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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. I would like to understand the situation more, pls answer if you can. 1. Do these F2 intecs dominate the N. American market? If not, what are other brands are there? Seems like they are the most readily available? 2. Is Joel's type of accident less likely with a very light rider such as myself? (hopefully) 3. Is there consensus re: how often these heels should be replaced? 4. Am I worrying too much? (I was tentatively planning on getting some SIs this year, but such a bad accident has me a bit nervous)
  2. I read the entire lawsuit and all these posts and i'm in a "wow" state of mind now. Joel, I don't know you, but I'm really sorry this happened to you. It is really awful. Having lost a parent a few months ago (at the ripe age of 26) however, I can say that it is true, what doesn't kill you does makes you stronger. Words I'm sure are of little consolation at a time like this, but you will get through this. From a snowboarding / carving perspective, this strikes me as perhaps the most significant event in quite some time, certainly one of the most significant BOL threads I've ever seen. Are there any precedents for this suit, specifically snowboard or skiing equipment failing? If not, seems like this is it... I've only seen Intecs a few times, so I'm not real familiar with all the parts. Can someone confirm that failures with this equipment are more likely when the rider weighs more? What is Joel's weight? Was he riding agressively at the time? Not to pry, I'm just curious...as this story is truly scary. BTW, there appears to be a minor typo on line 19 of page 4. A date in the future is mentioned and this does not seem to make sense. I hope there is some good that comes out of this.
  3. Hey Bernhard, how are you my European friend? The shirt I won in the first contest has rec'd good wear, currently having trouble removing armpit stains from it. Anyway, how long does this contest run through? I have some new toys and expect to have much better footage this season. And I definitly will not be including hardbooters doing jumps in their boxer briefs- that will only solidify more as weirdos =) Barry
  4. get well soon. Careful on that thing! === Barry
  5. agreed, but let's get the facts straight. === Barry
  6. got yer G.E.d yet? oh you didn't know...I'm a famous author! hahah my books are in paperback :lol: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?ATH=barry+siegel&userid=19ZP6F4Z5R former Pulitzer-Prize-winning national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, Barry Siegel's first book, A Death in White Bear Lake , published by Bantam Books in 1990 (and reprinted by Ballantine in 2000), told the story of a community that for 22 years never stopped wondering what it could-or should-have done to prevent a small boy's death. The Mystery Writers of American made it an Edgar Award finalist in the best fact crime category, the New York Public Library picked it as one of 25 "Books to Remember" for 1990, and a panel of experts assembled by the St. Louis Post Dispatch included it on an all-time list of the ten best true-crime books. === Barry
  7. Manakin Sabot? Never even heard of that city. Whevever it is, I guess they don't teach much grammar. Here's a lesson for you. "berry" is a fruit, "Barry" is a name. If you come to Whitetail, don't plan on riding anything too big- you won't have enough width / acreage to turn it and the human gates are numerous... === Barry ps stay tuned for next week's 8th grade grammar lesson. Come up here to Fairfax County, we have some great schools :o
  8. it's BArry, berry is a fruit. sorry but it sounds like you don't know how good you have it going to snowshoe, without a doubt one of the premier resorts in the mid atlantic. come ride with us DC area riders at Whitetail (annual snowfall about 50 inches a year) and you're idea of crowded and narrow slopes (there's about 19 at this resort) may change :). === Barry
  9. I was invited up to be part of a group house (20 people) for a long weekend, so if I go (which I probably will), it will be mt. snow- I did not organize this, so...thx though === Barry
  10. I think you're much better off going to a carving camp (like SnowPerformance, where they had at least one former world class competitive racer and all the staff is very konwledgealbe). You get individual attention, among other things. Another alternative which I suggest is to hook up with people who you can learn from- whether it be a local rider better than you, SES, whatever. You may have to travel. === Barry
  11. I could not agree more with Randy. Trust me on this. I spent a semester in Madrid in '99 and then backpacked through Europe. This was the best time of my life- it was amazing. Whether or not you can snowboard should absolutely not be a factor in studying abroad unless you only have a choice of destinations that offer riding. The purpose of being abroad (which was undoubtedly the best time of my life) is to experience and learn things which are new to you, see how other countries live, etc. You will always have snowboarding. I highly recommend Madrid (or any other great European capital) if you can. The opportunity to travel during college (and hopefully backpack) is somethign that can have a profound impact on a person and the destination should be considered carefully. === Barry
  12. Hi, Is this a decent carver's mountain? How busy on a normal weekend? How reliable is snow by mid / late Jan? Best / cheapest way to get there from DC? Driving there relatively easy or possibly treacherous? === Barry
  13. FTA2R


    Terror, I was just stirrin the pot a little with the joke, although you can prolly figure out where I stand on the issue. Again, my last intention is to start a flame war, I have neither the desire nor time for such a dumb thing. and I love all my Alpine Brothers (even the few I wanna shoot...err I mean eye gouge). Have fun while I'm gone (hopefully the rumors about Scandanavian women are true :) ), Barry
  14. FTA2R


    The ALPINE ASSASIN!!!!...Tired of wreckless skiiers or riders? Does enforcing to The Code just seem like a waste of time? If so, then The Alpine Assassin may be just the solution you're looking for. Instantly striking fear into the hearts of any rude riders / skiiers, the Alpine Assassin has different packages tailored to meet your problem. Ranging from the very public "Make a scene on the green" to the more low key "watch your tracks on the blacks," The Alpine Assasin will bring a whole new level to snow sports safety. Coming to an SES near you....The Aspen Alpine Assassin. In leiu of debating, I've decided to make it a joke
  15. FTA2R


    I think I'm gonna pack heat @ SES next year, those lift rides up can be boring, and I need to put more stuff into all the pockets of my baggy pants, and if anyone cuts me trouble on the slopes, I'll be prepared :). So if I pull out a gun on the chair, I'm just messin' wit ya! I have a crazy sense of humor like that.
  16. FTA2R


    "When wrestling for possesion of a fantastically dangerous weapon (gun or knife), the guy holding the handle usually wins." to rephrase John Dahl, don't make any assumptions. You might be surprised at how well trained some people are at disarming, and who knows if the guy robbing you is really willing to shoot. if i went into gangland and had to choose b/w going in with some dude who owns a gun and my unarmed combat instructor (who's not real big, btw, but has a lot of fighting experience and is trained in many techniques), I'd go with the instructor. I'm not saying it's a mutually exclusive relationship, but I don't believe having a gun makes you invincible, esp. when you're out of your element and/or don't have teh mental training to stay calm and know what to do (or not do) Perhaps it bolsters your ego or makes you think you're a badass (and perhaps I'm totally wrong), I don't know. Barry
  17. FTA2R


    out of curiousity, are you a law enforcement agent of some kind? I am not looking to start any kind of flame war (in fact, I'm going on vacation in a few so I won't be around if this does erupt :) ), just curious. I am not familiar with what you described in your last post, but I believe there are several types of disarms.
  18. they are great. did Mammoth this year. Fun and they work you pretty hard (a good thing). === Barry
  19. FTA2R


    not sure if there is an assumption that most of us have guns. I have no reason to carry a gun or shoot anyone. I do not normally hang out in the bad parts of DC (and I do mean BAD). I live in a safe neighboorhood, although there is a gang problem in my county. At the combat center I go to, they've taught us a method to disarm someone with a handgun (and break their finger with it). they also taught us (and it should be common sense) that this isn't always feasible and a lot of times it's better just to give someone the money if you're getting robbed (depending on the situation). Jack, I couldn't agree more. I would support "killing" it. (pun intended hahah)
  20. I read a letter to the ski forum there's a new NoVA shop opening that apparently already exists near 7S: Greg Klein Owner and Son Willi's Ski Shop anyone know the shop or the guy (and if so, how is it?) we just had the largest regional ski/board retailer close, so for selection, we are a little hurtin' (mom and pops are GREAT service and people though, don't get me wrong, I just like selection too) === Barry
  21. does anyone see a problem lb'ing with my carving helmet (boeri, covers the ears, at least 3 seasons old, no major impacts but def. some hard falls). i was told this may actually offer more protection. it's certainly hotter. === Barry
  22. that's awesome, really cool. different "mood" than Adam Colton's, which also rox. Is it me or doe the rider in this video rip some of the shrubs from the side of the road and just throw them on the ground? If so, I thought that was funny, although it doesn't seem like there's much of a point. === Barry
  23. Scott, I head tomorrow some nuts are going to run Great Falls National Park in GF, VA. I believe it's off if it rains. Doing that is like something out of an xterra commercial. I would go if it didn't rain but i'll be busy. === Barry ps give your skateboard a second chance, I'm loving mine after almost killing myself a few weeks ago lol!
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