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Everything posted by Emdee406

  1. I just completed the last race in the Airline domestic calendar and finished as overall champion with 2 wins in GS. It was redemption for my 6th place finish in the Airline World Championships (falling between the last gate and the line in the quarter finals, while leading the no. 3 seed ?). Considering it's not in age categories, I'm pretty happy with the results, racing pilots half my age! Anyway, I'm officially the fastest flight attendant in the World! Have a great end of season, and thanks for all the advice.
  2. Our start posts, partly due to lots of snow this winter, stand about 4" high...not easy for this old man ? I need to try again, but in my hard boots before they close it!
  3. Apologies if I don't ever see PMs in time, I don't come on here often. Always best to text me on 435-655- one six four nine. Im flying a lot with my main job, so will next be on the hill at PC on 20-24th.
  4. Inspired by some of the videos, i took to my local NASTAR course in my softies on my 152cm Burton Con Artist. It felt surprisingly good...but I was still surprised to find I'd got a Platinum medal?
  5. Phil, they are two of our British Association (BASI) Trainers in the Slice and Dice video...
  6. Thanks for the kind words PSR! I was headed down the hill after a fun day of powder riding, and thought I'd try my little 152cm Burton Con Artist powder board through the Nastar course...it went better than expected. I got a Platinum...
  7. I'm à Park City carver (when I'm not teaching or working for Delta), we have some great carving terrain but you have to get out early before the crowds come out. Let me know when you're around and I'll do my best to be around if you plan on hitting Park City.
  8. Let me know when you're out Phil, I live in PC! Would be great to make a few turns with another carving Brit!
  9. I have a pair of those lurking somewhere! I think I'll always keep them in case any friends or family ever fancy a ski around. Great little skis!
  10. Made me smile...? Good to see you back!
  11. ? You snooze...you lose...
  12. Thanks so much Will, that's awesome intel! With a big dogleg like that, the dual will be interesting!
  13. Thanks Will! Good info. The double fall line...does it start steep then get less so, or vice versa?
  14. I have a race at Whiteface this coming winter and wondered if anyone had some info on the runs being used. Apparently we train on the Old Nastar hill and will compete in dual GS on Draper's Drop. The race is late February. Any input would be really appreciated! Thanks!
  15. Emdee406

    Rogue 1!

    I loved it and agree on your points. We see them fight dirty out of desperation and it's not a fluffy kid's movie. Much grittier, much better. Possibly my favorite of the genre. Some VERY clever CGI and love the way it links at the end.
  16. Santa came early!!! Kessler Ride 158... it's going to be hard, leaving for a 3 day trip in a few hours, when the board of your dreams has arrived and we've had feet of fresh snowfall #FirstWorldSnowboardProblems I've wanted this board ever since I tested the Palmer Platinum LE (built by Kessler) about 15yrs ago. Happy boy ???? REVIEW IN A FEW DAYS, also testing 2 types of Geckos!
  17. Hi Sandy, to digress a little, I notice that you have two different Gecko plates on your board. What practical differences do you notice between the two of them?
  18. I'm fast running out of boot options as my feet don't fit Burtons. Rome used to do a boot I loved about 5 seasons ago, Atomic too...but both are long gone. I'm now in a Nike Lunarendor, with the ability to stiffen them should I need to. But alas it's another boot no longer produced. For bindings I've had success with Rome Targas, but use Burton Diodes on my SBX set up. I'm about to try out the Salomon Quantum bindings on my new Kessler Ride...should be fun!
  19. Emdee406

    UT park city

    We have a bunch of great carving runs, of all pitches...from the mellow green Claimjumper, to double blues like Prospector and Silver Queen. There are loads to choose from. Drop me a line nearer the time and I'll give you specifics, also we'll know where the best snow is at the time! Martin.
  20. I'm 5ft 7", 175lb. Up until this winter it was my 182 SG Pro, 20" stance (yes I know that's wide for me, but it works), 52/40 regular stance. Burton race plates, Head Stratos Pro boots. That board is no more, now I have these three bad boys to choose from (only ridden the 171 so far, 180 & 162 to try)...a slalom skateboarder at heart, I love those whippy dynamic 'leave-the-ground' porpoise carves, so the F2-shod Kessler 162 may be the one... We shall see.
  21. Sorry Pilot10010, I didn't come on here for a while, I promised to sell it to a friend right after my last post. Thanks for your interest though!
  22. Wish I'd known 6 months ago...IF and it's a bit IF, I have a spare $600 after my new Kessler Ride is paid for, I'll be in touch Curt! I'm interested in the wider one.
  23. 180, 171, 162, Now I just need snow...and my brand new Kessler Ride 158 to arrive!
  24. OK, winter is here...(well, almost), have a think about it! Thanks!
  25. Thanks, but I managed to buy some bindings! Thanks for your efforts though.
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