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Everything posted by TVR

  1. Unless there is a huge mutation, I am positive a huge number of the humans whom go to the slopes will have already been exposed by next year. Due to this, and with the numbers being less deaths than expected (less than 1/3 the number that die from opiod drug deaths), I see next year being affected, but not cancelled. I will put my money where my mouth is by buying my next years season passes by May, as usual, and booking next years Nationals, by June, as usual.
  2. I would like to see the test for the Antigen released as soon as possible. Once we know who has the antibodies, we can know when we can get back to normal. People who are immune don't spread it, nor if exposed are they susceptible, so it makes sense when we pass a threshold of immune individuals, life can get back to normal. The reality is, most people are not presenting with symptoms. Those individuals form an immunity, and never present any visible signs to show they were exposed. Once we have a way to determine you have been exposed, and have the Antigen, this will all be behind us. Right now, as the test exists, it is only a matter of the FDA to allow the test to be used. On a side note, think how much good the test could also do for those in the first responder role? If you are immune, your main concern is then to not spread the transmission, and less on self preservation, and mental toll relief would be immense. Additionally, autopsy's could be done again as currently they are not being performed due to the risk or particulates.
  3. Your avatar says it all man.. heh
  4. One of 3 griffith 500's that year 1994. There are several griffith 400's but the 500s didnt seem to make it over and yes, that is right hand drive... Also, this one made it over as I spent the 3 months to import it and do all the paperwork.
  5. Guess I should post here....
  6. Although USASA Nationals was cancelled, the largest group to go through it was this year and was the Breakers group. (12 - 13) The 7 and below group, which used to be like the 50 plus in size, a group of 10s, was also this year the size of the Groms and almost the size of the next group.... So this tells me something. In 2 years, FIS will be very competitive for the US and who knows, the US might have some representation in gates again. This also tells me, with the unprecedented 7 and under size, something is happening. Will it continue or grow? Who knows, as this is like planting a tree in your yard. But I see the interest, and it is real. Back to the other things to notice about the setup of the USASA kids was this. Most all the kids doing gates were on hard boots. Some had plates and some were Allflex. The kids doing BX were also on some top notch hardware. When they trained the runs before the races, they two were practicing pumping... and carving.....
  7. It is the same as in the pipe Or in freestyle. Are hardboots banned? No.... and someone doing the pipe in an alpine is one hell of a thing to see. But, like many sports, those just aren't the right tools for that, so they are not used. No one had to ban them to remove them, it was done by the aspect of the boarders just have more fun, and are more confident with softies in those sports. If you look to ban hardboots in any race, you will alienate a percentage of your riders. Even the charity race in Sugarloaf didn't ban anyone and my son and I were 2 out of 3 snowboarders to enter. There would have been more, as I talked to other kids on the Loafs team, but they didn't know it was allowed. Long and short was, we had a blast, knew we wouldn't beat the skiers without a pull or anything else, but had a blast all the same, placing in the upper middle of the pack. Now the question is, would the race have been better if had been "pure"?
  8. Could be man.... All I know is I have seen some people, on HB and Softies, who can do moves that seem to defy the laws of physics man.... There is some serious talent out there man, far more than I. I just would never want to limit the choice of equipment as I see magic on a board and would never want that to he hindered.
  9. super tight gates would not eliminate HB usage, but just make the boards shorter and the side cut smaller..... the boots stiffness gives the advantage in the turns, as anyone who wanted could run SB on an alpine board if they wanted, but don't as it gives no advantage in gates.
  10. Lib-Tech has the big brother of the Hot Knife, the Dark Knife. Personally, when on softboots, I like this board. It can do carves and it's edge hold is very nice, especially where as I am in NE and we have ice. My kid (who is bigger than me now) rides it like a maniac, and has a blast. Seems they added a little material between the feet as well, which makes it feel stable at speed while the tip and toe is very poppy for pressing. Then again, who am I to do anything special to really see what it can do. CONS: It isn't the best at any one thing. Good at everything, but doesn't excel at any one thing. But if you're looking for a mass-produced board, it really isn't bad.
  11. I would say, let's allow whatever equipment the racer wants. If they think they can make up the recovery with their carving ability, let them try. It follows the same thread in Automobile racing where many for the longest time wanted to ban multi-port fuel injection as a system that cheats. Lets let technology evolve as it makes it better for all of us. Lets say some hard boot manufacturer could design a boot to absorb the shock in an banked slalom or BX race. Would this not benefit the community at large? Would not the individual looking for that superior carve who wants to pop off the side of the mountain not benefit? We need to allow the evolution of the hardware and stop looking to keep it pristine. If we want to keep it pristine, I have an Oxygen Proton we can use for GS and pray we can turn it in time to make the gate.
  12. Thank you, and lets all post the good as well as the bad, so as we can know who are the good companies available for future Nationals.
  13. A no refund policy only applies where as the provider is willing and able to provide the product or service paid for, but the consumer no longer wants it. If the consumer is willing to take delivery, but the provider is no longer willing or able to provide the product or service, the no cancellation policy does not apply. Rocky Mountain Resort Management cancelled all reservations. They are the provider, and are unable to provide the product and services paid for. They are, however, looking to keep the funds. This would be analogist to ordering a set of tires online, and them having an issue with shipping, so they cancelled your order and decided to keep the money. Their merchant agreement along with the laws of commerce in each state prevents such issues with law. Most people don't know what is in the merchant agreement with CC companies, and this is why I posted, as they cannot do what they are attempting to do to me, and my credit card ultimately will back me. Everyone else in a similar situation need to know or look up their rights and not allow these companies to bully and scare you into a loss you are not responsible for. This is why the email content I posted was worded to scare people into taking their deal before they could look into their options.
  14. So, like others, I rented a Condo in Copper Co. The property is under management from 'Rocky Mountain Resort Management' company. The company was good up until now. Here is a snippet from what they sent in the last email: -------------------------------------------- This is our last email to guests due to arrive from today through April 30 regarding getting credits. If you do not respond requesting the credit, your reservation will be cancelled and no credits will be provided. The county has stopped check ins for all guests until further notice. The offer to credit towards a future stay is listed below. Again if an email as stated below is not received 24 hours before your check date we will simply cancel the reservation. We have created the credit option below to create fairness to everyone involved. We wish you the best and hope you stay safe and healthy. Thank you. For those without insurance for their stay, we are offering 50% credit towards a future stay. We would need an email back saying you want us to cancel your reservation and apply 50% of the rental toward a future reservation in our system. This credit would apply to the retail rate on a future stay within 365 days. Thank you." --------------------------------------------- The challenge here, and why I am writing this is, no company can benefit from any contract without being subject to that contract. In the above, he is now going to cancel the bookings, all of them, and is threatening that anyone who doesn't accept his offer will lose all their moneys. This is not legal to do, as the moneys were paid for goods and services. By this, I am referring to their company offering a rental of a property with cleaning services and such, and now looking to collect 50% without providing any of the goods or services they were contracted to provide. If anyone else is in this same boat, be aware that your credit card company will back you, as part of their merchant agreement, they will not require you to pay for goods or services not rendered. So here I am pointing out a poorly run management company and asking the rest who had plans to not just feel pressured to take the first offer of any refund without looking at the total of it in full. I have issued a charge-back with my card and informed Jeffrey DePaola of my action and potential other future actions, but let's not be bullied by people like this.
  15. Waterville just announced it is closing today for the season.
  16. Every mountain here in NE is closing except for Waterville Valley. Apparently, they are closing all the shops and all, shutting down shuttles, and charging close to full price. ($70 for adult per day)... So Maybe they will capitalize on the other mountains closing? Anyway, even Sugarloaf is done, so guess this season is over even though there is still snow. Someone younger than I can go skin it and live it up for the rest of us.
  17. will be there this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the kid... join us or just say hello.
  18. With the COVID 19 and such, USASA made the decision to cancel Nationals this year. I am a bit numb right now, as my son put so much into this season and we were looking so forward to this event, as we have for all the past years. This is his last year before High School and we were so hoping to catch the eye of Steamboat and one of their reps as this was going to be the Nationals to remember. For many other kids, this was their last year to try to take Jr Worlds and that was canceled as well. Everyone is taking a hit to the economy with this pandemic, but this is also affecting the dreams and aspirations of many as well. Kid doesn't want to give up, so we will be on the mountain this Friday, Saturday and Sunday as he fine tunes his form and continues training, as I might get some video or something. I imagine there are many other heavy hearts out there as well with stories of their own.
  19. Great reads in here... The entire reason I HB is due to my son racing. He caught the bug and it was a great way to spend time together. Been doing now for 4 years with him and he has been on HB for 7 years.
  20. I have the same heels and I have to replace the cables every couple years.... I just chalk it up to wear and tear on equipment..
  21. You might want to put the size and the mm size on the heel in this post, as these are very pretty, but no one knows what size these are.
  22. Wait, he gets the chair to himself? And he is complaining? Man, he is lucky......
  23. "Alpinesnowboarder.com cards to hand out to the curious. Thanks for those MCC." I am going to ask Jack if he 1. Has stacks of cards 2. Has a card and minds if we create our own stacks... Cards might be a modest small start..
  24. My biased opinion would be to get more kids racing gates, will help to increase the HB community. At a certain point, a soft boot board just cannot compete at the level needed regardless of how good the rider is, and to stay racing gates, the kids need to go to HB. I find many kids actually want to try a HB setup, but with programs pushing the "all around rider program" which is, in essence, simply catering to the largest monetary denominator to the exclusion of having HB training, I see this as a large factor preventing the growth of the HB community. This is not something unchangeable, but we need to push coaching to understand the value of the learned edge control, and maybe this trend can be turned.
  25. TVR

    board sleeve

    Thanks Lonbordin.... that's what I am looking for...
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