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Everything posted by TLN

  1. IDK, looks like regular board with bias stance on a plate. It's clearly not a monoski: foot needs to be next to each other. It's not a skwal, cause it's 18cm wide.
  2. No builds for me, since I bought my Virus, but might pick up something sexy throughout the summer
  3. I was crying on first attempts with 951. Was way worse that UPZ. Then next day I got custom insoles and only did 2 or 3 runs. Even worse. After that I tied insoles and not - same idea, but eventually it got a bit better. That all was in Colorado on my first trip this season I think it all improved by adding heel lift on my backfoot and after 2 days on local resort and adding stiff sprig I can finally ride it. Still need some work tho.
  4. Sheeesh.... I bet it named like Interceptor Oxeon Electron Pro X^2 Special v3.14159
  5. I've tried softboot for some time and switched to hardboot. Some observations: Long boards with big SCR hold a bit better. Longer effective edge and such. Both Soul 159 and 164 will work well, but 164 will be a bit more interesting. Titanal rides smoother and grips a bit better, but also a bit more boring. I spend 90% of my time on non-Ti board in the past two season. Risers make board feel a bit more "narrow" and faster edge to edge. If I needed to race BX I'd probably keep em off, if I wanted to have some fun - I'd try em for sure and then decide. 10.5 is not that big boot size though. I got SG Force 165 Fat (aka wide), from a few seasons ago: 165cm, 145cm edge. I've posted it in "FS" topics. RFS: almost exclusively riding hardboots now.
  6. That was gone and never listed again ;(
  7. It could be that. Also riders weight. I noticed lots of light weight riders on big BX boards. When someone 150 lbs riding BX board it will feel stiff and responsive. For me at 230lbs that's stiff board, that won't hold me in deep carve. I'd need .951 and alpine for that. never realized that @jason100 is from Chicago. Too bad it's late to test anything in the area.
  8. Used to have Ride CAD bindings, same idea with adjustable foot plates. Broke highbacks twice as well. Riding older Flux SF and DM now - no issues, but saw broken highback on recent Flux CV.
  9. You broke front bails? o_O Usually it's the rear, and way sooner than 7-8 season.
  10. ^agree. Even though I'm riding hardboots most of the time in the past few years, im freeriding in softboots and got no issues with that. Steep angles (45/30 ) on swallowtail, or something freeride-ish (24/-3) for challenging terrain. Tried hardboots on regular board - meh. Doable on narrow boards, but still. I need 22-23cm for my 285mm boots
  11. I got Coiler ECVC that was build for me @ 220lbs rider few years back. Specced it between typical wide EC board and mens race GS board, so it came at 180cm (-5cm from gs), 21cm waist (+1cm from gs), variable sidecut 13-15m (or something like that) and bit stiffer nose. Great board, but I got infected (virus zylon) and haven't ridden it past year at all. Let me know if you're interested and I can take pictures and forward it to you.
  12. Do you want bindings to be exposed? If not, get Dakine ski sleeve. I'm using 175 and even my 180cm coiler (180x21) fits in there. I know they have 190cm as well. Can get for under $50 on amazon, comes in plenty of colors. Easier to put compared to neoprene sleeve.
  13. Well, this part is wrong to start with. If you take two boards, one is stiff SL board with 7m radius, and another is infinitely soft board with double the radius. Which one will go round tighter arc? Second one of course. infinitely soft board will be fairly boring to ride, but hope you got the idea. I haven't read topic regarding sidecut, but will do that tomorrow at work. ps. That MK sounds interesting, might be what you're looking for.
  14. I'll be out in Boyne this weekend on alpine. Let me know if anyone wants to grab some beer. @ItsAGuzziLife
  15. Why you're trying to focus on SCR so much? All those 7-12 or 8.5-12.5 board will have about the same average scr as yours REV. Unless there's something wrong with that prototype (Like super-stiff. Could be, but at #225 less likely) you'll end up with about the same experience IMHO. And personally, I don't see a reason to go smaller than SL board, unless you know what you're doing (infected by Virus). You can try softer board with similar SCR to see if you like it. Could you clarify what you call responsiveness? SL boards can run pretty tight, but I won't call em super-responsive. It's not required by design.
  16. I remember readin that k168 is more of a carving board, rather that racing. Same for SG170 I.e. K162 is mens SL, and one above K168 is women GS (175). I always thought that it's also the case with SG(170). Does that mean it will ride dramatically different compared to 162? I don't think so. I used to have Full Race Proteam and it's amazing stick. Fun and agile.
  17. TLN


    I'll come join you then
  18. TLN


    Me and @b.free got similar U198 with cross. This looks pretty close. I don't have any big mountains close by, but will go to Michigan UP this March. Andrew might help, although it's not much snow in CO
  19. I'm not a fan on a heel strap, it's too short, and it's hard to buckle at first, Also that metal bar at the end is fairly easy to damage (i.e. bend) Got picture by any chance?
  20. Cmon, it's some random numbers by web shop he's using. Check numbers for other boards as well
  21. I happen to have @b.free old boots. I've damaged grey tongue slightly, before I moved to .951. If you're still looking for grey cuffs and/or tongues - let me know.
  22. Pins will move/slide forward within front mount, so you have to placefront mount as much forward as possible. Yea, it's pretty much arc and chord.
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