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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. DSub, I never said being a few pounds overweight is unhealthy. The fact, however, is that a huge percentage of adults in this country are more than simply a few pounds oveweight, they are obese! And, I think most doctors will agree that as a general statement, 25lbs overweight is not healthy. Of course other individual factors such as frame size, gender, age, body composition would help determine that. and sorry, but yes, America is the fattest country. I have seen this time and time again through my travels. Plz read the posts more carefully before your response, b/c "only in America" is a reference (a clear one at that, IMO) that this kind of "motivational contest" is something that would only happen here. I never said one thing about people not gaining weight as they age. Yes, D Sub I know that metabolism slows as one ages. I do not know if you have but as lonerider said, the combination of our diets and laziness is really doing us in. It's funny to talk with a European who has just visited the US sometimes and hear them refer to the weight problem.
  2. ...only in America. I don't get it. When did looking good and taking care of your body stop being important? If you don't have your health, you have nothing.
  3. is a very nice guy, and helfpful too. we exchanged several emails.
  4. thing is rockin'. i'm an ipod newbie, coming over from a 256 meg iriver. my friend at apple says hang out on ilounge, they have links to tons of 3rd party accessories, a lot of which are prolly better than apple's and basically the same price. www.otterbox.com - waterproof case for ipod (can even take them swimming if you want) apple's nano armbands are pretty girlie.
  5. that you are staying Mid Atlantic, otherwise your "MAC" membership would have to be revoked..... :D see you soon, Scott! MAC - Mid Atlantic Carvers
  6. i just purchased a starter kit. No need for me to repeat what others have said re: your enormous contribution to our niche sport and great customer service. In addition to the great info, BOL has enabled me to find & meet a number of other riders, and that is a great thing imo. As I said before on Randy's other thread, I wish the best for the injured rider and Bomber.
  7. pls confirm you're a non canadien living there? lol
  8. The Russian Prodigy is here! 2 goals in his first NHL game and there's still a period left!
  9. check the demo out. i don't think it tracks runs, althoug hthey have watches that show more alpine type metrics (altitude, barometric pressure, etc). there was a pic of a snowboarder so and it specifically mentioned skiing, so it sounds applicable Barry
  10. http://www.timex.com/spd/demos.html considering it has GPS specially programmed for outdoor activties, tells speed, distance and other stuff, and starts @ $150, not a bad deal.
  11. went to the caps preseason vs. the flyers sat. new changes are def. making for higher scoring games. they lost in a shootout. great article on espn.com about the all time enforcers of NHL too bad DC isn't a hockey town only thing i can't stand is/are the outrageous prices of MCI center ($3/bag of M&Ms)
  12. i went to a bootfitter friend of mine who sold me a pair of these- they have a heat liner. at first i didn't buy the gimic, but once they packed out a bit (and i took them back to get teh R foot stretched a tad), I'm a total believer. insole/footbed has definitely taken the shape of my arch. re: stiffness, I can't comment. i've certainly tied them too tight before though. the heat moldable feature is really great though. they were 200 at the time. good luck.
  13. hey Nekdut Neil, what's up man? ironically, i volunteered my services earlier this week. he has been slammed, has not had a chance to work on em. i can likely get teh mini dv's encoded, but i don't have a physical dvd burner, so the files would be viewable on web or a data cd. not sure at this point what he's going to do. Barry ps i got at least 1 pic of you -on lift chair
  14. spectacular crash footage (folding nose) etc encouraged!!!! Neuffy, statistically speaking (purely numbers, that is), injury rates for skiing vs. snowboarding are about the same. I believe the term "snowboarding" encompasses all disciplines. I think consensus is that generally speaking (so hardbooters might not be included in this statement) , skiiers go faster than snowboarders- or at least have teh ability to and still be in control. Interesting that you find what we do so much more dangerous than skiing- is there a specific reason other than speed and putting all your eggs in one basket (edge)?
  15. hi, i'm making a little home made movie and I'd like to include video footage of solid riding from hardbooters in the following terrain types: trees, bumps, steeps, chutes, getting airs - basically anything along those lines. all you need to do is send me your raw footage (or send me a link if you know of one) and i will try to include you if the clip adheres to the following guidelines: 1. non .mov (quicktime) preferred 2. riding / technique does not have to be perfect, but should be smooth 3. camera work should be relatively smooth, decent resolution, etc. 4. rider name and email you can email me off of BOL or post the clip on the web. that's about it for now. If I use your footage you will be credited at the end of the film. Barry
  16. if so, i'd take Kirk up on his Alp. I bought a used Alp off of ebay, i've jsut ordered a FC 163, and I'm also a very light rider (similar to gdbytyler). The Alp was money well spent. If you have to have something new, try something on klugriding.com. I personally wouldn't recommend a FC1 as your first alpine board, but you are athletic...now, how long is your season? if you have the luxury of many riding days and space to learn on / turn, then you can prolly grow into it. I personally would rather start small, ride something that I can master or at least ride quite well, then go from there. if it's too stiff you will get frustrated and tired. good luck. and, as others said, i would recommend calling Donek Sean.
  17. hi, I had a mole removed a few weeks ago and teh dermatologist said it is an old wives tale that the wound heals faster exposed to air. I agree, you do not want to let it scab. Neosporin (aka triple antibiotic ointment) should be on teh wound asap, and a bandaid or bandage over that. The sport strips work very well for me, easier to take off. If it's itching, that means healing is occurring. larger the wound, more drainage there will be, which in yoru case is probably quite a bit. Since you already have a scab, i'm not sure what you should do. i used this method to care for road rash on my elbow i had received the first day I skated (lol) and while it is a scar, it's not anything really knarly. there is also a $20 OTC cream to reduce scarring, i have no idea how it works though. heal well.
  18. ok wiseguys :D some of you have been around way longer than me :lol: hey, btw, what the heck is a snurfer? ps kidding
  19. no way , lol. let's just say I didn't inspect the binding closely enough which is my fault but i haven't been riding plates very long and had really never seen this type of binding :o. for the record though, there was definitley some "goo" but not nearly to the extent I thought. what I initially thought was all this goo is actually a very cheap (but effective) sticky rubber pad that is the interface b/w the binding and the board ( I guess the TD elastomer rings would be today's equiv?)
  20. interesting. this board is an oxygen asym. there is a number "1986" on the board at the insert. not sure if that's a reference to the year...anyone know?
  21. omg, i feel like a big dummy. not the most user friendly binding but apparently i hadn't inspected this binding close enough. problem solved. does anyone actually own these bindings? only cool think i can see about them is that you can adjust them to be as tight or loose to your boot as you want, no predefined "points."
  22. board does not physically fit into bath tub. it's a 162, bath is normal size bath. nor does it fit into washer, LOL. I mean it does, but the bindings are sticking out. damn, i really wanted to upload a pic of this board in my washing machine. BTW, bindings are black plastic Fritsche Diamond. used a blowdryer for about a minute, seemed to have no effect. how long does the blowdryer technique usually take? brute force will no doubt cause large chunks off topsheet to be missing. going to look for goo gone now. perhaps will ask construction workers to power wash the board next week, they're power washing the garage. last option would be take to local ski shop. Barry
  23. hi guys, many thx as always for the helpful and informative replies. i've been in training all week so didn't have time to respond until now. i will either look to buy goo gone tomorrow, do the dw 40, or give it a bath. if i bathe the board, could i use standard dishwashing soap (not detergent) or should i use another type of soap? I will def. use the blow dryer, not sure how effective it'll be though. LOL re: crowbar. re: topsheet, board is a total POS. was gonna try to devise some dry land training exercises with it. re: hooking in and lean, not a bad idea but...bindings as they are now are too big for my boots and i have to remove the entire binding /baseplate to adjust and even if i could do that, i'm not sure if it would work b/c this bond is so strong and assuming i did get it to work, i agree w/ Steve Dold, there'd likely be topsheet chunks missing. Of course as I'm just planning to use the board for dry land training, a damaged topsheet prolly really isn't that big of a deal. but, i'm gonna try to loosen up the bond. Dsub, I do not think it is epoxy, but I am not 100% sure. It's almost like some ultra stick rubbery material under there, perhaps there is epoxy helping to strengthen the bond. Perhaps I'll try to upload a pic of this "thing." Apparently whoever did it (assuming this was done intentionally and is not some kind of corrosion) really really liked the binding setting. Can we all agree this is taking getting "dialed in" a bit far?
  24. Tonight I tried to simply take the bindings off this junker oxygen asym (prolly mid 90s) a friend gave to me and the freakin' base plates are literally stuck to the board. Now I am not sure if this is some kind of ultra gooey decay or an actual adhesive, but this crap is very sticky. In yet another moment of handyman genius, I tried sticking some butterknives under there and prying the damn thing off. I did get some of the gunk out but not enough to make a difference. The knives will easily become disfigured and are not nearly strong enough. Then I tried with a Swiss Army knife and almost lost a few fingers. How the heck do I get these bindings off? I suppose I could soak the snowboard in the bath if there is some kind of solution that will get it off. I may just bring it to the local shop tomorrow and see if they can pry/rip it off somehow. Hopefully you are laughing by now (all this is true though)
  25. so nice to see another youngin' into the classic stuff (vs. the 80% of the crap produced today referred to as "music") ELP and Weather Report, nice. Playing an instrument can have that "broadening" effect on one. Guess the WR is a given, you're a bassist?
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