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Everything posted by TVR

  1. Bump.... Anyone got that plate they want to let go?
  2. Kudos for the great article. Although I don't trust CNN (here is a good example of the content), this article read exclusively for its content discussion, and not for it's sided examples, is spot on in how to have discussions with those you disagree with. The idea of empathy and understanding those you disagree with will, at the very least, allow you to understand from where they are coming from. Unfortunately, this as a reality is seldom able to go past the first few volleys of information. I would ask one primary question even before all the others. "Is the person in whom you are having a discussion or debate even able to change their mind if new facts and data is presented?". If the answer is no, then the rest is mute. Great article Bumpyride, and it is good to see that you understand the dilemmas of conversation and hats off to you for looking for solutions, but to my above question, the answer is unfortunately "no" and so this is why I disengaged from the conversation. It matters little the information as most are unwilling to see anything but evil intent for an opposing argument.
  3. I suppose this makes you happy or something..... One case does not make evidence and I will just disengage in here and leave you to your happiness. Revile in some poor mans death if it makes you happy. There is plenty of information available if someone is interested and I highly encourage everyone to be well informed and not just listen to the surface information presented. I will again equate this to our sport as follows. Once you can make a good carve, you are not an expert. In fact, it is something to be perfected over the entire rest of your life. This would be the same with science, knowledge, and information. A few years back, there was a debate in here about Iron Rock vs AllFlex plates. Some people were very passionate against the Iron Rock plates due to the then ongoing legal issues. Dismissing information sources because of where the information comes from rather than looking at whether the information is truth would be like choosing to race without a plate rather than using the Iron Rock due to you not liking the source of the plate. The plates are as good as the plate is, regardless of the legal issues they faced no different than information is true or false regardless of its source. Since this fundamental truth about the veracity of data cannot even be acknowledged and the default position on this subject seems to not be focused on the truth of data, it makes little sense to continue engagement. Anyone interested can always PM me if interested in civil discourse or the sharing of data. Everyone else can go back to their echo chamber and feel all self righteous and virtuous...... Enjoy a hollow victory on this subject.....
  4. The vaccine creates less "FUD"? Since the COVID virus has not even be isolated as of yet, I am interested in your source for this information. In essence or in reality, you are telling all of us that the mRNA vaccine causes a human body to spread a virus less than someone with the antibodies that kill the virus when the antibodies come in contact with it. You're not even claiming the spread is the same, but that the vaccine actually reduces it and is better at preventing the spread. I don't want to see pastes from Fauci, as he cannot even keep his lies straight in front of congress, but please paste the sources from peer reviewed studies for that. They don't exist. As for your disdain for FOX, it is well noted, but CNN and the other outlets certainly cannot claim to have a better record for truth, and although I would enjoy that debate, lets stay on track of the stated items. You can dismiss Fox outright if you wish, but there is a reason the other outlets are hemorrhaging viewer share due to their lies.
  5. Having had it, are my antibodies and my now natural immunities a health risk to all? Does the vaccine provide more protection than immunity from a previous infection? Are my questions a risk to us all and is it a risk to all for scientists to ask questions as well? This is my point on the attacks. I am labeled "a health risk to all" having given no advise on whether to vaccinate or not, having only provided data, and not even being in the same country. This is the point on why people disengage as who wants to have a conversation where you are attacked? This goes for this topic, but also when discussing gear in this channel. I made this point earlier using the flat earthers as my straw man. Some will point out data on products, whether good or bad, while others will take the moral superiority route and attack the presenter. This is the "why" so many disengage and so much data is missing on so many subjects.
  6. Nice subtle insult there (and an example of my above point of attacking someone presenting the data) but I am going to agree with one part of the above. Statisticians will indeed look back at this time, not just from January 2021 on, but from the very beginning of when this started. There is considerable data being suppressed right now, and we simply don't know the long term affects of either contraction and surviving the virus itself, or taking the vaccine and its long term affects. What we do know at this point in time is, society as it was, has been changed dramatically. Make your own decisions on how you can take care of yourselves and time will tell as all truths come to light eventually.
  7. Will this change the aspect of 75% of new cases are from the vaccinated? https://canadafreepress.com/article/three-quarters-of-new-covid-cases-are-in-vaccinated-people-cdc-study?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=gab&utm_source=socialnetwork (some don't like the above link) UPDATED (One MSN and another source): https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/74-of-covid-19-cases-in-massachusetts-outbreak-were-vaccinated-cdc-says/ar-AAMRv2d https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-cdc-vaccinated-spread-covid-serious-vaccines-injuries-surge/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=9ab7651c-00dd-481b-8353-85d3b13ce0d1&fbclid=IwAR2hQ_rtQDc4YBKLR7ENcafcbmKglMJzqtD28s5EeHWHwnoS4EURWpPsK-8
  8. The Flat Earthers agenda certainly doesn't lead anyone off a cliff man...heh... They just believe the earth is flat, and the rest know better.... They are also not in charge at all... and in fact, one might argue those disbelieving them are controlling the agenda.... Maybe the point was too subtle... The point was, one can have a civil conversation with a Flat Earther. They don't attack the presenter of the counter-narrative, but instead attack the data. Granted, their data is flawed, but it presents a good conversation, and even if no minds are changed of the presenters, those who observe might get some new data. There is a plethora of new information being exposed every day and it is a shame so much of it cannot be openly discussed. People don't want to even hear a counter narrative anymore, and I would say this extends to our sport here as well. Try having a discussion on bindings here and at some point in that conversation, someone will snark out a comment in an attempt to belittle their point to superiority. That was my point above... The conversation is pleasant and the debate is rich. Without it, people disengage..... I wonder how much unspoken information is never heard.
  9. I like flat earthers.... Their data is easy to counter and disprove. They don't demand you "follow the science" while also stating "The science is settled", as science never is. They don't call you names when you provide counter scientific evidence. They don't dismiss evidence because it comes from a source they don't like. They don't call you anti-anything and debate the subject, even if with very limited and faulty information that is easily disproved. I like flat earthers.......... They are entertaining and fun to debate with.....
  10. Any information that goes against the core narrative of pro-vaccine is either considered political, the individual is attacked as a conspiracy theorist, or both. There is plenty of information out there, so each of us should do our own research on any content that relates to our lives or livelihoods. Traditional media censors any information that goes against their preferred story, but there is still plenty of information out there and the information evolves daily.
  11. On a bright note, if all the climate people are correct, we will get to do more snowboarding.... I am going to guess some might ask "What is he talking about? The earth is getting warmer won't help snowboarding". And, as a matter of fact, if the models some predict about warming are to come true, it will indeed get more snowy. If it gets warmer, the ice melts. The melted ice adds less saline water to the ocean, which jams up the oceans conveyor belts. Without these oceanic flows, it gets colder.... much colder... if fact, it happened a mere 12,000 years ago. When it gets colder we keep more snow and more tracks are made.... So there is a bright note here... I will let the scientists explain the conveyor belt, as they are better at this than I am... https://loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=15-P13-00013&segmentID=3 If you don't like my source, google "earth ocean conveyor belt" and there will be a source you like I am sure...
  12. OK... Same: Donek F plate 2 members active in this conversation (including you) TVR Read: Just now Kinsje Read: 19 hours ago Started conversation: 19 hours ago I think i saw someone called greg33 posted a Donek F plate for sale. You can text him.. Here is His number is 6085617362 Same number... and when texted, he had a pic of what I wanted and am in / was in process of negotiating a sale...
  13. Looking for a Donek F plate or a Vist. I have a Donek AF plate I would trade as well, if interested, in working condition. Anyone looking to let one go?
  14. Many do globally. Countries bid and compete to even hold the events. There are NorAMs There is the Race to the Cup There is FIS For many, like myself, it is a significant line item in our budgets to support these athletes who's only goal is to be the fastest in the world at their sport. Surly, this must have been hyperbole.....
  15. You're a big man, big mario. Good to see people like you in the world man.....
  16. TVR

    The Economy

    Why not get him in trouble? Isn't he that guy taking up the whole mountains with those ridiculous giant S's anyway? His board it too long anyway on that "monoski" ......
  17. The story behind the Wankel engine is a sad one. The inventor simply wanted, and then designed, an engine that could rev up much higher that conventional engines, and was pushed out of the market due to the monopoly's of the big 3. This would have been the perfect small plane engine as well, if there weren't so many hoops to jump through to get FAA approved.... Brilliant guy and at least his design wasn't mothballed to some designers desk....
  18. TVR

    The Economy

    No one can address this topic seriously without going into politics. As we have seen from previous posts, no one cat touch politics without someone attacking the person rather than attacking the data points in the argument. Don't worry though, the housing market will cool off. It is, in fact, on another path to another crash as salary incomes vs mortgage outflows are not in alignment and many who don't have a memory that can go back as little as 10 years ago seem to have forgotten the last housing bubble, how and why it happened. Also be prepared for a good round of hyperinflation on everything else as well. This has just begun and the cause is obvious....
  19. That won't happen, and the restriction imposed won't ever completely leave. Even in the USA, rules are often arbitrary....
  20. drupi.work@gmail.com has them, makes them and ships very quick.....
  21. Wow, hope everyone is OK man.... I doubt the kid would listen to either side of the argument if he was stupid enough to drive that distracted..... No laws or rules will prevent poor judgement.....
  22. NH does not require car insurance, in any form. The state also does not require motorcycle helmets or seat-belts. The state sees this as an infringement on individual choice, as they give the individual the choice of what to do with their money. It is also why there is no state income tax. This idea of choice, and individual responsibility is foreign to many of the other states as they promote the dogma that individuals, like pets, must be protected from their own actions. This does NOT, however mean people are free to go drive a car, injure others or their property, and refuse to pay due to this accepted freedom of choice. There are very specific laws in place to hold individuals who damage others in some way accountable. These include the very real aspect of jail and forfeiture of the offenders properties and future income to compensate the individual harmed. Due to this, NH does not have an epidemic of people getting away with harming others, and NH is not in the bottom half of safety for states to drive in. NH simply looks at this aspect differently, has voted for individual freedoms, and allows those with the resources to self-insure. I am a NH resident, do not have sufficient resources to self-insure, and have insurance on all of my vehicles. Like when I wear a helmet, this is a choice I have made. Draconian laws in Massachusetts caused me to put my money where my mouth is, and why I bought a house in NH. Mass has a seat-belt law, and one of my British cars would not pass an inspection, as they mandate seat-belts, and this car did not come with them installed. I chose my personal freedoms over their regulations, and refused to modify my property for their will. I don't understand the vitriol people have for others who espouse for freedom of choice and freedom from regulation. This isn't even a matter of "if you don't like it, get out of the country" as this is the reason why the USA was created as a republic and each state has the autonomy it has. Read the federalist papers and you can see this was on purpose. If someone doesn't like the way another state operates, why the vitriol towards those individuals? Just enjoy the state you are in, or if you want more or less regulations, their are 50 to choose from where one of them will have what you want. Queequeg, your question was civil and I thank you. But the tone of others certainly won't help the sport or increase membership.
  23. OK.... softer maybe? Softer than the standard one? Either way, I suspect there will be some magic ....
  24. The Vist was often the choice for SL boards and looking that over, I suspect it would be as "soft" as the Vist..... but after seeing you ride on the other Allflex Jack, and after seeing the difference in your riding, even if subtle, I suspect there will be some magic on the way that affects the board over the Vist.
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