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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. I dont care what the mainstream aspect of snowboarding is doing. they can have the olympics, the burton gear, and all the trucker hat wearing stoner idiots with their baggy pants. fine by me. hahaha, good one! that's funny re: the hats. I bought one of those mesh hats with the old skool trans am symbol, i think it's sorta cool, olk skool, fun. I wear it normally though, not half crooked b/c I think i'm too cool for school! as for the encroaching on boards, look closely at my icon, better yet view my member info, i'm sure you can figure out who that is on my tail- I like his attitude! I morphed the gun to be pointing to whoever's lookin' down. Don't mess with DH, jibber boy! hahah
  2. yes i know some people woulnd't like it and normally i wouldn't write something like that but lately i'm just tired of the anti-alpine sentiment i'm getting. i think a little properly placed/directed attitude on our party may help the sport. maybe we wouldn't get bashed so much. it may be more so down here than out west, so i was like "f it, i'm writing it." i think it's somewhat amusing anyway. heavan forbid someone learn to carve before riding a rail =). that being said, i enjoy generally enjoy watching railslides, but this sport is SO dominated by FS and call me stubborn/ old skool, but I equate actually riding down the hill much more with snowboarding than railsliding. but what do i know? i'm just a desk jockey right? hahha ps i'll probably scratch it out or put the bladder in my other unmarked camelbak. I'm a nice guy!!!! I have passed out a number of BOL cards and always tell people about Donek when they ask about the graphics. have also told people about our local carving listserv.
  3. disclaimer: as much as I love talking and explaining alpine riding (which I almost always do several times every time I ride), I'm usually listening to (sometimes loud) music in lift line and sometimes just don't feel like chatting. usually means i have to take helmet off or stop ipod. a lot of work, i know. :D yesterday person behind me referred goes "that's one of those skiboards," which is a first. I find the younger riders increasingly knowledgeable about it. and re: the "not rails" bit, I'm not anti FS, just feel a little attitude to promote alpine may help
  4. take a break if you need to....
  5. DC and NYC areas? just curious... have a great time, Barry
  6. you rock, girl! we rode the lift up a few times at MAC Trax...must say SBX highly entertaining, sooo much more so than pipe. love teh carnage
  7. exposure is great, but would i'd be happier if a hb'er won. then some younger folks may take more of an interest.
  8. to all MAC Trax participants: a few of you asked me for my pics- they are all on the site, basically the bottom 1/3 (there are no date stamps in my pics). I have some Limbo videos I will post as soon as fix some software issues..... Barry
  9. it's quite clear guy has some rather significant "issues." let him dig his own grave
  10. so i have been a memmber of the meetup.com DC forum group for well over a year, all the folks i know from it are cool. these completely new guys come in and just start spreading their negativity everywhere. i respond to one of them in private, he responds to everyone. here's an excerpt of their latest message: "is this a carver board? or is this a snowboard board? instead of talking about freestyle skiers, alpine boarders that slide on rails and your broken odometer, why don't we talk about actual snowboard conditions? like the condition of the mountain, trails, or park? i think most of us aren't impressed that you rode with level 3 aasi certified instructors, or hearing about your issues with your odometer. that's what blogs are for. from what i understand this is a snowboard meetup group, which encompasses freestyle, freeride, and racing. stop segmenting this into a "carver" group and trying to make yourself sound cool that you are a "carver." we are all snowboarders, we are out there to have fun, it's not like high school where we have to prove how cool we are to other snowboarders, skiers, or carvers. so i DID mention conditions, never mentioned a broken odometer, and certainly didin't say "how cool I was" for being a carver. I don't preach the "Alpine Gospel." Heaven forbid I mention MAC Trax and give a brief summary of it (totally w/in the realm of the message board), and even one of the co organizers of the message board was there, these jackholes start the flaming. The thread to which the above response was posted was a few days old anyhow.
  11. there's more than that 1 comment. the moderaters apparently rm'd a few comments. hard for me to describe it but people are cool in the group, there is very little arguing. these 2 new guys come in and just start spreading negativity everywhere. no teens in teh group as far as i know, mostly 23 and up.
  12. thought you all might get a kick out of these jackholes from a local DC area meetup.com (oh how I wish they coulda been with us yesterday hahaha) 1. "What are you guys trying to prove by doing freestyle tricks (hitting a rail) with an alpine board? Are you trying to get more cool points since you are carvers? Or being able to tell girls that you are sooo extreme that you can also do tricks too?" in another post some guy posts a pic of some 80s carver wearing crazy and bright clothing and says "i'll be there with my carving setup," which I woulda easily laughed at if he knew me but it was clearly meaning to poke fun at carving. not as obnoxious as above, but still unecessary. i really think they feel threatened by carvers doing slides and such. if anyone is bored, feel free ot sign up for the group and respond to them. i've responded privately.
  13. Great day today! (even with a painful case of shin bang). Great job, Phil, organizing the whole "shindig" (pun intended), and thx to Neil, Roger, and The Noodle for giving the clinics and helping out...great to see all the MAC regulars and meet new folks...thx Mark for setting up the listserv, too! I've got a bunch of pics and some video- they are coming, be patient. Barry ps email if you have funny ideas how to Photochop pics of Phil!
  14. ok this should be a memorable day, hopefully a highlight of everyone's season, with good conditions, some dudes are coming in from places like Jersey just for this let's have a tailgate party in teh parking lot at the end of the day / afternoon! it can be BYOB, we can shoot the ****, just have a good time, drink h20 if you want, i think it would be fun if we had a little party, hopefully it won't be too cold during the day...what do you guys think? of we could all go to some place in dillsburg and get beer and pizza or something. no lame excuses
  15. I rode with the microshield which was also a hard plastic case it was 20 or 30, ocassionally it got a little fogged up but othern than that it was fine. xtrememac i think is teh company
  16. Jack, that is sweet...def. got style! i love the silver /chrome look, went for that with my Donek, it's not quite the "pure silver" that you have though. check out dakoda shiny stomp pad buttons if you need em- they'll go perfectly.
  17. let me preface by saying i think it's safe to say the guy has "issues." something ain't right. moving fwd... slope etiquette seems to be a foreign idea to most resort patrons, at least where I've been to it is. hold on, let's go back a step. common courtesy seems to be a foreign idea to most poeple these days. and to think, some people think NYC is the greatest place on earth- truly frightening IMO. === Barry
  18. for the first time sat. originally intended as a rock board, it was a real blast, tons of pop. i guess shorter sidecut has you turning more and maybe a bit more tiring, but crazy human slalom at my local hills. SCR = 8.18 plus smaller boards you can probably decamber more?
  19. what is the deal here? this thread is meant for all the comments we get. hell, some people here even have those comments as their signature. thx for the defs, but I do not agree. are you familiar with the expression "ignorance of the law is no excuse?" I do my share to eduk8 other riders, esp. those my age, my age (20 somethings) about alpine. The kid who asked me the questions yesterday I ended up giving him one of the BOL cards. I know quite a few riders in the area and while I don't "preach the alpine gospel," as some do, I bring alpine into discussion if appropriate.
  20. this thread is about sharing the comments. i hope we can laugh amongst ourselves at some of these commetns. wouldn't be asking that much if the typical rider knew what the heck we ride? I don't think so. i mean, learn a little about the history of your hobby / sport. granted snowboarding is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things (9-11, etc), ignorance is rarely something to defend/commend. my .02
  21. not meaning to thread-jack, but i'm still pretty upset about this and wanted to mention to fellow nano riders so this doesn't happen to anyone else! yesterday, did a cartwheel (probably due to folding the nose, very soft snow) and my relatively new Ipod Nano came out of the velcro jacket pocket, a first. I didn't realize this happened until a few minutes later, only to see some little runt (probably about 10) noticing it on the hill and picking it up. I yelled at him from the lift to stay there, which he did for a minute or two. Then I started going up to every little kid there asking "are you the one with my mp3 player" there were 100s of kids due to some race, it was sorta futile. Multiple visits to guest services / lost and found yielded nothing (actually they had an IPOD but it was some else's). I was hoping this kid would tell his parents he found it, my email and name are engraved on the back. So I'm pretty upset about that. People who steal suck. If you ride with an MP3 Player, secure it as best as possible, preferably in a zipped pocket, not velcro!
  22. 1. "What happened to your tail?" me: "was bored so I cut it off" looks confused, then I told him I was joking. (he was probably still confused) 2. Kid next to me on chair: "what do you call that thing?" me: "a snowboard." 2 minutes later, same kid: "have you tried snowboarding?" 3. hot girl (unfortuenately with guy): "oh you have an alpine board!" I was pleasantly shocked. she was with a German guy, so sounds like she was cultured snowboard wise :)
  23. like you had a pro capture that- no shaking, close ups, how'd you do it? Rob Zombie not my fav. musical selection, but it's your video! (Ozzy has plenty of evil themed stuff, too )
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