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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. This is a great contest. The fact, however, that people are getting their friends-design professionals, to just do all the work for them- well to be blunt, that's LAME. I won contests and I did ALL the work for the stoked.at contests which I won. I spent hours figuring out how to make certain edits and create certain affects. I'm sure this is falling on deaf ears with what's at stake, but would be nice to see some integrity and creativity from the BOLers and at least attempt to make a design before getting your friend involved. For me, it's a matter of pride and being able to do things for myself. I can barely draw a stick man, using certain programs allows one to easily express their creativity. ps I also designed my graphics with Sean and I have a friend who's a pro. graphic designer and I solicited his help at first but he really wasn't much help so then I just enjoyed figuring out how to do the whole thing myself, it's an enjoyable process with Adobe Illustrator but what do I know, perhaps this is what was precisely intended.
  2. someone from BOL should at least try out.....would def. inject some life into our offseason, plus just good for the sport
  3. FTA2R


    I haven't even read 2/3 of this thread, but I've read enough to comment. to each his own, but come on Bud Light? this is HORSE PISS. I think it is true the major brands have no taste purposely so you keep drinking more. I've heard some guys into home brewing agree that for a major brand, Sam Adams is a standout beer. Bud and Miller have great advertising campaigns, but if you really love beer (I'm a social drinker at most), how can you regularly consume these? even in college i could only drink so much Milwaukee's Best or whatever crap they were drinking. Now LABATT and LABATT ICE, yeah, that's what I'm talking about- the higher echelon of low end beers! Genesse ALE! Long live regional and micros!
  4. i do not smoke anything but a number of my frat brothers in college were potheads and would always go to "hotbox" in the car. and yes, the title of this thread, IMO, is a direct play on that word. "natural hotbox" (sun) vs. "human / artifical hotbox" (smokin' pot). of course pot grows natrually someplaces. maybe the threadstarted can clear up the confusion. "far out, dude" haha sorry had to inject that corny phrase
  5. FTA2R


    cheater, has no shame. dumb name, too
  6. did you guys see him just about black out tonight? intense and scary! i like the whole mental thing he brings to it, although maybe he overdoes it. 99% of the population wouldn't even consider doing the endurance stunts he does, so give him some respect. they said liver damage and skin rashes. Skatha, why liver damage? would you agree with Blaine's personal physician this stunt was "insanely pushing his body to the edge." think there will be any perm. damage? how long will it take for him to fully recover? ps re: Japanese pearl divers, there is some type of relationship b/w diving and lung capacity, i'm not a free diver (totally nuts) but perhaps someone can comment on the relationship b/w diving and oxygen needed
  7. why am i not surprised he's a hardbooter? lol that was fun to watch. wonder how powerful that thing is, not really practical though. what about riding down the hill with it
  8. 3. Blue Oyster Cult: Don't Fear the Reaper There's an awesome song that I have for those long cat tracks, nice and smooth, however short: Sonny Rhodes: Ballad Of Serenity You may know that one as the theme song from Firefly. I usually ride with alot of classical music. classical???? wow. I'm not even sure I could do that, unless it was a real intense symphony, like the Mars movement from "The Planets" or the awesome piece used in Apocolypse Now when psychotic Col. Kilgore and his boys are shooting up a village...anyone know what that piece is? Usually I listen to something to get me all fired up, focused, and intense, never tried Classical before, though. I take it you are relaxed when riding? re: Blue Oyster Cult, I was in a ski house with the lead singer's son this year. cool guy. I say to him: "Blue Oyster Cult 1983 PSU- how'd you get that shirt?" he goes "my dad's the lead singer." I was like "no, really." It was a funny conversation.
  9. loved it all, espeically the rainbow and cornice drop...
  10. in our local forum, i was asked a question about alpiners in the olympics and a debate ensued, and it was a pretty cool debate. i found though that even a small amount of carving related talk is considered "all this hardbooting talk," which just goes to show how much FS dominates this sport. granted the game is a lot different out here in the mid atlantic than the West, but it was frustrating. then these guys all wanna race you, gates included, to essentially prove "how lame carving is" i doubt any of them could ride an alpine board though. tools.
  11. good one, Phil, I am chuckling. I hope you are not too big to ride it!
  12. I do appreciate it. That video took hours to make, and I do believe I stretched the editing and visual effects of Windows Movie Maker to the max. Thank you all again. MAC guys you are all welcome to demo the board if you are ever near me or perhaps I can bring it to the mountain next year.
  13. FTA2R

    Hedgehog as pets?

    he was on that silly show "the surreal life" on Vh1 a fwe season back, a referernce was made to his nickname. as for sinecure's remark, i have an extremely active dating life :D
  14. "Is anybody a member of a non-carving forum? I wonder from time to time if we can stimulate more interest in alpine riding by invading "popular" forums and spreading the word" you want to spread the "Alpine Gospel," fine, do it in person. "invading" a forum is so NOT the thing to do. i've seen it done and it usually backfires, sometimes horribly. persuading someone to do something is much easier in person vs. a web forum- esp. if you are a strong communicator, well spoke, etc. the best thing you can do is be an awesome rider and carry those BOL cards if you get someone real curious. answer people's questions, even though it gets old. volunteer to let someone borrow your board if he wants. please do not try to "convert" people, much like religious freaks do. many of us here are, whether conscious of this or not, like that we not mainstream...not that more hardbooters is a bad thing...but I say let nature run it course...IMO what we as alpiners dont' have in quantity we more than make up for in quality.
  15. FTA2R

    Hedgehog as pets?

    is famous porn Star Ron Jeremy's nickname. so name your real life hedgehog "ron jeremy"
  16. re: the brakes, i had no idea. i guess these brakes are actually effective. i'll take a closer look next season.
  17. Skatha, such an irony isn't it? a snowboard is heavier and wider but the skis have pointier tips and maybe would go faster? can we make this a poll? would you rather be hit by a loose snowboard or a loose ski? i'll go with ski (one reason to keep your goggles on)
  18. post pics of it. sweet, I like the Old Skool Magnum PI style. If it's white you can do the Miami Vice crocket and tubb's thing. yeah, don't let him pimp it, the car is classic w/o pimping. i see ferraris around here occassionaly, i used to work across from a dealership, but they're all newer, no Old Skool stuff like your dad has. Ask him to borrow it, just be careful. i got my "first" reckless driving my dad's old vette, it's a magnet for those lower forms of life called traffic cops
  19. Thank you fellow BOL members, you guys have come up with some truly crazy stuff to be viewed on the net. From the previous post re: pimpstar to extreme yo yo to just awesome riding, the hardbooters are friggin' great when it comes to finding stuff that has certianly been entertaining and fresh.
  20. who are you kidding, you are out west. this is where us guys in the mid atlantic, midwest, and northeast shine. the smaller the molehill, the better.
  21. c'mon let's spice it up a bit. a woman next to a coiler, big deal. Let's see some skin, (bikini?)seroiusly. you know, like the motorcycle models sandboarding? i guess. personally i'd rather see hard turning. the pic is unique, though, i'll give that to you. just suggestions. Bernhard, you are, of course still "the man" for coming up with all this promo stuff. i'm sure whatever you produce it'll be hot
  22. (taken from cnet): Twingine.com The Twingine site contains a blank search form where you can type any search query. When you click Search, the site brings up the results pages for that query from both Yahoo and Google, side by side. For fairness, Twingine randomly changes the sides that Google and Yahoo come up on, so people who prefer one side of the screen over the other won't be biased.
  23. i should be able to demo some different boards Sat @ a skating event I plan to attend. Neil S, that's not me (wish it was, though). It's the pic I took of Phil doing a railslide. I still have 2 vids of you and will try to get the racing on VHS. Have not had time/access to it this week. Shinbang I think is pretty much all gone. Thx for inquiring, hope all is well with you. === Barry
  24. so as far as i can tell, this is only an issue when skating. my feet have not bothered me since. re Neil's response, I tried pumping and it just "fizzled" out. Surely i could be doing it wrong, but is it possible my board (bozi mad bomber) isn't that conducive to pumping? I have very arched feet, perhaps that has something do with it. maybe i just need to do it more, get used to it or get some callouses. i usually only skate once or week or so. thx for the replies. skatha is cool, like having a virtual dr. online. the unofficial BOL Dr.
  25. I wear skating shoes when I skate. Great for foot braking, but today the ball of my rear big toe starting bothering me a bit while pushing. I was on a flat trail so I did a lot of pushing with the rear foot, usually in spurts of 3-4 pushes at a time. I've found my Nike running shoes to be my comfortable for this, but less effective for braking. i have bony feet, although i suspect no one has much tissue there. has anyone else exerpeienced this? why don't skate shoes have better cushioning there? i suppose i could add an insert but the shoe is already snug on me. if i had no feet i wouldn't have these problems
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