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Everything posted by TVR

  1. Hey, can I have the parts? Always good to have spares after all....
  2. It was a fun day... My age showed a bit, as I was needing the break toward the end... but powdahbonz was good and would take the minute to shoot the breeze... It was a fantastic day though... snow was incredible..
  3. This is a good read.... I have an Oxygen Proton, 185 and it is the love of my life. For the first 5 runs, on first run groomers, there is a feeling that this has that is so very smooth and, well, simply feels good. But as I read your above post, I sadly must admit, I agree.... After the first hour of so, I find it very hard to get my hips to engage and transition edge to edge like I do with my Donek. Sure, it will lay over, but it just doesn't have the grip of a modern designed board. I will go back to the lodge, switch to my 1 year old REV/Secret Hybrid Sean made me and suddenly, hips engage, edges are grippy and I can charge down the mountain even where there is some ice and /or the bumps of standard usage on the now not fresh trails. I will say, I ride better, however, going retro once in a while though. The Oxygen somehow makes me a better rider, even if I would never race with it. I will probably never sell it (even though it has no real value anyway) as I do still enjoy it, but I have to agree with Geoffv here and say the technology makes for better riding, in my humble opinion.
  4. My son, 12, has been on TD3s for 4 years now and loves them. The original old style F2s flexed too much for him and so he preffers the TD3s. He rides 5 days a week. Each rider is different and the decisions on bindings will differ from rider to rider. Some like the flex in the bindings while others like the flex to be in the boot. Some like no flex at all. In either case, I don't think one could make the statement that putting a 12 year old in any TD binding will stop them from liking snowboarding with any degree of certainty or accuracy.
  5. TVR

    Donek AF Plate

    I have two AF so I might part with one... PM me
  6. TVR

    USASA racing questions

    I have to say TLN,, that I often feel the same way... I am in the top of the Ledgends, which means I am old in my class, and often have no one else in there. I use this as best as I can. It is tough to walk into Nationals and see guys with the same points who can actually race from decades of experience. I find by setting goals, I get enjoyment out of being mid-pack and as long as I improve, it makes it fun.. In full disclosure, my son races so it is actually always fun, but I am talking personally.
  7. TVR

    USASA racing questions

    I would litterally go to usasa.org and click on each location for their schedule, for the places you might want to visit. You will get the best bang for the buck if you look for days where they have 3 or more races, but it is also an exhausting day. As an example, I will be at the race at Watterville Valley in the NH series with my son, as they will have 2 GS and one SL race that day. I hope this is helpful, and if you ever plan a NH series, Maine series, or souther vermont series, PM me as I try to make many of those.
  8. On powder days, I still hardboot... with my burton race bindings on my powder board.... I torture my friends as I do duck stance....
  9. Welcome... Now move to New England so as we can see some of those pretty trenches in person.... But seriously, great to have you man, and I am sure we all will see you on a slope somewhere.
  10. TVR

    Any Nastar racers here?

    I think you might need another box of nails.... that is quite the list of medals...
  11. If they had a hardboot coach, I would use them, but they dont. This would also not be something I would open up as a program, as I am just looking to get my 12 year old son to the next level. When he races the USASA races, his age group alone takes up half the participants and he needs more training / coaching than he is getting now, as his runs are either hair on fire fast, or he washes. Thanks for the warning however and I will keep that in mind as I move forward.
  12. My son has been riding hardboots since he was 7. Finding his fist boots and an alpine small enough was a challenge, but now, 5 years later he loves running the gates. My biggest challenge now is getting him coaching from hardbooters as most coaches love the softies and getting him gate time for training
  13. My son boards hardboots after school on weekdays. I an interested in either other hardbooters to train with him or hardboot coaching for him weekdays. Anyone out there, please PM me
  14. If this is on the weekend, most likely I will be there as well. I love to ride with other hardbooters, as my kid is in the program, so I board alone when he is. I cannot give coaching so much as just ride with you... so if that works as well, lets do it.. I am always on a 180 Donek, so I enjoy the carving.
  15. Asking a legit question here..... How do these compare / differ from the BTS system? How do they "feel" vs BTS, etc? Are these more race or freecarve, or just an alternative?
  16. Am I unable to read a calendar, or are some of the Southern Vermont series races on the Friday of the week for GS and SL gate racing? It would seem to me parents need to choose between school and snowboarding to attend those, and that would seem to go against the spirit of USASA. The other series hold their races on the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, which certainly aligns better with a kids future... My $0.02
  17. Also, I will be aging up to your class next year, so if you join USASA and race, you can teach me a few things about carving, and I can give you the scoop where the best beer is served in Copper for Nationals....
  18. I broke a wire hook for the center bend on a set of Deeluxe boots. Who has these parts anymore, or anyone in here? I get these boots are old as dirt, but I like them.... Anyone?
  19. bought a set of BTS, and were shipped to me in under a week... seems the shop is back and working.
  20. Looking for a spare set. I Don't want the sidewinders, but rather the standard TD2 or TD3 step-ins.
  21. Very sweet ride man.... I cannot help wondering with all the symbols, however, if I will some day see Marvels Dr Strange taking it out for a ride... all mystical and all...
  22. My son and I race USASA and we are "in the NH division" but also do the races for Southern Maine series and the Southern Vermont series. Once you are a member of USASA, you just pick the races you want to do, whatever discipline you choose (or multiple) and pay and show up. It is very simple and always a blast. Go to www.usasa.org and look around
  23. join USASA as stated above. Here is what you get, and the costs: Mambership is $100 Each race is about $40, and comes with a ticket for the mountain (Here in NH, ME and VT anyway) You get a national ranking and can race in age group Nationals, if you go, is a week where several hundred hard booters race, mingle and just have an incredible time carving up the Copper Mountain. In addition, Donek is there so you get to drive his latest wares, including plates. It is genuinely an incredible place to be.
  24. Honestly, if you put more than 10 days a year on the snow, you might want to spend the time and money to set up an area and do the tunes yourself. I chatted with several people and purchased the equipment to do my own tunes, and have never looked back. Often, I am at the end of my day with razor sharp edges with a smile on my face while some others are starting to skid as their edges dull from multiple days... There are plenty here who can help you and I am sure a few who are local who can show you... for a pint or two...
  25. It was good last week... come out and play man.. look for the old guy and his son on hard boots, and say hello
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