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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. Left the info at home somewhere, will try to find it. I just signed up for the camp. Hopefully I won't be dead tired after the 1st run with the major alt. difference. Who else is going? --- Barry
  2. thx, Randy I actually found a guy who rents them out for Sand Mtn. and seems very nice and affordable. --- Barry
  3. that's some kind of luck. i'm happy for you. you gonna press charges? --- Barry
  4. Hey guys, I want to do this camp @ Mammoth and turn it into a vacation w/ a friend from SLC at the same time. I need some help though. 1. Where are some dunes in Nevada to go ATV'ng and/ or dune buggys? I've never done it before but really want to. 2. Same as #1 but for hang gliding. 3. Any other suggestions of adventure type things to do in Nevada (besides gamble) with a friend whose probably driving from SLC. 4. How far is Mammoth from NV state line? thx, Barry
  5. "if it aint smooth and stylish the best technique in the world doesnt mean jack." -dsub Didn't I read once on BOL that style is the consequence or a subset of technique. I know everyone wants to look a certain way carving (I want to get at low as possible), but good technique will allow you to be smooth. I say develop your technique first then style. That brings me back to another BOL'er who has the sig "be content to look foolish." ---that's wise, very wise, easier said than done. === Barry
  6. Scott, I've never longboarded (that should change in a few weeks hopefully), but if you're going to get a brake, would it be feasible to consider an inline skate brake? can you attach 1 or 2 to the board? or, better yet, insert some kind of rod (maybe up to a foot long) into a brake, have one on each hand, and simply bend down and apply the brakes when you want to stop. this way you would be applying pressure evenly on both sides. maybe not the most practical thing in terms of balancing on teh board but oh well. or, perhaps you could rig up a system where you use duct tape or something real strong and tie the rods with brakes to your forarm, that way you dont' have to hold anything with your hands but you can still apply these "inline hand brakes" at will.... try using a drumstick with a brake at the tip. maybe a ligther jazz stick! --- Barry
  7. FTA2R

    clicky link

    hahahah nice one Mirror, I was thinking that too. Neil, Phil, you guys wouldn't mind if Scott showed up with a hanglider would you? =) seriously, if that resort's insurance co. saw this video, lol, heads would roll. --- Barry
  8. hey guys, i know there's been a lot of talk about summer activities and it seems like there are a ton of cross training boards out now. So what are the most effective specific products (ex: freeboard vs. tierney, etc) and/or activities (slalom skating, balance boards) for carving in your opinions? my primary goal is to keep the muscle memory (I guess) and I want to keep it fun w/o killing myself ps please leave lifting weights out but feel free to comment on balance boards- are they actually beneficial? thx, Barry
  9. FTA2R

    clicky link

    holy crap. who what where how. that looks like a rush, maybe a bit scary. hope his grip is strong! --- Barry
  10. I fail to believe that. C'mon guys/girls, a little help! thx, Barry
  11. Hi, Does anyone know any info about: Oxygen Asym Xe (looks very wide, but I haven't measured) or Fritschi Hard Bindings w/ Disc 360s (w/an overall style similar to TDs or Cateks) Any info would be greatly appreciated. thx, Barry
  12. so that is WAY (re: # of sexual partners) more info than I needed. I personally regard that as very personal info, but I guess not everyone does.... personally I think that's scary that you remember resorts instead of who you stuck your thing into..maybe I just have a really good memory when it comes to that. === Barry
  13. as long as you dont have any delams, core shots, or any other exposed innards youll be FINE! that's sorta what i was getting at. === Barry ps I will cover my board with a wet suit next year -)
  14. LOL, very cute Jack, lol. I figured though that boards aren't made to be submerged in the way they are in these events. --- Barry
  15. Hey everyone, My friend says these events are not harmful to snowboards. Can anyone (preferably those with experience making boards) confirm or refute this? thx, Barry
  16. hi Chuck, is this video or stills? If you can get Neil Sundae and his boys, that would be nice. I got some footage of them earlier this season at our home resort, but not much. === Barry
  17. This seller is selling an Alp with a soft boot/binding setup. I'm going take a wild guess riding this setup made for a bad experience. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=36297&item=7145927468&rd=1#ebayphotohosting === Barry
  18. Scott, Very cool video and awesome St. Germain song (complete w/ John Lee Hooker sample). Those guys appear to be going real fast, like "bailing=serious injury" fast. Looked like those guys had motorcycle leathers. I still wanna give it a try, although not on anything even remotely close to that fast. --- Barry
  19. It's on one of the catek threads. there are a number of videos. === Barry
  20. recently saw it, there's a link off catek boards, it was awesome. === Barry
  21. this was pretty amusing. funny warning that guy has. To be VERY grossed out yet laugh a lot, check out: www.stinkymeat.net (project 1) try to read all teh daily accounts if you can, it's been around for a while but i was just LOL'ing it's quite funny (and disturbing) === Barry
  22. bobdea, you said: " feel bad at times because I have had auctions go way higher than what I wanted or paid for some stuff in particular when I realize that the buyer posts here I had some Burton boards that I bought were not production boards(had the specs written with a marker) that I fetched way too much for, a heck of allot more than I paid" I don't really have a problem with this unless your reserve is way too high. the particular auction i saw had the "buy it now" feature selling the cant piece for $39. I'm not so strongheaded as to say it's not worth that much in terms of supply and demand, but in terms of quality, does anyone think the burton cant piece is worth that much? I believe everyone has a right to make a buck, and if the seller is not a member of the community, then strike this entire thread (or at least my original post), but if the seller is a hardbooter who doesn't make his/her livelihood off of ebay, I say "shame on you." This is just my personal opinion, though. --- Barry ps I guess I'm just too idealogical?
  23. the hooters pics look nice :) === Barry
  24. I see this thread has generated some interesting responses, good. First, D-Sub, I clearly mentioned free market in the original post. I know the person can try to get whatever price he wants. Second, mirror70, I assumed a few people might email me privately and ask how to go out about getting them. It's 1314 EST now and I'm just checking my email for the first time today but I haven't come across any such inquiries yet. Regardless, I contacted a very nice woman at Burton named Molly. I have mentioned and recommended her before on BOL for Klugriding.com related inquiries. She has been very helpful, although this was not an overnight thing (but I'm not complaining). If you want the specifics, email me off BOL, I don't really wanna publisize her info all over the place. I would ASSUME she can help you, but there are no guarantees, and please do not get angry if you do not have good luck. --- Barry
  25. Guys, I've seen this happen quite a bit and while some may disgagree, I feel pretty strongly about this. Alpine equipment, esp. from Burton, is hard enough to find. Why are some carvers selling these LOW END universal cant pieces for as much as $39 USD with the Buy It Now option. I think this is outrageous, a lot of money in the grand scheme of things? certianly not, but for a new carver or someone just looking to try it out w/o going all out, you are doing a disservice. I GOT 2 CANTS FOR FREE FROM BURTON and I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to tell people how to go about doing it. Now, as the season draws to a close, these pieces are definitely easier to find. Yes, you certainly have a right to sell these at whatever price you want, that's the free market, but I just think it's sorta price gouging and I personally would rather we have a larger community than having a few extra bux in my pocket. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=21248&item=7143158611&rd=1 --- Barry ps I might also add, esp. if you're a newb thinking of buying burton off of ebay, some carvers are listing older Burtons as retailing for a few hundred. This is not the case with the primes or alps, not anymore at least. Maybe back in teh day. Just do your homework first.
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