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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. "mobile gates" lol I refer to them as "human gates." ski school lines= "snakes" Philipsbro, I remember going to Tog my freshman year of college up there. What's up all you CNY BOL folks! SU choked! (unfortuenately). Ever go to Lab? I had season passes there a few years. === Barry
  2. "After I spend a couple of hours of trying to show somebody how to land an airplane without killing us both, coming home and seeing people getting all worked up over snowboarding style is just ridiculous. " Nice point there. I couldn't agree more. My mother passed away a few weeks ago- she was 58. Things like that help to put everything else in perspective. I'm not trying to start anything here but it would be nice if some of you could get not get so worked up, I think for most of us riding is something we enjoy tremendously, not our lives, though. For those that have made it their lives, I am happy that you get to do something you truly love. I don't think many can say that. These flame wars are getting old, though, and probably caused some riders to leave. === Barry
  3. Tim, I'm chuckling. Can you describe these cards more. What do they say. Is this a crazy scheme that Fin concocted? =) === Barry
  4. "um, 100 kg is over 220 pounds, no girl that weights 220 and is only 5 feet tall is ripped" hahahha. do you remember Chyna (aka Joanie Laurer) from WWE? That's a big, ripped chick, prolly over 5 feet though. === Barry
  5. Rugger, Phil was making a joke. You do not have enough posts to start a flame war, anyways =) Barry ps fill out your profile so we know who you are
  6. The west coasters should have more stamina b/c of higher altitudes and their seasons are certainly longer, so I would think most of them get many more days in. If they came to the east, they may have the stamina to go all day but may not be used to some of our conditions, and vice versa but as an east coaster, I find it easier in general to ride out West. Of course the West is more desirable to ride, though. one thing is for sure, some of the real big GS boards the west coast guys use- with huge SCRs, wouldn't be usable (not safely,anyhow) at the smaller resorts here. East coasters are probalby used to pain more. --- Barry
  7. I'm sorta curious who the buyer will be, perhaps a non rider? some paris hilton LA woman who is bored or wants a board for her son? maybe it's a european thing, hardbootin' and fashion are both bigger over there.... let's see how much it fetches... --- Barry
  8. can someone please explain how, when on heelside, at least one of the Japanese carvers has very straight legs but yet can touch the snow (w/out bending @ waist), is this b/c they are going so fast? Barry
  9. actions speak louder than words, certain images are hard to forget. Hardbooters ripping will inevitably make some freestylers curious. Whether or not they will do the required "work" to ride alpine, who knows. The jab was unecessary though. PhilW, nicely said. "It would be bad for them if truth were out, and the macho teens were found to be sideslipping the beginner terrain whilst old guys rip the steeps." --- Barry
  10. i have a free subscription and I was quite surprised to see this and was gonna post but i don't have a scanner. F the author, he probably can't even ollie. I really think someone should write TWS a well written, thought out letter. I just have a feeling a bunch of guys there have never even ridden an alpine boards. Tools. --- Barry
  11. dudley, that also happened to me last time. i've been riding for much longer outings recently, though. did you ride your normal amount? perhaps you were angulating more and you're body just wasn't used to it. hopefully took a few warm up runs before going all out? any big falls or even a lot of little falls might do it. you shoudl be fine, just eat right, get rest, you're body will get used to it.
  12. nice...got a lot of sounds going on there. Do you do any Percussive Arts Society (PAS) events or anything like that? I used to in high school, but I'd think they'd be interested in having you all perform. --- Barry
  13. Noah, I don't believe D-Sub is actually PLAYING anything, he's writing the music but it's all digital (no offense to you D-Sub, I know you are talented at what you do). Scott actually PLAYS instruments. BIG difference, VERY big difference. --- Barry
  14. If I'm not mistaken, I think Scott is more of a percussionist vs. set player. Guys, don't make me post my drumming clips online hahahaha wait who am I fooling. Scott went to freaking Julliard!!!!! --- Barry
  15. they have hard drives, unlike a flash mp3 player (like what I have), which is usually lighter and definitely more "shock proof" but many hold significantly less. it's a trade off. irivers are awesome for flash players though. one demographic the new IPod shuffle is being marketed to is us, snowboarders. Barry
  16. Scott, I think you know how I feel about this, lol. I assume you saw my "rigged helmet" complete with wire. I keep it on 90 - 100% volume. Samples from "riding mix" include: Van Halen - Unchained, Runaround, Panama Various House artists (Underworld, Swayzak, Daft Punk) Crystal Method - High Roller Pantera- Cowboys from Hell Riding w/ tunes definitley intensifies the feeling, sometimes too much. It's like "steroids for snowboarding," lol. Makes it more exciting, gives me energy (mentally at least) when I need a pick me up, keeps me aggressive (in teh beg. at least =) ) I admit it's probably not the most responsible thing to do and I've had a number of close calls this season, but I don't think it's due to the music, b/c I am quite aware of my surroundings. More due to me going across slope at speed and skiier/boarder not realizing who (technically speaking) has right of way. This past weekend, though, with massive crowds, I definitley turned it down a bit. You get used to it after a while. At least give it a shot. If you are new to snowboarding in general, maybe hold off until you're an intermediate (or the slope is pretty empty) now riding a motorcycle while listening to tunes- to me that's insane. I know there are guys here do that in this area, which is even more insane. just my .02 --- Barry
  17. was thinking about making the big trip up but family situation dealing with now and looks like I wont' be able to. have a good time everyone. Barry
  18. I saw a car the other night outside the local watering hole with the plate "Aisling." What does that mean? --- Barry
  19. hi, being that I can't really go out West as I want (very ill family member), I'm interested in this. I don't have time now to read this entire thread, but what airport would I fly into and I assume I'd have to rent a car? How many people are confirmed to attend? thx, Barry
  20. so everyone can see that you go across the hill and may have an idea what to expect. And yes, common courtesy, esp. at ski slopes, seems to be a thing of the past. -- Barry
  21. I just incrased it a little bit for this past weekend to about 18 I think, maybe 18.5 I'll have to double check Barry
  22. sounds like this was totally the softbooter's fault, am I right? or is this a badly place jump? did he take it with too much speed? glad to hear you're OK. Isn't it an SOB that you get hurt by some other guy, not your actual riding. Murphey's law I guess. Hope insurance covers it all, if not I'd want to have the softbooter's info (assuming it was his fault) feel better soon, hope i'm still riding at your age... --- Barry
  23. gdby tyler, interesting points on the old thread re: the Alp's limitations. Personally, I don't think I'm really ready for a higher end board (even though I'm pretty sure I could ride one), and I don't even have that many options as I'm so light. I would really love to rock a Donek FC, everyone says they are bad. I do have a tendency to be a bit hard on myself (and keep stuff until it has "holes or is broken"), esp. being a "weekend warrior," but I truly do think I need to focus on technique right now. Perhaps when I was railin' at speed yesterday, I washed out b/c of the Alp, but I'm finding it can hold a pretty decent edge (at least for me), and I think I need to improve a bit before buying a new board. that being said, however, obviously a higher end board would hold an edge better. I can do a easy blue pretty confidently, though. Perhaps I'll get to try another board sometime. Slim, I have no overhang with my current setup. Have a little binding bias to help out with that too. found my weight on my back foot quite a bit yesterday though, possibly due to the rear binding bias, so I may undo that or maybe have one foot front bias the other rear. thank you all for your helpful answers and keep 'em coming... === Barry
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