3 buckle boot and usually loosten the 2 bottom buckles after every run. re: boot adjustments, just 2 modes- walk and no walk. i believe riding with no beveling whatsoever or detuning may be part of teh problem- I will be addressing this.
  10. hi, rear cant is that Burton Universal pos cant, so it's hard to tell really what it is b/c i think cant is automatically built into it (vs. just lift) , so 3 degrees lift and whatever inward cant. outward cant on rear foot is very rare, no? there was a thread 'bout that last week. i can snap a pic when I get back into town... Barry
  11. hey serious, this is Liberty in Southern PA? assuming yes, I stopped in the mcdonald's a few miles from Liberty on the way home from 'Top and saw a group of riders in there, one of them had very visible bloody cuts on his lip, chin, and nose. I asked him if he got into a fight or fell, and sure enough, he fell (on his face), it was his second day in the Trauma Park- didnt' require stitches but wasn't pretty... ps have we met? Barry
  12. aha, so cranking the buckles tight (I make them as tight as possible) can make the problem worse i guess?? fyi I have skinny legs,too, but those pads have helped me.
  13. this is what happens. I am apparently catching an edge (fyi my edges are unbeveled and no detuning not sure if this matters here) b/c these bad falls are basically face plants and it's my rear shin, right where the top buckle is, that is taking the brunt of these falls. I bought some pads to fill in space b/w my shin and the boots, which def. helps, but who else has had this happen? Today I had a very painful fall and re-aggravated my shin (a few weeks ago I sustained the initial injury to my rear shin). I iced it at ski patrol, but I had to step out of my bindings and just lie there on the side of the trail for a few minutes b/c of the pain (which is a first for me) I do not think this is shin bang, this is more like blunt force to the shin, as the momentum obviously continues to carry me over after the fall has begun. it never happened before this year. I may see the dr. this week but if this continues to happen to me I will have to start riding softboots again. i'm curious what other riders' experiences are?
  14. by Jazz guitarist virtuoso George Benson. I doubt this is the version you're looking for but thought I'd mention it... Barry
  15. an article by Bruce V of Coiler called "you can if you cant." Check alpinecarving.com after the coiler homepage. He recommended outward cant (on the front foot i believe) for bow legged riders such as myself. I tried it a few times (outward cant on front, but haven't done it since beg. of last year, when a much more accomplished and experienced rider took one look and was like "WTH?? get rid of that, lol.." since then, I have forever (almost every time out) been playing with different combos of cant (I have the crappy Burton Universal cant). I suggest keeping a "cant journal" if you will so you can record how your riding was under a specific cant/lift/binding angle combo. Before you become an old man, you will likely become dialed in. one other note, common sense tells me unless you have a deformity or "serious skeletal issues" (as Jack has written, lol), you can probably get away with different combos. Each one probably has pros and cons re: leverage, body position, efficiency, etc (perhaps the instructors/pros can chim in here...) Makes me wish there was a "quick change" cant/binding. Good luck... Barry
  16. i thought my custom graphics Sean did were cool (which they certainly are) but yours are the next level. very impressive. what kind of guidelines did you have to follow when creating/designiung the graphics? Barry
  17. custom graphics i assume? if yes, who came up with those? very slick and disturbing looking
  18. they're quite old, mid 90s. no degree markings! email through site if interested, i'll take a look tomorrow
  19. nice diagram! did you just make that up or grab it from the web? if the former, did you use Visio? I'm going back to Home depot right down the road to see if they have anything but I'm almost positive they didn't last time... just fyi though, this is def. not a "standard binding bolt" ..thread is shorter and the "head" is much fatter, thicker. threaded part is 5/16 inch sorry i don't have a metric ruler, i will go to the HW store shortly...America needs to convert Barry
  20. i'm going to consult Carver's Almanac again, look for that chart. I'm honestly not very handy, but I think I can figure this out. Still, the bolt may not be standard, here are some pics... thx, Barry
  21. bschurman, the bolt/screw i'm seeking is for the cant adapter only (it goes directly into the board)....thx for inquiring Barry
  22. small buggers, don't think they sell these in a HW store. lookin' for a few, will take any.... please email me through this site thx, Barry
  23. Jack! "double binding explosion" hahaha nice! this should go in Scott F's carver lexicon (alpinecarving.com)
  24. local club taking a trip there next weekend. Fellow BOLer and friend told me it's not a carver's mountain, narrow trails...just curious if there are only BOL Snowshoe regulars??? B
  25. apparently the editor of that clip has no idea what is and isn't cool...lol :D
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