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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. is what is considered "normal." Alpine is NOT the norm. The softie masses have no idea that FS dominates mainstream snowboarding, so when you start talking about alpine, it gets attention and can easily cause a commotion (b/c everything is SO FS centered). case in point: local snowboarding online group I used to be a member of, there was 1 thread re: alpine in SBX and soon enough it was "you all think you're so bad, so fast" blah blah. 1 thread, out of many. If the mainstream isn't in the center in the first place (see Iran gov't =) ), then any new concept will seem radically different. they say "it's in the eye of the beholder"
  2. ok, so let's start our own mini magazine. i'm very sure there are some people here who have the time do undertake this venture.
  3. people fear or dislike what they don't understand or feel threatens them. good riders will likely garner respect, even from park monkeys that would otherwise rag alpine. being social on the lift can really help to break barriers, but aren't we riding for ourselves (at least most of us)...just not worth my time /energy anymore to dislike tws b/c no alpine.
  4. guess it depends on what perception you want of snowboarding. why should smoking (cigs or pot) have anything to do with snowboarding (the act itself, that is).
  5. Phil, agreed. very lame. whole concept of a lighter case is sorta dumb imo. surprised they dont' have Burton cell phone covers. shirts are cool though.
  6. pretty cool. http://www.burton.com/gear/products.asp?productID=943&shortMaterialNumber=B7AEG102
  7. email him directly. no point in guessing. imho the t-board works, regardless of kurt's snowboaring exp
  8. I guess "Alpine is Dead" is sort of a joke in this case. something i'm not getting? I like it, but the meaning is apparently obvious to me. A great ad and great photo, nonetheless. Where can I get one?
  9. for some reason, perhaps b/c she's riding plates and carving nicely, i have remember that ad- that is, the one that is leew's avatar. perahps it was b/c of her green jacket, hair, and ball cap. it's just a great photo. if i recall correctly, the text of that ad was "Alpine is Dead." i don't quite understand that, though....can someone fill me in
  10. i read 1 benchmarking study that concluded the higher you go in terms of processor performance, the less you are getting for your money. this isn't that true at the "flagship series" level, but once you get into "the best," it is true. i believe that this is a commonly accepted observation in the computing community. dont' quote me though, i don't read slashdot (or any of those sites) too regularly also note many things can be tweaked if you really wanna get into it (BIOS, etc)....
  11. can't injure something you don't have, right? =) ps Goonies hahahah Sloth love Baby Ruth!
  12. do a comparison of processors on the manufacturer's website. sometimes just knowing what "family" they are in (and hence, what type of user they are targeted to) is enough to know what you need (which can be very diff't from what you want, lol) check out cnet's "exact choice" feature. plug in some questions about what type of user you are, it'll make a recommendation. i doubt it's a completely exhaustive rec, but it'll do for most. i went with their dig. cam rec. and have no regrets. if you do the research, which you obviously are, you really can't go wrong whatever you choose. good luck.
  13. f'n awesome. been around for a while. i call him "batman." gotta love the suit and the shadow he casts. verfy cool.
  14. espn.com has useful info on motorcycle clauses (or the lack thereof) in pro sports contracts. this guy is riding a bike- a hayabusa nonetheless, w/o a helmet?#! oh , and he's a pro athlete too? if that right thtere isn't proof he has nothing in his actual skull to protect, just his body, i don't know what is. of course I wouldn't wish a crash on anyone, but i don't feel overly sorry for him, as he is the absolute last guy who should be riding a superbike w/o a helmet.
  15. the lurker? dsub, i dont' know what your definiton of a lurker is but you post and comment on absolutely everything, so by that defeiniont everyone is a lurker. don't act all cool about it, be real. you dont' like me i don't like you end of story. move on. sorry your life is comprised of BOL posts. yeah i posted b/c i check bol 1x or 2x a day and i just happend to checkit now and saw your posts. i'm going on a date now. i suggest you do the same.
  16. dsub, re: your above post and very obvious mention to me, why you have to bring up **** that's already happened back up is beyond my comprehension. you don't like me i dont' like you i dont' give a ****, please leave it at that instead of tryng to get the last word in and acting immature in general. seriously , man, give us a break. i let you get in the last word in a previous post, please just stop trying to do that Barry
  17. i understand now. my boots are 3 buckles, so i don't have "buckle touch" but still crank them down. i bought some tongues this year and they helped fill some volume. then there's the whole foam thing and heat modable liners, i have neither though. yeah, skinny ankles suck and there's much that can be done for them re: lifting, b/c the skin is so thin there, it's just genetics and bone structure. i suppose women have an advantage though b/c their calves start so much lower. i'm getting off topic though.
  18. Mike T, please elaborate on this: "Which, by the way, is that the buckles bump into each other and prevent the boot from flexing forward," Barry
  19. still running the urethanes but i think one of the board's weaknesses was exposed tonight: uneven pavement. as this is a 2-wheeled device, going over any kind of gap, crevice, etc can get dicey. of course you can just tip the nose up off the ground, but that's not always possible or practical when riding. so my garage session wasn't so great b/c the gaps were messing up my rhythm. for this reason, i would also be very careful about t-boarding at night, but common sense probably tells most of us this is not the safest thing.
  20. allright, that's fair. you sound quite experienced with the tboard. how did you rig up that cam setup? helmet cam?
  21. I don't agree with your opinion, but whatever, i don't really feel like debating/discussing. out of curiousity though, how much total time do you have on a t-board? took me more than 1 session to really get the feel.. did you see the video being made? (curious how you know all those turns were ankle-initiated turns)
  22. would def. agree it is not overly versatile, certainly not practical for any kind of flatland transportation (unless you want that to be a challenge within itself). re: closest to hardbooting, Tierney recommends you ride with a "traiditional" snowboard skateboard stance with your torso parallel to the hill, basically feet perpendicular to the board. whether or not one can ride the board alpine style, not sure, my common sense tells me yes, with a bit of practice, but b/c the wheels are in the middle of the board, it's not going to be very stable, although if i'm not mistaken the racers ride the t-boards like that. this board def. gains stability with speed. good luck ps i think tierney has some kind of pretty hot $20 promotion going on now, check their site. also a local shop may carry the other boards for you to check out
  23. hi all, The model I have is the snowboard specific 41 inch, urethane wheels. i have rubber wheels but have yet to use them. I just came in from my second time on the t-board. My longboard is a Bozi Mad Bomber with very wide 3dm avalon, and quite tight trucks (or so I think) The T board is a very fun toy and carves effortlessly. 1st time out was more to get aquainted, this time I started really carving it. Ride is VERY smooth, VERY easy to bleed off speed, much easier to carve than my longboard (although tight trucks may have something to do with that). Even with looser trucks, I simply don't see how a regular longboard can have the turning radius of the T- Board. Now this is a bit of a warning that's likely much more applicable to us hardbooters. The board can feel so much like riding that you, like me, may start to forget it's NOT a snowboard and there IS a limit to how hard you can carve. it is possible to catch an edge on this. GRADUALLY ride with higher edge angles, experiment with leaning your whole body and your ankles. (not sure dealer would recommend the ankle part, but I do) DO NOT try to carve as agressive as (a lot of you) ride - I learned this the hard way- this is especially true for anyone who gets super angulated or inclinated. Sometimes the edge will simply scrape and you will be fine, other times you will be THROWN / EJECTED off the board and depending on yoru speed, hit the ground and get up or get messed up. yes, the board will make you it's bitch if you push it too much. that is really a complement, though, b/c this ride is so smooth there is the possibility of forgetting you're on a board with wheels (and then, like me, you start getting the edge too high) Because of this possibility, I strongly recommend a helmet (of course) and ELBOW PADS espeically, and wrist guards if you have them. In my foolish confidence, decided I just needed a helmet tonight. thankfully it's cool out now and I had an a fleece, it saved me from road / garage rash on my elbow. that being said, you can grab the edge and ride with style, but I recommend looking down every once in a while to see how close you're getting the edge to the ground. i'm sure the pros don't do this but i haven't ridden it enough to go on feel yet The T board is not particularly fun on flat surfaces, and can actually be more challenging when not on a hill. get a regular skate/long board for that. T board is made for hills, I can't wait to get this thing on something steeper. It was simply insane how easy it was to bleed off speed on this thing. The T Board is a blast to ride! If you got the loot and want a new type of ride, definitley get one! beatiful graphics on the base, too. can you imagine what kind of Snowboard Tierney would come up with? ps MACers, if you wanna test it out b/w now and winter, let me know! or we could all meet for drinks in DC and then give it a go!
  24. i really wanted to go again this year, and cause Sean more heartache (while representing the EC, of course). Neil, I talked with Dane and he said that whole crew (Chris. B, Dave, Scottie) wasn't able to make it this year.
  25. "your response to my response" doesn't surprise me one bit. i suggest you stop posting so much and try YOUR hand at designing something. perhaps if you did and realized how much work is generally involved for a non-professional to turn something of quality in, you would have more respect for contests/people who actually embrace the challenge themselves. i've said my piece here i have much more important things to do. i hope your friend wins it for you. i guess i'm just way too ideal. luv, Barry ps you don't know me, don't act like you do. and please don't email my personal email either i don't have time to waste responding (as i previously have) pps Pow " if D-Sub wins this," that's just my point, he isn't winning anything, his friend may though. yeee!!! "friends don't let friends design alpine- they do it demselvz" ppps Sean, sorry for ruffling the feathers of some apparently non creative individual(s). I think very highly of you and your products / services (as you know)
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