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Everything posted by colintkemp

  1. Friends, I rode HEAD SPs for years and loved them. Good fit for my foot, and all that. But all things must come to an end (I guess). Yesterday, while enjoying insane conditions (17-25 degrees F, hero corduroy) at Squaw Valley, I tore the heel ledge off the back of my right (back foot) boot. (Note: I'm not talking about the replaceable block part--I mean the black, built in part--trust me, the boot is done.) Given the HSP is no longer made, what Deeluxe boot do you recommend I get as my next boot? (I'm sure I could burn the earth for a pair of used HSP or spend $1.5M for some Northwaves, but I'm ready for new new boots.) A bit about me (which is probably helpful for your advice): I'm entirely the average male (5'11", 170lbs.), although I do like long walks on the beach and reading Kant's Critique. I tend to ride you basic race boards--for example, my go-to right now is a 185 KST + Apex v.2. (The board is one of Han's flat nose, metal top customs for Michael Lambert--it's a few seasons old now, but it just happens to be perfect for me.) I'm probably, on average, considered a fairly "aggressive" rider (but, yes, you'd still probably take me in a bar fight). Potentially important note: Recently, I have taken to riding with my back foot in "walk mode" (i.e., the HSP lever flipped up). I add this in case this impacts what sort of Deeluxe I should consider. When all is said and done, I probably want a fairly stiff boot, but I'm not running gates any longer; and I don't need to buy/ride in stiff boots to prove how tough I am (my 6 and 4 year olds have convinced me I'm not tough). Anyways, I welcome all comments, especially those who once rode HSP and have moved on--to what, and why? Thanks for taking the time to read/consider, Colin.
  2. 185 metal top KST. Apex v2. TD2 65/65 (w/ 3 degree toe/heel lift). Head Strato Pros. 5'11", 165lbs, blonde hair, green eye, I like long walks on the.... never mind.
  3. Good question, charliechocolate. I echo what lowride and Boris (BlueB) say. All things being equal, I think you'll find the newer P-TEX top sheet versions damper. That is my experience, and I'm a reasonably good guinea pig: Of my 4 main riding boards, I ride 3 KSTs--(i) 2008 180 metal top (w/ hangl); (ii) 2011 180 white top (w/ UPM Apex v1); and (iii) a 2012 185 metal top (w/ UPM Apex v2). (I also once spent a day on a 2012 180 black top (w/ UPM Boiler plate)).) (Plate systems also make things damper of course, but at least the newer KSTs I ride all have the modern ones, so we can cancel them out.) Moreover, because my 185 is a metal top, I am aware of the "dampness" issue. You didn't ask this, but you might try to factor in your "feel" preference into any new board. Meaning, if you don't like super damp, them maybe ask for a metal top from Kessler. My strong preference (notwithstanding wear and tear) is a metal top sheet. In fact, my 180 white is almost too damp. (And, truth be told, I really did not like the 180 black w/ Boiler plate--too damp.) So, where does that leave me? I love my 180 w/ hangl--it is "snappy" (not a term I think comes to mind with KSTs)--it is a teeth rattler too (thanks to hangl); and, my 185 metal is now essentially my favorite board--I road it 3 of 4 days in CO a few weeks back. (But I will admit a 185 w/ Apex is a lot of board for an everyday-go to board.) Hope this helps. Good luck.
  4. Wow, Brian. I was working the course for the WO in 1994. I worked for Monty Olson in the Meadows race department. I was also on the race team with Anton and Jean. You just brought back a ton of wonderful memories. Thanks.
  5. Excellent deal here, folks. And you will not be disappointed dealing with big canuck - well kept and well packaged boards.
  6. Kessler metal top KST 185 with apex v2 (maybe only a 180).
  7. Wow, it looks like a sick alpine board, but better.
  8. First, I would not consider myself an expert on these matters. But, to answer your question: Yes, I use blue Loctite (comes in a small burgundy tube). I use it to mount Apex plate brackets on my Kesslers (which brackets I understand given the short screw depth can come loose). Knock on wood, but I have never had a problem with those screws coming loose since I started using the Loctite and, moreover, I have not had a problem taking the screws out when needed. Good luck.
  9. I saw McConkey last night at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Fantastic movie; wonderful celebration of a true pioneer. Go see it. http://mcconkeymovie.com/
  10. Just thinking ahead... My wife and I are planning on coming and bringing our young children. Any recommendations for condos/houses (or websites for that) to help me get started with planning housing? Thanks in advance. Moderators, sorry if this post should be elsewhere, but the SES 2014 subsection is not up yet, so I thought I would post here, and let you admonish me if that's what I deserve.
  11. Sold.... (don't tell my wife)
  12. Well, I'm even later to this party, but let me add my appreciation for all of Jack's great mod work. Hope the new job is going well.
  13. Thanks for the vids and updates, Sean. Good stuff.
  14. Kurt, Good looking turns. Excellent. What Oxess are you on in these?
  15. Kurt, the Proteus is not VSR. Single. Jack, love the backdrop in the photo.
  16. Interested if still available. Please email me if it is at colintkemp at yahoo dot com.
  17. Black boots; black tongues. No mods whatsoever, but I ride with back leg in walk mode often. I'm 170 or just a bit more. I've been on the same ones about 4 years. Love them.
  18. Year? Rider weight? Edges? Grinds? Also, I can't see it very well, but is it drilled for Hangl only one direction (i.e., goofy rider only)?
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