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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. http://www.telemarktips.com/BaseRepair.html some info about base and edge repairs. I did it with my coiler , it worked not too bad. Just remember to use high quality epoxy and use a template to cut out the base so you can get the same size to go back in.
  2. True Dat! I havent gotten beer yet, but we do get nice letters and a 10 thousand dollar fund to buy new defibulators for the mountain after our patrol saved someone's life with it.
  3. Go Canada. Nice board. I hope you like it. I got a coiler 178 titanal on order, I can't wait.
  4. I went grouse hunting this weekend and was hoping to spend the day beating forestry roads and some hiking. I came across one bird 20 minutes into my hike and then at around an hour in I got 4 more in one area that held about 8 grouse. I got my limit and had to go home early and mow the lawn and finish my household chores.:(
  5. check out this thread. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=21513 It seems with the Ebay upgrading their search you need spaces after the commas, it works great now. Cya Jason
  6. I stayed there at Mary's motel, it was not too bad, not sure what the price was (Ski patrol paid for it), it was in town though, not on the highway. It was clean. Thats all I know.
  7. Fleaman

    ebay search

    I just found out what it was, I needed a space between the comma and the word. like your search. funny though, it worked fine untill a few weeks ago. thanks for your help
  8. Fleaman

    ebay search

    (prior,alpine,downhill,madd,bomber,zipfit,intuition liner*,rac*,carv*,coil,dupraz,4807,splitboard,swallowtail,AM,freecarv*,hardb*,catek,donek,coiler,F2,prime,speed,slalom,GS,plate,renntiger,virus,physics,hard,burner,alp)-(rack,racks,sweatshirt,boa,type a,jacket,mouse,lamar) this one gets 162 items. yours (prior, alpine, downhill, madd, bomber, rac*, carv*, freecarv*, hardb*, catek, donek, coiler, F2, prime, speed, slalom, GS, plate, renntiger, virus, physics, hard, burner, alp) -(rack, racks, sweatshirt, jacket, mouse, lamar) gets 16 hits. I was only getting a few before but then all of a sudden I was getting 100's, then one day back to a few then back to 100's of items. weird this one gets 170 items (prior,alpine,downhill,madd,bomber,rac*,carv*,freecarv*,hardb*,catek,donek,coiler,F2,prime,speed,slalom,GS,plate,renntiger,virus,physics,hard,burner,alp)-(rack,racks,sweatshirt,boa,type a,jacket,mouse,lamar) mostly softboot goods
  9. Fleaman

    ebay search

    does anybody else have screwed up ebay searches with tons of jib stock? any fixes? or is it just me. thanks
  10. when our crew works through lunch we get off at 1:30. Sometimes we go to the pub and drink untill 7 or 8 pm No food since breakfast lots of beer makes for a disaster. Now instead of buying rounds of shots, we buy chicken wings or food, its actually cheaper and better for ya.
  11. Yes, I patrol with the Canadian ski patrol in Canada
  12. I think that it is just the summertime. nothing for sale except jibber stock.
  13. Fleaman


    Obviously you are the better man, If you are trying to make it work, don't let it drag on for long. After, I would suggest you move on and get rid of her as she will play both of you for all you got. Thats my 2 cents. I hope it works out for you.
  14. I really liked the take offs of the helicopter with the blades not turning. I know it is the camera but it sure looks neat.
  15. My bike's disks get so hot I can smell them when riding. they are hayes 9's but they still seem to work ok. No problems with the heat marks. Even when going downhill you should still use your front brakes. Your front brake is much more effective than the rear. just watch the trail or road and be prepared to let off the font if you are going to hit a dip or other obstacles.
  16. I asked for a quote but no reply yet, then I forgot about it. I have a new coiler on order now anyways.
  17. Je me Souviens toute les Belles femme au Quebec. I remember all the hot women in Quebec. :1luvu:
  18. would you consider shipping to Canada?
  19. Fleaman

    Home Birth

    http://wonder.cdc.gov/lbd-icd10.html Go to this site and sort birth deaths by medical attendant and you will be suprised. It seems that Midwife births have a death rate of 2.95\1000 and Medical Doctors have a death rate of 7.10\1000 I agree with Bob, Having babies is a risky gamble. If it is your turn or the childs turn, it will happen. It is easy to blame people or methods when there are many factors involved with pediatric health.
  20. Congrats man, Now you can properly say RRRRRROll Up the RRRRRRRIM! and finally understand the Talking to Americans show with Rick Mercer.
  21. runaway boards almost never happen with binding failure, they are sent down by accident or sometimes on purpose. people walking around with or unattended boards are not attached to their rider. eg:I ride halfway down the hill, take off my leash and put my board against a tree to take a piss. I turn around and bump the board and it falls over and begins to rocket down the hill. I had a leash on it but why didn't it stop? This is the point I am trying to make. Yes the leash will save the board during a failure but that is only if the baseplate stays on the board. If you rip the bindings out completely it is gone.
  22. if the snowboard is let go at the top of the mountain it will go to the bottom. Skis have brakes and can be left unattended. I have never seen someone walking around with their board in hand and leash attached to their foot or leg. If I throw my board down the hill it will go until it flips over onto its bindings. The leash does nothing. unless it is attached to the person and the chances of the bindings breaking together is extremely small. If I throw a pair of skis down the hill, it will be stopped by the brakes. In my experience, runaway snowboards are always let go by the user on purpose, not by bindings breaking.
  23. also with intecs you can use some nylon straps with a fastex buckle and extend the release handle up your leg to your hip or inside your sleeves to release without even bending over.
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