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Everything posted by st_lupo

  1. Wound up getting tangled in my own tracks that day. How it started How it went...
  2. I really want to get a pair of these and glue/sew them as an outer layer to my regular mittens... No seams https://www.jokasafe.fi/en/gloves/jokasafe-gloves/8-jokaoiler
  3. Is that spray-on Plastidip different than the other spray-on rubber paints? It is a bit harder for me to get a hold of Plastidip but I tried a similar looking spray-on rubber paint that I could get locally on my mittens. It probably lasted half a run before it turned into black ribbons.
  4. That doesn’t look too bad, but this now a part of your life. Welcome! Spend money on cordura fabrics instead of gortex. Gortex is just a plastic membrane and will get eaten up in null.nix seconds after the fabric wears through. I ate through a pair of Burton AK pants with goretex in two years. Flylow Chemical pants are the only pants that have been significantly more durable than most for me. Highly recommended!
  5. I usually treat any person that stops on a ridge like a potential straightline douche bag. Most of the good skiers that I see don’t want to break their flow, but people that have to stop and size-up the situation are likely going to give up turning on the steeps. I’ll pretty much always stop if there is another person waiting on a ridge and wait for them to go first. Sometimes it turns into the Bennie Hill show with no, you go… no, YOU go… NO, YOU GO… *yakkity sax intensifies*
  6. Maybe we do things a bit different here, but the coolest thing with our local park is that it is a magnet for both snowboarders and skiers, and helps reduce the density of people at the other runs that are better for carving. Granted our terrain park isn't a hardcore park, but has a bunch of features (rails, jumps, boxes) that are on a scale that pretty much everybody loves to ride. I generally just cruise through the park so I can get to the boarder cross run at the end. That is fun when railing the banked turns (as long as there aren't a crazy amount of people around)!
  7. That is some Nietzche level trolling.
  8. They were able to afford a new mtb with a GX drive train and a 3D printed stem in titanium. Oh wait. That was a different thread in a different forum .
  9. I hope one day our paths will cross. Our battle will be epic!
  10. A friend was riding up the lift while I was bombing down the run underneath. A guy that was on the lift with my friend pointed at me and said: “That guy, he’s an asshole. I hate his stupid tracks he leaves in the snow; they make it impossible to relax and have fun when skiing.”
  11. Was on the lift with a husband/wife couple one day and the guy jokingly asked if I could ride somewhere else, since he was trying to teach his wife how to snowboard and she kept watching my riding instead of listening to him and he found it distracting. His wife then replied that she wasn't watching my riding. She was watching me because I was just much better looking than he was!!!
  12. Does palau work with the microwaved rice in pantyhose trick?
  13. Don’t sweat it. EVERYBODY has to learn this on their own. Max lean on the back sounds a bit extreme, how powerful are you toesides through a 180deg turn?
  14. 1. Being slightly more confident on ice/near ice conditions: pushing the nose harder, getting lower and trusting the board and technique better. 2. Being a lot more active rotationally from the waist up. 3. Riding a little looser every year.
  15. On a softboot setup wouldn’t a toeside be the harder side since there is less mechanical advantage and support?
  16. Nice vid. Probably the coolest thing about the vid is the confirmation of just how hard you can charge on ice if you win the mental game. However, given a fixed width trail with ever present trees and lift towers raises the stakes of loosing the mental game immensely. Today I got four runs at the local bump. It was super icy conditions and it took three crappy runs on blue trails to psyc myself up for just one good run. First you have to reconvince yourself that it can be done. Then you have to reconvince yourself that you can do it. Then you have to find the secret sauce to keep your weight forward, commit, and not reach for the ground. It is exhausting and not really fun, but really satisfying when you can pull it off.
  17. How it started: (sounds like somebody got their cat rocked up on crack and threw it in the studio). Got no idea why but bit of this hit my brain like ASMR. How it's going: Same dude but suddenly chill. A mix of ambient, chiptunes and drum and bass. Definitely recognize some of the synthesis style from old C64 games. Been tuning the boards and skis to this the last month.
  18. Dude, so that was your playlist I subscribed to on spotify! Otherwise I really prefer to hear the sound of the snow under the board. Just another source of relevant feedback; is it snow? is it ice? The coolest thing I’ve heard this season is that when the snow is just right my one board with base-structure will make a high pitched whining sound through the apex of highly loaded turns.
  19. So to revive a zombie: What was your experience with the gloves @dredman? I've about burned through my current Hestra gloves, will need a replacement soon, and honestly cannot find any realistic alternatives out there. Would absolutely love something like the snow raiders but with a thick TPU palm overlay molded so that the worst seams are moved to the back of the hand.
  20. The last edition to the quiver for a while now (I think). This scratches that itch I've had for the Alpine Punk Metal Burner. A Virus Le Surf Pro Carbon Titan 185 with the width shaved down by a couple of centimeters (25mm waist to 23mm). After about 15 runs I've had it on ice, pow and hero snow. Currently running a lot of underhang on the boots, while I try to incrementally adjust to shallower angles. Going from 65/60 to 60/55 felt really weird at the start. Can confirm that the board floats really well in pow while standing with my weight centered and it makes the ice just disappear. I was actually looking for some ice in today's hero snow, just because the board stays locked in. It looks dope as 5#!7 too! Between this board and the Kessler 162, I could almost imagine going to a two board quiver.
  21. That was a good chuckle! How about this one?
  22. I really want to try a Thirst some day. Pogo (a German brand) has got some almost pornographically beautiful wood top-sheets too.
  23. It's not just you that is a rhopaloceraphobe. But that wood work though... beautiful!
  24. Do we know that the F2 tnuts aren’t 316? They are definitely ss, but it is thin material in a very high stress area. Helicoils might have been a better design solution, but oh well. I definitely vote for PZ head screws instead of hex. The only ss hex-head screws that I’ve found for use with the bindings stripped the hex so easily.
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