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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. nice, guys. looks like I got some competition! hehe. love that famous audio clip in the beginning. Nice very quick message there, something about ride or die. nice angle of rider from the lift. what software you guys using? Barry ps give me some feedback on my slideshow "ride the edge." Bernhard from stoked.at is hosting it.
  2. Neil, after reading a bunch of older posts and your post, I am leaning toward doing what you said, just makes sense. Donek Sean wrote in an old post to bring a stone to the hill. I better practice using a stone, lol. Anyway, my tech was specifically talking about the nose, (so that would be beyond the Effective edge). But now I'm thinking, if the nose doesn't come into contact with the snow, why even bother detuning it. Barry
  3. i just got my Donek FC1. as many of you know, come un-detuned and with no beveling. anyone ride these w/ no beveling? should brand/model of board really be a big factor when beveling? recs for tuning this board. My trusted tech said i def. want to detune it, curious what others are doing. Barry
  4. =) shameless plug. ok, all kidding aside, this is a Carving slide show (w/music, fx, etc) that I created (took WAY too long to do) and hopefully it will serve as a good teaser! Some of you may be featured in the movie- yes that's right, YOU. =) things to keep in mind b4 watching: 1. Turn volume up (dim light for added effect !) 2. stoked.at hosting broadband version. Dial up users I have a link for the dial version, it has poor audio & video quality, though, so obviously I don't want people to see that one. 3. i have neither formal training nor a good multimedia computer. With 1 or both, I'm sure I could produce something better. 4. this was made for purely entertainment / promotional purposes. that being said, please give me your feedback. thx, Barry
  5. you probably know all this: -lots of fruit and vegetables (having an apple a day is very easy) -lots of water (throughout the day is easy. if you buy cases of bottled water, it's easier to access) -1 daily multivitamin (preferably after breakfast) -very limited or no fried food -limit caffeine (coffee, soda, etc) and alcohol. when drinking, hydrate when you can -fish is good -decrease sugar intake (no candy bars, etc) -eat more frequent smaller meals throughout day- this increases metabolism and prevents the sweet cravings that some (myself) get -believe in what you're doing and don't care what others think -cheat every once in a while -keep car or backpack stacked with non perishables in case you get hungry (balance bar, water, etc) -don't eat late (although some have reason to) good luck
  6. a friend who of mine who apparently has industry contacts told me shaun white gets "worked" in the movie. hahahah I love that term. Barry
  7. Velveeta, I'll call them today. I emailed one of their info links but the email got bounced back, so so much for that. Noah, I would pay for gas and MY lift ticket..
  8. feel like a post whore starting so many threads. anyway, i'm going to Mt. Snow late Jan. If I fly into Albany, what are my options for getting there? Amtrak doesn't seem to be one. Anyone ever taken a bus there from Albany? not relaly worth it for me to rent a car. thx
  9. the response to this thread. M5, the visor deal is bad ass! could be like some of the NFL running backs with the darkened visor- I think Ricky Williams or Jarod Payton waer em- seems like they'd fog up though. re: helmet weight, I also know nothing abotu motorsport helmets, but my common sense tells me that if you're in a major accident, it's better to have any helmet than no helmet...thx for the informative / intersting replies. Barry
  10. how does everyone feel about this? how many of you wear a full face? trying to decide if Full face is overkill (probably is, for me anyhow). i ride on crowded slopes though, icy, and usually with music. few times that helmet has saved me i feel back and hit my head backward, never anything fwd. part of me says it's only a matter of time before some freak accident occurrs while I'm doing something else besides riding (like getting up from a fall or getting off the lift)
  11. interesting. let me/us know how that turns out. I have a funny feeling I won't have a sporttube anymore then, though. oh well.
  12. openening December (not sure if this will be a major release or indy) just found out about this: http://www.firstdescentmovie.com/ wonder if there will be any alpine footage.
  13. I give you credit for trying but personally I don't think it's teh way to go. Educate people, tell them the benefits vs. drawbacks of our niche sport, but don't keep trying if the guy isn't interested. That's not my style, anyway. Even if you succeed, what are teh chance he'll really dig it? Part of what defines carvers, IMO, is our passion.
  14. Dan, what bindings was he using? I would like to try this with my Burton BMC 156. I am light, but still fear I may damage or put some serious wear on this board. It has 2 (short) seasons of riding on it. Anyone wanna chime in on BMC w/ plates?
  15. I bought a used double one for $60 but I'm thinking of selling it. What do you guys use for padding in them? Clothes? I'm not comfortable with the idea of the boards just hitting the hard case. Actually building in some padding/insulation probably isn't worth my time (and I'm no handyman, either). I like the pockets and padding of bags. I've used the same all black no name generic $40 bag for over 6 years (put 2 boards in it last year), but my new 163 won't fit in it.
  16. I think this is definitely a good thing, but easier said than done. I am a member of a meetup.com group that has 160 registered riders (although I'm convinced there are only about 10 serious riders) and in my intro I wrote that anyone that wants to try a carving board (my old Alp) is more than welcome to as long as they're not too big for it. The boots, I agree, are a trickier situation. I think one of the best and most effective ways to bring new people in is to ride well. Good alpine riders turn heads (esp. at places where they are less common). Certainly caught my attention. That and if someone does ask about it, just be cool. We are all really passionate about riding plates but some of us are like alpine evangilists, lol. Noah, have some Raichle M23s for sale if you want, maybe 10 days use on them? Have footbeds too.
  17. After reading Hagen's interesting comments, I can't argue with his thinking. You don't even have to speak English to get a license here. And I know motorcylists in part of Europe have to ride smaller cc bikes a certain amount before moving up. So how about a compromise, like a national minimum 65 mph limit on all major roadways (toll roads, interstates, etc). By this I mean, these roadways would all be 65 mph or greater. Steve Dold, are you implying I am a smartass? As far as cops and being a smartass, I learned that the hard way years ago while drag racing a friend. I am not happy when I get pulled over, but obviously I am not going to make a scene- then they would have even less time to issue more tickets to all the speed criminals out there. Once all the speeders are off the street, violent crimes will go way down :lol: "Good income" for the city- weak reason IMO. There are more effective ways of making income. For the record, I am a big fan of Chief Wiggum (and his henchmen). DSub, if the soccer mom is hot (aka MILF) then exceptions are to be made.
  18. Anybody here have a friend or relative splatted by a speeder or a drunk? have you? If so, which? I do not think lumping these 2 together is right. I am not necessarily opposed to keeping local roads the limits they are at, but 55 for a major interstate or highway? ridiculous. Can some of our German friends chime in on AutoBahn safety? Barry
  19. this would be overkill for me (short season, small slopes), but this would probably be great for you guys out West or that hike: http://polarusa.com/Products/consumer/axn300.asp i just bought one of their HRMs (heart rate monitors) and it's pretty cool. Features of alpine watches include: Altimeter- Shows your current altitude reading with graphical trend curve and your vertical progress. Vertical Speed-Shows ascent and descent rate indicating how fast you have gone vertically up or down. Barometer-Monitor weather changes with barometric pressure and temperature reading. Polar Fitness Test-Measures your fitness level in 5 minutes. advanced models (probably all the alpine models) allow you to download/input workout results into a program or on the web and you can graph trends, etc, very cool. Think do it yourself Drago training.
  20. for my ultracompact dig. camera (powershot sd300, doubles as a camcorder) and ipod nano new computer gecko, that's very cool ipod accessory
  21. i have no problem with cops protecting people. obviously that's good and necessary. I am pretty sure, though, that some are really just traffic cops. do you always follow the speed limit?
  22. In the DC area, there are many bad drivers, many inconsiderate drivers, road rage, etc. etc. Many local drivers can't even speak/read english, lol. The speed limit on the capital beltway (Interstate 495) is 55- how ridiculous. No one drives that slow on these roads. Esp. at night, people do 70+. Yet the law says that b/c you are going 20 or more over, you are automatically reckless driving. That is very weak logic. It is very possible for one to drive fast and still be in control and rather considerate- esp. if it's at night and there are very few, if any other cars on the road. So some pig in his car w/ all his lights off looking for the lone speeder at 3AM while local gangs continue to bring violence (assaults, rape, etc) to the community. Then, assuming you pay the fine or are found guilty, you have at least a few points on your DMV record and your rate may go up. I say concentrate on real crime and charge people with reckless only if it truly is reckless. Until then, I say to hell with traffic cops.
  23. No, I did not suggest anything. Just expressing myself. I revise my statement they are NOT the lowest life form, just close to it. Barry
  24. are the lowest form of life. Concentrate on real crimes like gangs and senseless violence.
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