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Everything posted by bucky

  1. You are definitely not from Wisconsin!
  2. And the announcer pushing for USSA support for Robby
  3. 4th at Blue Mountain World Cup yesterday
  4. I believe USASA coaching certifications currently require a variety of skills, including switch riding, basic pipe skills, jibbing, etc. for a level 100 certification. That's fine - but what if they had a separate certification track for alpine racing based on carving skills? My daughter, who races, could be a great alpine coach in the future, but could care less about jibbing, pipe, etc. In fact, given the scarcity of half-pipes nationwide, it would seem that a much higher percentage of younger snowboarders in USASA programs would have access to racing.
  5. FG plate - 4X4 mount Similar in mechanism/performance to Donek F-plate and VIST SL plates Good condition $150.00 US plus shipping PM me if interested Bucky
  6. Apex X plate Excellent condition $650.00 US plus shipping PM if interested Bucky
  7. Kessler 171 Great GS board for young or lighter racer, storage was on base This board has been raced quite a bit, but still in good condition for the price. $325 US plus shipping PM if interested Bucky
  8. Good condition $325.00 US plus shipping PM me for if interested Bucky
  9. Thanks dude! My wife thought I was getting mail from someplace I'm not supposed to!
  10. Hi Sent PM on the JJA plate Bucky
  11. Alpine Valley East Troy WI near Milwaukee site of several Grateful Dead shows
  12. Hi - I have a Prospect STG 146 that was made locally in Madison WI for my daughter. It is in very good shape. About 20 cm wide at the waist so it can be ridden starting at low angles. Fiberglass construction. $100.00 plus shipping - If interested PM me and I can send pictures. Bucky
  13. This had to hurt - Podium from Rogla 2019 PGS 3 Kesslers, 2 IronRocks, 1 Allflex spring
  14. I took a look at the patents. The patent mentioned on the Allflex webpage (the publication is EP2285457B1) is a granted EPO patent with claims that are directed to . . . a plate for skis. The priority document for the patent was filed in 2008. There is no mention of snowboards in the patent. The claims specify mounting on a ski - "1. A platform for mounting a ski binding (71) to a ski (5) consisting of a fixing assembly (1) which is comprised of at least a base plate (11), which is adapted to be fixed to the upper surface (50) of the ski (5) in each selected area for the fixing of the ski binding (7), and said fixing assembly (1) is adapted to receive and hold a ski boot (6) in the desired position of the intended front assembly (71) and the rear assembly (72) of the ski binding (7), characterized in that the base plate (11) is elastically deformable . . . ." Features 71 and 72 are clearly the toe and heel pieces of standard ski bindings. Don't know if this link will work: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20121017&DB=&locale=en_EP&CC=EP&NR=2285457B1&KC=B1&ND=4# It may be open to discussion whether a snowboard can be considered to be a ski within the terms of the patent claim. Allflex has filed a new patent application on the spring plate (PCT Publ. 2018169494) which specifically references snowboards. https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/inpadocPatentFamily?CC=SI&NR=25390A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=20180928&DB=&locale=en_EP
  15. Jack - seems like you prefer the Apex over Allflex. Can you provide a description of the diffrrences?
  16. First, placed an order on the new bomber. Second, ordered a pair of boots for my daughter from yyz this summer and I can confirm that pricing was in loonies.
  17. Do you know if the boiler plate is 4 or 5 mm? If 4 mm I am interested. Thanks Bucky
  18. My daughter just got back from MHSSC - she had a great time and recommends it. This was her second year going there. She gets to go back to Mt. Hood in two weeks for Project Gold. Not a bad summer!
  19. 171 is for lighter/junior GS racers
  20. The kids that are racing in hard boots also do a lot a free carving in between. My daughter spends about the same amount of time per year practicing free carving in hard boots as practicing in the gates, which adds up to a lot of hours. If you watch, you will see them laying out, taking air, riding powder, etc. If you want to see a carved up hill, go to one of the Midwestern (and I assume other) USASA event and look at the runs they are warming up or free riding on. She's on the right : ).
  21. Skategoat, if they are medium and still available I’ll take them Thanks Bucky
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